馬の夢 – 意味と解釈
白馬の夢。 白い馬の夢を見た場合、そのような夢は必ずしも良いシンボルとは限りません.
白馬に乗る夢。 白馬に乗る夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候であり、友人との良好な関係を示しています。この夢はまた、あなたが友達に感謝し、大切にする傾向があることを示しています.
黒い馬の夢。 夢の中で黒い馬を見た場合、そのような夢は、あなたの人生のある関係があなたの注意に値しないことに気付いたことを示している可能性があります.
美しい馬を夢見て。 夢の中で美しい馬や馬を見た場合、そのような夢は非常に良い兆候であり、成功と繁栄を示しています.
馬に乗って川を渡る夢。 馬に乗って川を渡る夢を見た場合、その夢はあなたの計画が成功する暗示です。この夢がそのような意味を持つためには、実際に川の向こう側に渡ることが重要です.
馬に乗って小川を渡る夢。 夢の中で馬に乗って小川を渡っていたら、そのような夢は良い兆候です。この夢は、成功への道のりで障害を克服するあなたの能力を示しています。また、幸運と計画の成功を示します。
馬に蹴られる夢。 馬に鞍から蹴られる、または馬に蹴られる夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではなく、悲しみに満ちた人生の悪い時期を示しています。
野生の馬に乗ることを夢見ています。 野生の馬に乗ろうとする夢を見た場合、そのような夢は、あなたに大きな障害がやってくることを示しています。プロジェクトや新しいビジネスベンチャーなど、何か新しいことを始めようと計画しているかもしれませんし、待望の目標を達成しようとしているのかもしれませんが、その途中で克服するのが難しい大きな困難に直面することになるでしょう.
汚れた馬の夢を見る 夢の中で汚くてみすぼらしい馬を見た場合、そのような夢は、親密な関係による失望を示している可能性があります。この夢は、あなたの近くにいる誰かが何らかの方法であなたを欺こうとする可能性があり、あなたがそれを許せば成功する可能性があるため、用心するように警告するのに役立つかもしれません.
死んだ馬や怪我をした馬の夢を見る 夢の中で死んだ馬や怪我をした馬を見た場合、そのような夢は悪い兆候です。この夢は、あなたが多大な努力を払って達成した非常に重要なことに関連して、非常に残念なニュースを受け取ることを意味している可能性があります.
競馬に参加することを夢見ています。 競馬に参加することを夢見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候である可能性があり、現在および将来の計画とプロジェクトの幸運と成功を示しています.
競馬で馬が走る夢。 夢の中で競馬場で馬が走るのを見た場合、そのような夢は、友人の誰かが現在直面している困難を示している可能性があります。あなたの友人があなたの助けを必要としているかもしれないので、その人が誰であるかを考え、彼らが置かれている状況を克服できるように最善を尽くしてください。
サドルのない馬に乗る夢。 鞍を外して馬に乗る夢を見た場合、そのような夢は良い兆候ではないかもしれません。この夢は、近い将来、幸運にも乗り越えられる困難に遭遇することを示している可能性があります。この夢はまた、あなたの友人がそのような障害を克服し、最後にあなたの努力を成功させるのを助けてくれることを示しているかもしれません.
Dreaming about riding on a black horse (for women). If you dreamed about riding on a black horse, such a dream is a sign your desires will be fulfilled unexpectedly, by strange coincidence or sheer luck. This dream indicates your wishes being granted soon, but not by your own efforts.
Dreaming about riding on a horse with your partner (for women). If you dreamed about riding on a horse with your partner, such a dream is usually a good sign, and might indicate being the object of attention of a good looking and successful admirer. Sometimes this dream indicates having more than one admirer.
Dreaming about a herd of horses grazing. If you observed a herd of horses peacefully grazing in a field, such a dream is a good sign, indicating your business venture is very good. It might also indicate support from your business partners.
This dream is a sign of success in something you are currently pursuing or working on.
Dreaming about watching someone selling a horse. If you dreamed about someone selling a horse, such a dream is a sign of risky and uncertain business dealings, which might turn out to be profitable and provide you with a lot of prosperity.
Dreaming about selling horses and keeping the best one for yourself. If you dreamed you were selling horses, but kept the best horse for yourself, such a dream is usually a very good sign. This dream signifies your ability to make the right choices and decisions. That is why your affairs are always successful. Your cautious approach is helping you to avoid unnecessary mistakes.
Dreaming about buying a horse. If you dreamed about buying a horse, but realizing you were deceived by the seller, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate financial losses in the near future.
Dreaming about getting off a horse. If you dreamed you were getting off a horse in a dream, such a dream might indicate some negative changes happening soon in your life. Maybe you will be forced to begin some new path which will not be to your satisfaction.
Dreaming about riding on a horse with other riders. If you dreamed you were riding on a horse and others followed you, such a dream might indicate receiving some news you waited for a long time.
Dreaming about grooming a horse. If you dreamed about grooming a horse or taking care of a horse in some other way, such a dream is a good sign, indicating meeting someone who might turn out to be your very good friend. This dream indicates a new important relationship with someone.
Dreaming about a horse you cannot control. If you dreamed about a horse you weren’t able to control or ride in your dream, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might indicate making the wrong steps or not reacting in a situation in which your opponents are competing against you. Because of your inappropriate behavior you might not be able to finish some of your current goals or projects.
Dreaming about hitting a horse. If you dreamed about hitting a horse, such a dream is a bad sign. Maybe this dream indicates your careless behavior towards someone very close to you. This dream is a warning you might lose that person in the near future because of your reckless behavior.
Dreaming about an aggressive horse. If you saw or tried to ride an aggressive horse in a dream, such a dream is a bad sign. This dream might be warning you to pay attention in traffic, because there is a great possibility of being involved in an accident. You might even consider canceling some planned trips or visits in the near future.
Dreaming about an exhausted horse. If you saw an exhausted horse in a dream, such a dream might indicate some hard work and a lot of responsibilities in the upcoming days. They will require a lot of your time and energy to be completed, so be prepared to do your best. You will probably be very tired by the end, but you will successfully finish all your tasks.
Dreaming about feeding a horse from a hand. If you dreamed about feeding a horse from your hand, such a dream is a sign of being preoccupied with taking care of others. You will be helping the ones close to you, who are in need of your help.
Dreaming about finding a horseshoe. If you found a horseshoe in a dream, such a dream is a very fortunate sign. It might indicate unexpected luck in an important situation. This is an especially good sign for women, and might indicate finding a very good and caring partner in the near future. This dream might also indicate the beginning of a relationship with someone who you consider to be your dream partner.
Dreaming about a horse running free. If you saw a horse running free in a dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating happiness and freedom. It indicates good things coming into your life soon. Maybe some of your wishes will come true soon.