アウレリオの辞書によると、橋とは「水路または土地のくぼみによって隔てられた 2 点を結ぶために建設された作品。橋の夢には、象徴的に同じ機能があります:2 つの場所または 2 つの物を接続し、障害物を渡るためのガイドです。
橋の夢が意味することの可能な意味の中で、一般的に、橋は吉兆、吉兆、幸運のしるしであると進めることができます。乗り越えられなかった逆境の克服、豊穣と繁栄の時代。夢はしばしば無意識からのメッセージであり、私たちに、またはその特定の日に気付かれなかった小さな事実、またはあなたが意識的に捉えることができなかったが、どういうわけかあなたの脳、またはあなたの精神でさえ捉えた何かについてさえ警告します. .
はい、これは間違いなく強力で安全な橋です。静かに前進してください。道は用意されていて、幸せへの道があなたを待っています。 The invitation is for a pleasant and comfortable crossing, follow your destination, but as in any trip, keep your attention, even the best paved road can have some holes. Focus!
Dream Of A Beautiful Bridge
A beautiful bridge with a beautiful landscape is a beautiful invitation to watch a sunset for two, and that’s more or less what dreaming of a beautiful bridge means. Success and peace in love! You and your partner are connected and ready to move on. If you haven’t found love yet, pay more attention because it may be right next to you. Be happy!
Courage and determination you have already shown, now take only the final step. Remember, the true victory is the one that lifts not only you, but the one that opens the way for others to win with you. Humility and dignity always. Forward!
Dream You Jumped Or Fell Off The Bridge
Jumping or falling off a bridge in a dream is just a reflection of our own fears and insecurities. You are uncertain about your ability to achieve the goals you set yourself, the demands society or family imposes on us, or the goals and targets at work or in business.
Dreaming that you jump off a bridge or dreaming that you fall off a bridge also represent the fear of connecting more seriously with a person. It can be in a loving relationship or in a possible society. Your fear may be related to the changes this connection can bring to your life or even a sign for you to stop and observe well whether this “bridge” is safe and worth crossing.
Dreaming Of A Bridge Over Water
Generally, if the bridge is flooded or extends over the water, this suggests that the transition or next journey will be emotional. If the water under the bridge is rising and flooding the surface of the road, it means that you are letting your emotions paralyze you by preventing you from moving forward.
Dreaming Of A Falling Bridge
You may be letting an important opportunity pass you by. The kind of opportunity that can change your life. The collapsing bridge represents viable chances that you have to make something work, but that for some reason you have despised. Believe and have faith, as well as attention and sensitivity to not let these opportunities slip away.
Dream About A Bridge Being Built
A bridge being built in a dream denotes a period of transition and gradual transformation in your life. There is a new stage coming up in your career soon or a new love may appear. Dreaming of bridges under construction is also a good sign to close a deal, buy a property or change cars. If the bridge is unfinished, it may be a sign that you need to prepare a little more before taking a step forward.
Dreaming Of A Narrow Bridge
The paths are not always easy to follow. In fact, the tendency is to face difficulties and obstacles. What we can never admit is to give up on moving forward. A narrow bridge represents the obstacles you face. Move on.
Dreaming Of A Tight Bridge
You are unsure about any recent decisions. If that’s what you want, make the latest analysis, weigh the pros and cons and always be ethical in any instance.
Dream Of A Drawbridge
Dreaming of a drawbridge is a sign that many of the problems you have faced are created by yourself. Talk to someone you can trust and open up about what you have felt and about something you want to conquer. Sometimes an outsider can see the road better.