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ヘビの夢は次のことを示しています。 人間関係の不満、対処するのが難しい、隠れた感情、変容、人生に集中する必要性.ジークムント・フロイトは有名な著書の中で、蛇は私たちの内なるエネルギーとつながっていると述べています。確執は、人の夢が潜在意識とつながっていることを確認しました。したがって、フロイトによれば、あなたの夢にヘビや蛇が現れるということは、この夢がつながりに関するものであることを意味していると結論付けることができます!

ユダヤ教とキリスト教の聖典 (聖書の時代) では、ヘビ (蛇として知られている) は悪魔の形と見なされています。夢の中では、ヘビは癒し、欺瞞の再生、そして新しい人生を象徴するために使用される可能性があります.



夢の中でヘビの脅威に遭遇した場合、これは潜在意識に対処するのが難しいことを示しています。人生のすべてが満足で幸せであることに気付くかもしれませんが、その下には、あなたに関係することがいくつかあります。夢の解釈を求める際には、さまざまな要素を考慮する必要があります。通常、ヘビまたは蛇のイメージ 内なるあなたの力を表します。夢の中でヘビが大きい場合、これは誰かがあなたに危害を加えようとしていることを示唆している可能性があります。良いニュースは、あなたにはこれを引き受けるのに十分な力があるということです.


古代神話では、ヘビは不死の象徴でした。これは、ヘビが脱皮できることによるもので、グレコ ローマの医学の神の象徴でもあります。尻尾をくわえたこの紋章は、誕生、死、再生のサイクルを表しています。

夢の中で死体と蛇を見たら フロイトによれば、これは、目覚めている人生では認識されていない情熱に直接関連しています。ヘビが演技をしている床やカーペットの上にいる場合、これはあなたが現在感じている苦味と虚無感がすぐに過ぎ去ることを示しています。草の中のヘビの夢は、あなたを動揺させ、欲求不満、後悔、憂鬱を伴うニュースを聞くことを意味します.

ヘビに飲み込まれた場合 、これは、ネガティブに考える理由を考える必要があり、現実の世界に戻って満足して幸せになる必要があることを意味します.ヘビがあなたの体を取り囲んでいる場合、この夢は閉じ込めの直接的な解釈であり、恋愛に関連している可能性があります。田舎の草、川、または野原でヘビを見た場合、この夢は、あなたの人生の誰かが現在不誠実であり、それを認識する必要があることを示しています。今、ヘビに飲み込まれたり食べられたりする 夢の中でこれは、あなたが今、あまりにも多くの人を動揺させていることを示しています。

ヘビに毒がある場合 、これはあなたの恐怖の直接的な表現です.頭をヘビに囲まれた神話上のメデューサの姿を覚えていますか。彼女は人々を石に変えます。この夢は、あなたの中に相反する感情があり、それらがあなたの内なる平和を害し始めていることを表しています。過去を完全に忘れて、自己回復の旅に出ることを確認することが重要です。

昔、夢の中でヘビを視覚化していることに気付いた場合、これは、人生を進歩させるために、状況を受け入れ、そこから良いものを変える時が来たことを意味します。毒蛇の夢は、あなたの職業生活における力があなたを脅かしていることを示しています。 蛇に襲われる夢なら 、その後、敵はあなたの弱点を見つけるためにあなたを取り囲み、あなたを台無しにしようとします.自分の責任に問題があることを認識することが重要です。

たくさんの蛇の夢を見る 、それは人があなたが避難していることを確認しようとしていることを意味します.あなたの夢に飼いならされたヘビが含まれている場合 の場合、これはあなたが困難な時期を克服する過程にあることを示しています。ヘビが飼い慣らされているという事実は、困難な状況で自分自身を操縦し、障害を克服することができたことを示しています。



ヘビまたは蛇の古代の精神的な夢の解釈は何ですか (1920 年代以前)?

あなたが女性で、死んだ蛇に噛まれる夢を見るなら 、これは、友人と関係のある状況で何らかの敗北を喫することを示しています。この夢は通常、さまざまな形や段階で悪を予告します。男性にとって、これは状況を深く調べすぎないようにという警告です。 ヘビが自分に巻き付く夢を見たら または他の人にとって、これはあなたが将来権力の座につく可能性が高いことを意味しますが、それはすぐにあなたから奪われます. ヘビが別の動物や別の物に変わるのを見たら 、この夢は、将来、どんな困難もあなたによって破壊される可能性が高いことを象徴しています。ヘビが他の人を攻撃しているのを見た夢は、友人があなたの気持ちを傷つけようとしていることを予告しています。小さなヘビを見ると、将来の喜びに直結します。


双頭のヘビは外見的には珍しく、通常、10000 匹に 1 匹のヘビが実際に 2 つの頭を持っています。 2 つの頭を持つヘビの実際の名前は、bicephalic または dicephalic として知られています。驚くべきことに、これらのヘビは今でも 2 匹の別々のヘビとして意思決定を行っています。夢の中で多頭のヘビ(複数の頭)を見ると、人生には複数の選択肢があることを示している可能性があります。ギリシャ神話とローマ神話の両方に目を向けると、双頭の蛇は通常、悪魔のつながりにつながっています。たとえば、ヘラクレスでは、多くの頭を持つ人物であるLernean Hydraが殺されました.双頭のヘビを夢見ることは、あなたの安全に関連する神秘的な意味を持っています.古代の夢辞典では、この夢は危険と複数の脅威を示しています。双頭の蛇の夢は、かつてお世話になった人との困難や対立に直面することを意味します。あなたがその人を傷つけてしまい、その人が何らかの復讐を企んでいるのかもしれません。この人物が誰であるかはわかっているので、問題が複雑になる前に解決することをお勧めします。解決策はコミュニケーションです。私のアドバイスは、人生について率直に話すことです.

ヘビと遊んでいる子供たちを見たら 、またはヘビと遊んでいる 、この夢は、あなたが将来、敵と本性を見分けることができるようになることを示しています。ヘビに当たった場合、危害を加えようとする敵を克服できる可能性があります。ヘビが宙に浮き上がるのを見るのは、陰謀の直接的な兆候です。誰かが人生で非常に勇敢になろうとしています。その人が不安を克服したことを祝福できるように、この行動を認識することが重要です。

ヘビに催眠術をかけられている場合 、これはあなたの権利が維持されることを示しています。ヘビは、あなたの人生の現在の状況を反映していることがよくあります。現実と向き合う時なのかもしれません。夢の中でヘビが半分に切られているのを見つけた場合、これは社会的状況によりよく適応する必要があることを示しています。重要なメッセージは、決して優しくなりすぎることはできないということです。他者への配慮と敬意が推奨されます。ヘビの色もあなたの夢に追加の解釈を与えるかもしれません.

ヘビの赤ちゃんを見かけたら あなたの夢の中で、これはあなたの子供の光を直接示しています。お金でより良い行動をする時が来たことを示すシンボルです。あなたの夢の中のヘビが別の人に変わる場合、これは悪い習慣をやめる時が来たことを示している可能性があります。ヘビに噛まれても致命的ではない場合、その夢はあなたが人生で形成したパターンに関連しています。咬傷が致命的だった場合、その時点であなたの周りに敵がいます.




近くのヘビを見るには 夢の中やヘビを扱っている場合 、これは、障害を克服するための戦略を立てようとしていることを示しています。あなたの横を蛇が横切ることに気づくことは、あなたの人生で闘争が発展する可能性が高いことを示しています.ヘビを殺せば、周りの人に対して自分自身を前進させる絶好の機会が得られます。これは、立ちはだかるすべての障害を克服しようとしているという点で、前向きな夢です。

夢の中でヘビの上を歩いていることに気付いた場合、これは自分のビジョンと運命を変えることができることを示しています。 ヘビがあなたと戦う場合 、その後、あなたの人生の影響力が物事を引き継ぐでしょう。これらの影響はプラスです。蛇に出くわす夢を見た場合、あなたは嘘をつく可能性が高く、この夢は潜在意識への警告です。メッセージは、あなたが扱われるのが好きな方法で人々を扱うことです. ヘビをよけるか避ける場合 または、ヘビを通過させるために、この夢は、あなたの努力があなたの邪魔になるかもしれない障害を克服するのに役立つことを示しています.


夢に登場するさまざまな種類のヘビは、その意味にとって重要です。あなたの夢のヘビがアダーである場合、これは友人に直接関連付けられています.この夢には古代の解釈があります:加算器 お金の問題に直面することを意味する可能性があります。 Asp 「Aspis」という言葉を現代の英語化したもので、古代ではナイル地方で見つかったいくつかの毒ヘビ種の 1 つを指していました。あなたの夢がAspを見ることを含む場合、これは女性にとって否定的な夢であり、彼女に危害を加えたい敵が数人いることを示しています。あなたが男性の場合、これは、男性的な状況に関する困難な問題を克服しようとしていることを示しています。クレオパトラは、彼女の娯楽のために、有罪判決を受けた人々や動物に対してさまざまな猛毒をテストし、Asp の咬傷が最も恐ろしい死に方であると結論付けました。したがって、夢の観点から言えば、物事をより大きな観点から見ると、悪い時期はそれほど悪くないことを理解することが重要です.

ボアコンストリクターの夢を見る 、それは一般的に、近い将来あなたの人生に嵐の時が訪れる可能性が高いことを示しています。このタイプのヘビを殺した場合、それは前向きな夢であり、直面する困難を克服し、強い性格を持っていることを示しています。古代のオラクルによると、ヘビは一般的に、特にヘビが怪我をした場合、トラブルや困難な時期の警告です。 1 匹か 2 匹以上のヘビを殺した場合、これは、あなたに危害を加えようとする敵によって危険にさらされていることを示しています。将来、信頼できる人にだまされないようにしてください。夢の中ですべてのヘビに危害を加えたり、駆除したりする場合、これは、将来、敵対的または困難な人々を克服できることを示しています。 ヘビの上を歩く場合 彼らを殺そうとせずとも、最終的に形勢を逆転させることができ、正義がその道を進むことを示唆しています。ヘビを扱う経験が前向きであることを夢見ているなら、あなたは誰かに惑わされている可能性があります。あなたの夢が、仕事中のプロの蛇使いや、じゅうたんの上で蛇を操っている誰かを描いていた場合、これは将来、うわさ話をする可能性が高いことを示しています。








カール・ユングは地球と天国を結び付けようとしましたが、ヘビは問題の終わりを表していると信じていました。この夢は悪と悪のバランスを示しており、ほとんどの夢解釈者は、この夢を夢想家の性的力に影響を与える可能性のあるものと混ぜ合わせています。ヘビが脱皮するという事実は、あなたの人生における変化の重要性と、将来変化を強いられる可能性があることも表しています。カール・ユングは、私たちの無意識には元型として知られる隠れた領域があると信じていました。アーキタイプとは?これはあなたの夢の象徴にすぎません - ヘビなど.















蛇に噛まれる夢を見た場合は、人生の状況で考え直している可能性があることを暗示しています。 「かみ傷」は、あなたが人生で苦しんでいる不安を表しています。蛇に噛まれること自体が、あなたが突然振り向く必要があること、そしてこれから何が起こるかをあなたに伝えています。さらに、蛇に足を噛まれた場合は、人生を振り返る時期に遭遇する可能性があることを精神的に示している可能性があります。ここをクリックすることで、ヘビに噛まれる夢の具体的な意味をすでに焦点を当てているので、これをチェックすることを忘れないでください.ヘビが他の人を噛んだり攻撃したりするのを見ると、ある程度、過去の困難を思い出し、多くの場合思い出させられます.

体にかみ傷や傷跡があることに気付くと、人生で集中力を失ってはならないことを思い出させてくれます。過去を置き去りにして、幸せな未来に向かって前進する時が来ました。 To see other people bitten by snakes in a dream indicates you can’t fix other people’s attitudes. Work on your self-confidence and rebuild your life. You can do it and still be proud of your scars of the past problems and worries. The snake may also be the wake up of facing a threat in life.

What does it mean if of a snake bite on the left hand?

If a snake has bitten you on your left hand, it represents your weakness in life. You feel vulnerable or weak in someone’s presence and you want to overcome your fears of getting hurt. You also fear you will make a wrong choice and you’re concerned about your mental health. My advice is to try to overcome your fears by facing them. Focus on becoming an independent person in life. Once you do, you won’t fear people will hurt you or betray you anymore. You will feel confident enough to continue living your life even if it happens.

What does it mean to dream of a snake bite on the right hand?

If you dreamed of a snake bite on your right hand, it indicates a negative experience will soon happen in near future. You won’t be able to avoid it but you will overcome it thanks to your strength. I believe that the snake bite on the right hand is about how you approach your goals in life. After All, the right hand is what we make our life according to palmistry! If the snake bite was deep on the right hand it can indicate a hidden pattern of behavior. This may be your own or others.

What does it mean to dream of poisonous snakes?

If you dreamed of poisonous snakes, it means you’re in some kind of ‘poisonous’ relationship. A person you believe is improving your life, is actually doing the opposite. Try to think about who this might be! Do you already know who the person is? Keep your distance until you review and understand the relationship.

What does it mean to be surrounded by snakes in your dream?

In my opinion, to be surrounded by snakes which are wriggling and slithering often indicates your own anxieties in life. Perhaps you fall over the snakes or they crawl on you. This can be a rather disturbing dream I know.If you are surrounded by snakes it indicates that there have been a number of possibilities to progress your life. The fact that you were dreaming of snakes indicates that even though you have that opportunity for change were worried about the future.

So how can this help interpret your dream? The way you felt in the dream is equally important to do not cause you any harm at all. I want to end with an important message. In my view, you don’t need a psychologist to interpret your dream. If you remembered the dream well you can think about areas of your life that could have resulted in this dream. I’m asking you to pay attention to your intuition when you translate what your snake dream means. I truly believe that you will find the solution to your dream by looking deep inside yourself.

If you had a dream of being surrounded by snakes as I have already outlined it can be a concerning dream, the snakes themselves in a dream represents fake friends. So, if the snakes are everywhere it represents people are not being themselves! Yes, I know that is not what you want to hear! So if you are surrounded by snakes it indicates you are among people who don’t deserve your trust and friendship, and you know it. At times, we always come across people that have the power to change us. Small things become big and remember that winter turns to spring. The greatest change I ever saw was after I had this dream. It meant that I had to review the people around me, remember It’s always better to be alone than with the wrong people in life.

What is the connection with a snake dream and lottery number?

The connection between a lottery number and a snake dream is spiritual. If you dreamed of a specific number of snakes, it means you should play the lottery with the number and try your luck. It is very uncommon to dream of winning numbers so please be vigilant that you may not win! Snake dream lottery numbers:Now, according to my dream book:Aunty Sallys dream book on lucky numbers, If you dreamed of a viper the number you should play is 67, to dream of multiple snakes the number is 6, to dream of a green snake the number is 34, a red snake the number is 23. If in your dream you dream of a white snake then the number is 13. Obviously, this is just for entertainment purposes, so don’t read too much into it!頑張ってください!

What do green snake dreams mean?

Green snakes in a dream represent hope and your connection with your own soul. You’ve been experiencing some inner conflicts but you’re going to solve them on your own soon. Always look for peace within yourself, not in someone else, or someplace else. Green from a spiritual perspective is connected to grounding in life. You need to review how you focus on your own spiritual development. To read more about a green snake in a dream click here.

What does it mean to kill a snake in a dream?

If you killed a snake in your dream, it foretells you’re going to successfully avoid danger in waking life. You will also end a relationship with a toxic person who’s doing more harm than good in our life. Often, in many psychological dreams meaning books regarding snake dreams killing a snake is connected to our desires in life.

What does it mean to dream of eating snakes?

If you ate a snake in your dream state, it means you feel content and happy with your life. Your dream also signifies a desire for someone you know you’re not allowed to have. You’re not satisfied with your love life and you wish you had someone to fulfill your biggest desires. The actual "eating" a snake can also be connected to how you are feeling inside. Maybe you want more or are feeling a sense of helplessness in waking life? Eating snakes on a plate, for example, can indicate that you are wanting a new partner. So go out and get one!

I want to share a secret with you before I go. When I was 11 years old I started to begin to dream of snakes. This would be at least once a week, there would be hundreds of white snakes everywhere in my garden, bedroom and on the sidewalk. The snakes weren’t threatening to me at all. But as I was so young it did cause me some concern. Why was there so many snakes in my dream? I would sometimes half open my eyes in the morning and wonder if a snake was under my bed and I can remember feeling that I just wanted the snakes to go away. If I opened my eyes in the black of the night I could sometimes feel the movement of the snake. The dream at this time was extremely vivid and this led me to the path of dream interpretation that was nearly 30 years ago! So yes, I feel well-placed in order to decode your dream and I’m so grateful and thankful that you have found the website.

What do old dream books say about snake dreams?

Now, I have many spiritual magazines, research papers, and books, in fact, a whole library full of material related to the snake dream. In order to understand what this dream means I turned to the 1930s occult dream meanings. This is what they say:If you have a snake around your body, this can show some type of entrapment and ongoing problems in a relationship. This can signify marital difficulties and divorce. Even though it may be a negative situation and cause problems, the feeling of happiness will return eventually. If you see a snake on top of a dead body, this represents love, but can also show control.

Why is the snake dream so popular?

The dream of snakes appears more than once during this tremendous timespan. What I find even more fascinating about all the dreams that I have decoded about snakes is the fact that generally in waking life we do not encounter snakes on a regular basis! This has led me to believe that perhaps the fact that we subconsciously see snakes may be why the dream is so popular. Snakes also represent an opportunity to change and the ability to grow dependent upon the details of the dream.

What is the Chinese interpretation of dreaming of snakes?

In the Chinese culture, the snake is connected to intelligence, mystery, and manipulation. Unlike Islamic and Christian meanings, the snake doesn’t have an evil connotation in the Chinese culture. If you see a snake in your dream, the Chinese interpretation of your dream is associated with your personal growth, inner strength and acquiring power in waking life. If you’re being attacked by a snake in your dream, it’s a sign of endurance and mental strength. Your dream reveals your preparedness to deal with unexpected challenges.

What did snakes mean in ancient cultures?

Many ancient cultures viewed snake as a symbol of immortality because they believed snakes reincarnate themselves when changing their skin. They’re also associated with immortality because of their ability to bite their tails and form a circle without a problem. In the process of forming a circle it looks like they’re forming spirals, and we all know that spirals and circles symbolize eternity and immortality. The circle was seen as an important symbol to Dahomeyan myth where the snake Danh that was represented as a god, circled the world like a belt, preventing it from flying apart in splinters.

According to Egyptian myths, the state of existence before the creation of everything was symbolized as Amduat – snake from which Ra the Sun and all of the creation arose, returned every night, and were reborn each morning. The snake biting its tail symbolized the sea as the infinite ring which held the world tight. In Egypt, snakes have healing abilities and supernatural power. Egyptians actually believe that their gods manifest through snakes.

A snake is seen as the Devil in Christian traditions because of her involvement in the baning of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The Biblical story says that Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating a forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. And the one tempting them to do it was a snake. First, Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit which in the case was an apple, and then she convinced Adam to do as well. You probably know the rest. God banishes both of them from the Garden of Eden and curses the snake. Meaning, in Christian traditions, a snake is a manifestation of the Devil.

What do snakes mean in Greek mythology?

In Greek mythology, snakes are respected creatures. They’re associated with healing and the ancient myth of Aesculapius, whose snake-familiars crawled across the bodies of sick people at night and licked them. This affected their health in a positive way. Allegedly, they were all waking up healed in the morning. In parts of South Asia, snakes are seen as possessing creatures with aphrodisiac qualities. According to myths in Greek culture, those who could not see or hear we're supposed to get licked on their eyes or ears by a snake in order to acquire back their sight and hearing.

What do snakes mean in Aztec tradition?

The Aztec culture is one of the most mysterious but also most successful cultures around the world. And as in many cultures, the primary and crucial gods in Aztec culture were the snakes. They’re seen as symbols of health, creation, and vitality. Snakes played an important role in the Aztec culture that can be noticed in the surrounding buildings. The Coatepec or as many like to call it “hill of the serpents” is considered as holy ground. Allegedly, It’s the birthplace of the god Huitzilopochtli, which makes the ground sacred. Western cultures responded negatively to venomous snakes because, in the mind of people, snakes were dangerous and negative creatures. However, in Aztec culture, people admired snakes and their power to kill with their venom, instead of fearing them and their presence.

What is a snake as a phallic symbol?

The snake is a phallic symbol according to Sigmund Freud’s theory. For him, snake dreams are closely related to your unconscious desires. From another perspective, Carl Jung viewed snakes as a representation of some conflict you’re facing. He also believed that snakes are symbols of life forces and the inner healing you’re experiencing.

Freud claimed that the snake in dreams represents your drive. If you’re a female, it represents only your relationship and some person you find highly attractive in waking life. His interpretation of your snake dream is associated with your love life and the male figures you’re attracted to. If you’re a male, it shows that you’re having desires. As I have said before, the snake symbolizes a penis, meaning your snake dream is associated with your love life. Maybe it represents how you experience your own manhood. It’s possible that you’re having difficulties with expressing yourself or getting your needs fulfilled.

Jung perspective on snake dreams is a bit different. When analyzing a snake dream, remember that he thought of the presence of something wild in your dream means you will acquire greater wisdom from nature. Don’t take the shorter and easier way to success but the harder and longer one. Sometimes, it’s not all about the destination but the journey and the obstacles you overcome on the road. This dream includes experiences you may find dangerous but useful. Also, according to Jung, the snake in a dream represents danger.

In summary, when we dream of snakes it can indicate that we have a situation on our hands in waking life. Every single snake dream has slightly different meanings depending on the context of the dream itself which I hope you enjoyed reading. Maybe you had a dream of snakes biting you, vomiting snakes or even snakes in the grass all have different meanings. Despite the fact that the snake is considered an archetypical symbol, it is often connected to progress in life.

Snakes symbolism in a dream is connected to rebirth and transformation in waking life.

If you have dreams of snakes and you are looking for the meaning - then this indicates that you are going to face in challenging times ahead. If we look at the interpretation of famous dream psychologists, Freud believes that the snake is connected to a masculine figure. This could possibly be a male energetically or alternatively the sexual organ of the male organ. Freud believed that snakes are a rich symbol which is associated with our dreams.

 In your dream

  • A snake was seen in the dream state.
  • You were frightened of seeing a snake in your dream.
  • Other people were frightened of seeing a snake in your dream.
  • You killed a snake in your dream.
  • Other people killed a snake in your dream.
  • A snake with many patterns was featured in your dream.

Is this dream of a snake good or bad?

If we look at shamanism the snake itself can be seen as an important animal guide. The snake is connected to how we interact with other human beings. This could be how we communicate or deal with difficult and unsettling situations in waking life. There is a number of different elements that you need to undertake in order to determine what the dream of snakes signifies. Firstly the general dream meaning should be defined - followed by the aspects that are featured / included in the dream. Consider the general meaning of the snake found in dreams. Many people are fearful of snakes and this is not uncommon in the dream state. If you see a snake attacking you in the dream this can be connected to having a sense of shock in defeating an enemy. If the snake appears friendly in your dream then this can be a suggestion that you are likely to face some difficult problems in the near future - but you will have help in overcoming these going forward.

The snake itself can symbolise our psychic energy. It's basically a production of our energy into the world. Depending upon the colour of the snake it can signify passion, anger, conflict, upheaval and rebirth. Equally, the snake can also be associated with kindness, healing and a new start or beginning in waking life. The snake itself is associated with force and survival. In occult terms, the snake can suggest the unfolding of different events which ultimately will have a successful outcome.

The snake can certainly cause serious injury or death in the dream. If the snake does attack you in the dream state and you are able to escape from the snake in your dream then this indicates powerful growth. It can suggest that you may be in relationships which you are likely to grow. If we look at life itself everything has a cycle.

Many fear the snake due to their venom so in dreams this is associated with your inner energy rising up. Most psychologists identify that the snake dream is connected to our mind, how we navigate life. How we interpret intimacy and bonding with different human beings. If we look at ancient South Americans they connect the snake with being a messenger, they believe that snakes are used to send a message to others - which is negative in nature. In our dreams, the snakes deliver us a message. Another interpretation of a snake dream is that of healing. If we look at some of the ancient statues of snakes around the world we see many that use the symbol of the snake as rebirth. The snake can represent different advice depending on the details of the dream itself. As we have already outlined the snake is representative of our life cycle in the world.

There appears to be little universal meaning the symbol of the snake in a dream. We look at the Christian religion it defines the snake Satan in disguise. Equally, in Judaism, the snake is also considered evil. Some religions (pre-Christian) considered the snake sacred this was due to the fact it sheds its skin which is associated with rebirth. In Egypt the snake is representative of positive and negative energy this is cosmic energy.

To see two snakes twisting in a dream is associated with healing. If we look at the symbolic meaning the two snakes twisting is similar to the Roman staff of Mercury that creates a healing symbol - used by doctors throughout the world. In the Hindus tradition, the snake represents a force of life known as the kundalini which lays at the base of the human spine. In this tradition, the snake energy provides mental illness or spiritual development. If we look at the occult meaning of the snake the Greek goddess Hecate and Artemis carry snakes.

Summary of a snake dream

The snake has both male and female aspects. Consequently, in the dream state, the snake is associated with female power. Many old dream dictionaries foretell that the snake symbol is associated with deceit. In the Indian tradition typically the Badaga dreaming of snakes represents a new threat in the home. In Mexico the snake dream is connected to quarrels, feeling trapped, wealth and also money. The snake dream is also connected to shamanic power and a sign that the dreamer is strong. A famous theory of the snake by Sigmund Freud is that the snake represents the male reproductive organ.

The snake can represent different advice depending on the details of the dream itself. As we have already outlined the snake is representative of our life cycle in the world. The snake itself can be a symbol of life and death and is connected to how we are perceived by others. In many occult writings the snake itself is a symbol of energy, the energy and life force of life itself.

In order to understand the basic dream interpretation, it is important for us to look at the different elements of the dream. In life sometimes we dream vividly, in black and white alternatively we dream in colour. The snake dream is often connected to nightmares, thus, can be terrifying or worrying. It may be that you wake up and are worried about your subconscious mind? It is important to recognize that the snake is connected to our subconscious hidden emotions and in terms of the occult the snake symbolizes healing.

In many ancient dream dictionaries, the snake represents discontentment and also the importance of healing. If you are bitten by a snake then this is generally associated with an enemy in life. If we look at the snake as a symbol it sheds its skin and is a sign of rebirth/transformation. To see more than one snake in a dream can suggest that you have a number of enemies that are against you at the moment.

Research Sources

  • Spiritual dreams (1920s) Sigmund Freud, the interpretation of dreams (1900)
  • Book Occult Magazine (1920), Snakes the encyclopedia (1920)
  • Snakes by Chris Mattison ISBN:9780691132952, Amazing snakes by Sarah L.

About the author

In total over 8,000 people have contacted me in the last decade about their snake dream. Oh before I forget, I am psychic and have been in the field of dream psychology for 25 years.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of the snake

Terrified.驚いた。気になる。 Worried. Strange. Insecure. Furious. Upset. Overwhelmed. Offended. Insecure. Upset.怒り。 Scared.

  1. イエロースネークドリーム

  2. レスリングスネークについての夢

  3. ヘビのカップルについての夢

  4. ヘビを捕まえることについての夢

  5. 赤蛇の夢

  6. 茶色の蛇の夢

  7. コブラ ヘビ

  8. 蛇を倒す

  9. 蛇の夢を見る