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あなたの潜在意識の中で馬のこれらの毎晩のイメージが実際に何かを意味することを理解することに非常に興味があるでしょう!馬はあなた自身の自由につながっています。夢の中の馬は、「自由は今あなたのものになる」というメッセージを持っています。馬を夢見ることは、あなたの人生において何か重要なこと、目標が必要であること、または人生をより良くするために動く必要があることを示唆しています。馬の色も重要です。これについては以下で詳しく説明します。この夢の意味を下にスクロールして、馬の色の解釈を見つけてください。 白い馬、時間がないことはわかっているので、すぐに要約します 本質的にスピリチュアルなある種の気づきがあり、現実的なスタイルを持っていることを意味します。 黒い馬 ポジティブな方法であなたの人生に入る必要があるエネルギーをあなたが持っていることを示しています。馬が死にかけている、または体調が悪いという夢を見ると、何らかの試練に遭遇することになりますが、この経験を通じて、あなたは人間として成長します。フェイスブックのコメントもサイトに載せていますので、お気軽にコメントを残してください。では、あなたの夢の中で馬が何を意味するのかを簡単に説明します。


  • 自分が馬に乗っている場合 これは、あなたが他の人を担当することを示しています。ここで、馬に関連する一般的な夢について説明します。
  • 夢の中で馬を飼いならす: 馬が乗馬学校で自分自身を見るのに飼いならされている場合、これは、人生を前進させるために権威を奨励することを示しています.飼いならされた馬はまた、私たちが他人に対して自分の気持ちをどのように示すかを表しています.穏やかすぎないかどうかを自問する必要があります。
  • 夢の中の馬車: 馬車が人生の困難を乗り切ることを示しているのを見るには、前に進み、正しい道に集中する必要があります。
  • 夢の中の野生の馬: 夢の中で野生の馬を見ることは、冒険、行動、そして創造性を示しています。馬自体が夢の精神的な創造者です。冒頭の段落ですでに説明したように、馬は私たちの性的欲求の代表でもあります.
  • 野生の馬に乗る: トップに立ち、野生の馬に乗って夢を見るなら、幸せと満足がすぐにあなたのものになることを暗示しています。
  • 夢の中のカウボーイ: あなたが夢の中でカウボーイだったり、カウボーイが馬に乗っているのを見たりした場合、これはあなたが人生の責任にもっと集中する必要があることを示唆している可能性があります.また、敵のことを考えて、人生の困難を確実に克服する必要があることを暗示している場合もあります。
  • 夢の中で馬を噛む: 夢の中で馬を噛むのを見た場合、これは生活の質を表しています。馬があなたの手を噛むのを見ることは、誰かが目覚めている人生であなたを攻撃しようとしていることを示しています.複数の馬があなたを噛んでいるのを見た場合、これはあなたがどのように感じているかに関係しています.他の人があなたについて話したりうわさ話をしていると感じますか?馬の噛みつきの行動は、あなたが他人と一緒にいるのが苦手であることを示しています。馬が他の馬を噛んでいる場合、それは新たなスタートを表しています。
  • 夢の中の馬糞: 夢の中で馬糞を見るのは大きな前兆です。馬糞をすくったり、馬糞のにおいをかいだりすることは、富と幸運に関係しています。肥料の夢は、人生における私たち自身の物質的な幸福を表しています。 1930 年代の古代の夢辞典では、肥料は幸福、満足、新たなスタート、そして何よりも富に関連していました。糞尿に覆われている場合、これは新たなスタート、新たな始まりを表しています。
  • 夢の中で馬を買う: 夢の中で馬を買う場合は、ビジネス、特に商品の販売である程度の成功を収める可能性があることを示しています。
  • 馬を贈る 夢の中では、自分らしくある必要があることを意味します。
  • 夢の中で馬を売る :夢の中で馬を売るということは、誰かと対立することを示しています。これは数週間続くかもしれませんが、人生を前進させるためには葛藤が必要です。
  • 夢の中で馬を殺す: 夢の中で馬を殺したり、殺されるのを見たりすることは、お金が危険にさらされていることに気付くことを示唆している可能性があります。
  • 夢の中の鞍馬: 鞍をつけた馬を見たら、すぐに乗れるようになっているということは、準備ができていないことに対して準備ができているという私たち自身の状態を表しています。困難な時期が近づいていることを示唆している可能性があり、人生のあらゆることに取り組む準備をする必要があります。
  • 夢の中で馬に乗る: すでにこの記事で説明したように、乗馬は吉兆です。物質的な豊かさだけでなく、精神的な幸せも暗示しています。また、新しい仕事やキャリアの可能性が間近に迫っていることを示している場合もあります。
  • 馬とセックスする夢 馬とセックスする夢を見た場合、これは非常に不安な夢です。夢の中で馬とセックスすることは、あなたがコントロールできない誰かに遭遇することを示しています。夢の中で他の人が馬とセックスをしているのを見たり見たりすることは、精神的に新たなスタートを切ることを示唆しています。
  • 馬が夢の中で飛んでいます: 馬が空を飛んでいるのを見ると、他の人が人生であなたを追い越そうとしていることを示しています.他の人よりも上に上がろうとしているが、競争するのは難しいことを示唆している可能性があります。
  • 夢の中で馬を失う: 馬を失ったり、夢の中で馬を見つけることができない場合、これは他の人を管理するのが難しいことを意味する可能性があります.夢の状態で馬が見つからない場合は、誰かがあなたの周りで不誠実である可能性があります。
  • 夢の中のあぶみ: あぶみの夢は、人生で自分自身を主張する必要性を強調しています。
  • 夢の中で馬に鞍を付ける: 夢の中で馬に鞍をつけている場合、自分の内なる力に触れているように感じますが、これは時には傲慢な気持ちや裏切りにつながる可能性があります.鞍をつけた馬は、急いで決断するべきではないことを示している可能性もあります。馬があなたが乗る準備ができている場合は、前向きな前兆です。多くの異なる解釈があり、鞍をつけた馬についての古い夢の辞書は一般的に肯定的です。ほとんどの夢の辞書は、馬に乗る準備ができているのを見ると、人生で満足して幸せな時間を過ごせることを示しています。
  • 夢の中で馬から落ちる: 夢の中で馬から落ちることは、なじみのない領域を示しています。馬から落ちるということは、それが人としてより客観的になることを示唆しており、傷つきやすい、または不幸だと感じる状況から離れようとしているということでもあります。
  • 夢の中の未知の馬: 見慣れない馬、見たことのない馬、または馬が何らかの形で変形している場合は、困難な状況からすぐに逃げることを示しています。自分を解放し、人生を前進させる時です。
  • 夢の中で馬に乗る: 夢の中で馬に乗っている場合、これは人々とコミュニケーションをとる準備ができていること、特定の関係に関連しています。パートナーをよりよく知るためには、人生に対するさまざまな視点を統合する必要があることを暗示しています。
  • 夢の中で馬を走らせる: 夢である馬は、一般的に、あなたが真実に直面しなければならないことを暗示しています。夢の中の「走る」象徴は、物事の真実から逃げることができないことを意味します。あなたの人生には、おそらくあなたがコミットする必要がある関連する問題が潜んでいることを示唆している可能性があります.馬を走らせることは、通常、起きている生活の中で何かから逃げることに関連しています。
  • 納屋で馬を見る: 納屋で馬が見られる場合、これはあなたが人生の新しい段階に着手していることを示している可能性があります.これは、あなたが人生の古い部分から逃れていることを示唆している可能性もあります。
  • 夢の中の馬と馬車: これが命を奪わなければならない正しい行動だと自分を欺いてはいけません。問題の真実にたどり着くために、この論理と明快さを考えてみてください。
  • 馬が夢の中で逃げたら: 馬が逃げるのを見るのは、かなり憂鬱な夢です。夢の中のイメージについて考えてみてください。馬は走っていた?逃げる馬は閉塞の前兆。あなたが他人に対して感情的に敏感であることを示している可能性があります。馬が逃げ出し、夢の中で馬を見つけることができれば、これは過去のトラブルや恐怖から解放されることを示唆しています。ただし、夢の中で馬が見つからない場合は、先に進むのが遅れることを意味している可能性があります。
  • 夢や馬蹄形で鍛冶屋を見る: あなたの夢に登場する蹄鉄がリーダーシップの能力を持ち、幸運があなたのものになる場合、これは肯定的であり、あなたは深い感情や意図を持っています.蹄鉄はまた、人生において「忍耐強く」ある必要性を表しています。心の奥底で何を望んでいるのかを見つけてみてください。あなたのニーズを実現する必要があります。
  • 夢の中で跳躍する馬: 夢の中で馬がジャンプするのを見ることは、物事をありのままに見るための明晰さを持っていることを示しています。また、あなたが囲われている、または閉じ込められていると感じていることを示唆している可能性もあります。イベントに参加したり、跳馬を見たり参加したりすることは、自分の感情を隠すのが得意であることを示しています。率先してリーダーシップを発揮すべきです!
  • 夢の中の馬場: 夢の中で馬の箱を見たり、馬と一緒に旅行したりすることは、事実に直面する能力に関係しています。ボックス自体は限られた領域であり、調和があなたのものになる可能性があることを示していますが、集中する必要がある彼の人生を理解するにはスペースが必要です.馬が箱に入らない場合は、あなたがのんびりしていることを示している可能性があります
  • 夢に取り組む: 馬のタックルを見たり、タックルルームにいる夢は、私たち自身の自制心の夢を表しています。おそらく、食べ過ぎ、またはアルコールや食べ物にふけりすぎていませんか?
  • 夢の中で放牧されている馬: 夢の中で放牧されている馬は、保護された生活を送ることに関連しています。おそらく、あなたは誰かと妥協点を見つけたいと思っているでしょう。また、他の人の過ちを受け入れていることを示している可能性もあります。
  • 夢の中で学校教育に使われたペン 夢の中で乗馬場や馬小屋を見ることは、あなたが人生で自由に動こうとしていることを示しています.
  • 夢の中のパドック: 夢の中の馬のパドックは、自然に戻ることを示しています。パドックに乗ることは、新たなスタートを意味します。


馬があなたを攻撃しているのを見た場合、または馬が何らかの方法で訓練されている場合、これは、真実を隠して自分自身を悪化させていることを示唆している可能性があります.馬自体は成功と繁栄を表しています。そこにたどり着く唯一の方法は、自分自身の特徴に目を向け、真実から逃げるのをやめることです。この夢から得られるもう 1 つの教訓は、特に馬が走って突進してくる場合は、人生で成功するための自分の能力に騙されてはいけないということです。







色については後ほど詳しく説明します。 それで、これはあなたにとってどういう意味ですか? 科学的研究によると、馬の夢を見るのは通常女性であり、男性で馬の夢を見る場合は、強力な性的衝動を示唆しています。ここで、有名な夢心理学者の視点を分析し、精神的および聖書的な観点から心の状態と夢に焦点を当てる必要があります.それでは、基本に戻りましょう…これ以上苦労することなく!馬の夢の深い意味と神話を探る時が来ました。これは本当に原石の宝石であり、素晴らしい夢です。夢の解釈は何世紀にもわたって存在していたことを知っていると思いますので、この解釈を読んでください.

自分にとって最高の未来を創造する唯一の方法は、自分の夢の最良の側面を取り入れて毎日適用することだと言うことも重要です. 古代の夢辞典にある馬の夢 幸福、満足、息子、勤勉、内面の強さにつながります。馬自体があなたの夢に入ると、この生き物はあなたの人生に力をもたらすだけでなく、成功するために一生懸命働く必要があるという事実ももたらします.私たちは皆、馬が大好きです。彼らは何世紀にもわたって忠実であり続けてきました。馬は、私たちが絶え間ない行動を起こす必要があるという警鐘です.

馬は夢の中でライフサイクルとつながっています。 「あなた」について学び、変化を受け入れる必要があることを示しています。目覚めの世界で苦労していますか?他人からの恨みはありますか?恋人やパートナーとの問題に遭遇したことがありますか?私たちは馬を、人生の正しい道、正しい道を進んでいるという事実として見る必要があります。 The dream itself and the feelings that you have during the dream are important. They relate to your own experiences in life. Horses in dreams represent change, happiness, spirit guides, leaders, being in control, love for life and freedom.

These dream meanings described below will expand on the specific areas of your dream. Horses have not only power but also stamina. They are featured when one is focused on becoming a leader in life. The horse represents not only freedom but also that you will feel safe and lead in life. In order to break down the dream further, it is important to segment the horse dream into certain scenarios. We can also turn to the term horsepower, this involves putting both time work together in order for success.

What is the biblical dream meaning of a horse?

Horse from the bile represents a specific area in time and hard work. The horse, in a biblical sense, is connected to an occasion that will likely happen in the future. The white horse if seen in dreams is in association with Christ and the holds spirit. The Blackhorse according to a.d 325, is connected to how we are internally powerful and have the right stamina to overcome any difficulties in life. The horse has long been an omen of work from a biblical point of view. There was a white horse that featured in John’s vision in Revelation 6:2, and this white horse was the Holy Spirit. Therefore, to dream of a white horse implies that the dreamer needs peace in life.

What does it mean to see a horse in a stable in the dream?

To see a horse in the stable represents our inner fear of being constrained to others. The horse in the stable is also indicating that you have hidden drives and agendas. The staple itself represents how we manage to communicate with others. The stable has many biblical meanings. The horse stable, however, indicates that you have power over other people in order to reach your goals. In dusty old dream dictionaries, a horse stable sometimes not only reflects our “inner self” but also our ambitions and powers over others. The horse stable according to Carl Jung is directly connected to how we feel in terms of our freedom. As stable is a small area it could mean that in life we are feeling rather repressed. To see horses in the stable illustrates that you must protect yourself against greed and also show others that you can achieve anything you want. A hose locked in a stable in the dream is associated with feeling blocked in life. The horse represents your power in life.

What does a brown horse in a dream mean?

The question is what does the brown horse means in your dream? I am actually fascinated by this brown horse dream - after have a number of re-occurring dreams - some were rather strange. My last dream involved seeing brown horses on a field, prior to this I dreamed of a rainbow horse running through fields! So what does it mean? To see a brown horse denotes a cycle of change that will occur, you may have felt that change has started in life and that you have been struggling. We all have many questions upon waking after seeing the brown horse, especially if our dream was somewhat vivid. The thing to remember is that horses are powerful omens in a dream they are associated with not only success but also the hidden power that you have within.

It is also too important to understand what Brown means spiritually. In color therapy, brown is connected to the earth. Brown is especially associated with grounding our own emotional connection with others. The color itself represents common sense. The horse is a representation of our freedom and the color brown indicates that in order to gain their freedom we must ground ourselves. The color of the brown horse can vary significantly, in addition, the actual breed of the horse. The horse may be chestnut, it could be any of these breeds:Breton, Boulonnais horse, Comtois or Breton, there are different equine breeds and colors. In the horse world a brown horse is known as a chestnut horse, interestingly even though the horse is brown it often has hairs which are actually red in color. A brown horse’s shade can vary.

It is very distinctive when you actually see a chestnut horse or specific markings on the horse in the dream. Each horse generally has a mix of colors even though the shades may vary. Spiritually, the brown horse is a symbol of control and strength over others. Due to the color of brown, we are looking at earthly and bold characteristics of people around us. If you are riding on the brown horse it can suggest that you are going to have important connections going forward. If the horse is a stallion then this is generally connected to sexual desires according to Freud. If you see a brown horse on a field in your dream it can indicate that you need to look after your house. If a brown racehorse is seen in the dream it can suggest a possible proposal in the future.

What does a dream about horses running towards you represent?

Seeing many horses running towards you can illustrate that positive circumstance will be yours. If you see more than one horse running towards you in the dream this indicates other people are going to reward you. If you see racehorses running in the dream this can illustrate that you need to work on your own material wealth. It could suggest that you have lost your way. To see a horse running in the distance illustrates that you will need honesty in the future. To see a horse run away, cantering, bolting or being out of control in the dream signifies that you are going to meet somebody who will be stubborn. It will be difficult for you to change their mind.

What does a white horse mean in a dream?

White is the color of purity. To see a white horse and the dream indicates that a peaceful life you seem to be yours. If you are riding a white horse and this suggests that you are afraid to deal with problems in life. You should deal with these problems because there will be a successful outcome. Remember we all live in a difficult world and there are many different negative problems that arise. The white horse is considered a good omen. If seen in dreams it suggests that you are going to get back into the flow of life, perhaps delays will disappear going forward. The color of the horse in a dream as we have already discussed is rather significant. The horse colors themselves represent our subconscious mind and how you view life. The white horse is connected to piece and also great fortune. The white horse is also according to Freud associated with how we connect with others. It indicates our sexual desires.

What does a black horse mean in a dream?

So you could see a black horse in the dream? A black horse indicates that there will be a great mystery in life. The black horse also represents the deeper shadows of our subconscious mind, you will either see something in black-and-white or admire something you are about to accomplish stop yet at times the truth sometimes is exaggerated. Perhaps you are telling a little white lie that turns out to be a major aspect of your life. The black horse is connected to the secrets and mysteries of the universe. It can also mean that you are either totally infatuated with somebody or tied down to a job or situation that you find difficult to overcome. The heart of the matter is really in your own inner self.

What does it mean to dream you are the horse?

Horses have souls, like us, they are a divine being but have a unique animal experience in life. Obviously, we have a human experience. We are essentially the same beings but have a different outer shell. Fundamentally, I feel that the dream of YOU being the horse indicates that you need to think about your inner instincts. Horses are known as prey animals with a strong powerful run, when they are scared they run away and do not stand up and fight. This is significant as it may mean you are turning away from something in life. Try to do a behavioral observation of the temperament of the horse in the dream which will give you some clues as to what this dream means. Horses have been domesticated since 4,000 BC and used for warfare. Turning to the Chinese astrological characteristics of this animal I can conclude that they are wise, perceptive, content, popular and have freedom. In American traditions horses represent freedom, a sign of spiritual connection and travel. Think about the spiritual gift of being the horse and the fact that the rider of a horse merges together to create the power. My lasting comment is that this dream could mean that you need to feel in charge but let someone into your heart. I also reviewed a number of ancient texts on what it is like to become a horse spiritually and brave were the key feeling. I could go on an on about different horse qualities but I am sure you get my drift. The Chinese were clear about the fact that the horse embodies freedom and I am sure your dream of being the horse was truly magical.

What does a red horse in a dream mean?

This dream of a red horse illustrates that you have been feeling nervous, it can also suggest that you are hot-blooded and you desire sexual attention. The red horse according to Freud, again represents our sexual connection or romantic conquest in dealing with another. This is also warning that you should not be too impulsive or insensitive to other people.

What does a dream of a horse in a house mean?

To see a horse in the house is often quite a strange combination seen in a dream. The horse’s characteristics color need to be taken into consideration. The house is connected to what we manifest in life. It is associated with obtaining not only our goals but also allowing others to comfort us. The horse is a representation of power, justice and above all honesty. Therefore to see a horse inside a house illustrates that you need to be confident in your own abilities in life.

A horse that is sick

A horse that has an illness in a dream, such as lameness, colic or mud fever represents that others are going to turn to you for advice. A dying horse can be a somewhat traumatic dream especially if the horse has an illness or disease. An infectious disease such as cracked heels on a horse represents delay and blockage.

Dead horses in dreams

Seeing dead horses can be somewhat distressing. A dying horse represents problems in life. The death of a horse in the dream is very symbolic to the character card of death it represents that despite everything you will be coming out other situation successfully. See more than one dead horse in a dream illustrate the transition from one phase of life to another. The death of a horse can also imply that there are many different changes are coming into your life.

You may secretly want to start a new career or move on in life in order to fulfill the potential that you have. Dead horses are also a warning that you are preventing change. The dead horse can also indicate that you may have lost direction in life and something is blocking your personal vision. Always try to think about why the dead horse appeared in your dream. To see a dead horse lying on a field in a dream indicates that you need to focus on your own motivation through hardship. As a whole symbol itself indicates success and prosperity it can suggest that the dead horse is associated with opening new doors to new possibilities.

What does shooting a horse in a dream mean?

To kill a horse through shooting in a dream is connected to a relationship challenge. Perhaps you are feeling restricted or victimized any wish to discover the direction that you need in order to overcome a difficult relationship.

What does seeing a horse in a room mean?

Seeing a horse in a room, such as a living room or simply a white room is connected to your own inner motivations. Do you need to really ask the question of what motivates me? There is an element of risk-taking and feeling trapped. The room itself indicates that you are feeling trapped in order to make money or material wealth. Perhaps right now you are at a turning point in life.

What does catching horses mean in dreams?

If you are catching a horse or trying to catch a runaway horse in a dream illustrates that you are confused about the next stage of your journey in life. The horse itself in this instance is connected to an opportunity that you are unable to grasp or catch. Horses are a positive omen illustrating success, prosperity, and attainment. Therefore this dream indicates that you need to face the challenge. If the horses are running away from you or a wild racehorse then and you are trying to catch the horse in the dream this is an omen of transformation towards the future.

What does talking horses mean in dreams?

This could be a rather puzzling dream! Perhaps you are talking to a horse alternatively horses talking to you. This dream relates directly to your self-development mission in life. If you are petting, stroking and giving affection to the horse in your dream then this illustrates that you need to give back in life. You need to be prepared to pay the price for your actions.

What does betting or gambling on horses in your dream?

If you are at the horse races or alternatively you are betting or gambling on a horse then this dream associated with your “risk” in life. You must be prepared to anticipate any obstacles in your way. If you win on the horses in your dream it is time to work on your plans in order to unleash success. Ancient dream dictionaries. Indicate that gambling on horses illustrates that prosperity will soon be yours.

What do horses fighting mean in a dream?

This is connected to your own inner knowledge and power. You need to understand the way forward in life. To see horses fighting in a dream the fighting action of horses is connected to the great adventure of life. If you see many horses fighting the dream it implies that your greatest gift is a vision. Maybe you have been thinking about changing the job or you would like to focus on a new start in life.

Old dream dictionary meanings regarding horses

If the horse is being pulled (a horse or cart), or you are riding the horse, you are trying to strengthen your position in life, and you have to accept certain situations and be happy. Happiness is something that is in your mind only. A black horse symbolizes death, but not in a negative way. The black horse represents new beginnings and fresh starts in your life.

Riding a horse shows a connection with sexual intercourse. If you are thrown off the horse, it means that you have a fear of losing something in your life. Being injured by a horse indicates a relationship that is not working out in your life. To dream of a racehorse suggests it is time to take a risk on something. You may need to think about a person that has helped you and will enable you to take this risk in order to progress your life and lifestyle. Remember that a horse signifies freedom in any situation you encounter during your dreaming state.

To dream that a horse kicks you represents repulsion from one you love. Your fortune will be embarrassed by ill health. Dreaming of catching a horse to bridle and saddle, or harness it, foretells that you will see a great improvement in business of all kinds, and people of all callings will prosper. If you fail to catch it, fortune will play you false. To see spotted horses predicts that various enterprises will bring you profit.

To dream of having a horse shod means your success is assured. For a woman, this dream predicts a good and faithful husband. To dream that you shoe a horse denotes that you will endeavor to and perhaps make doubtful property your own. To dream of racehorses indicate that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream suggests prosperity. To dream that you ride a horse in a race means you will be prosperous and enjoy life. To dream of killing a horse symbolizes that you will injure your friends through selfishness. To mount a horse bareback indicates that you will gain wealth and ease by hard struggles. To ride bareback in the company of men means you will have honest people to aid you, and your success will be merited; if in company with women, your desires will be loose, and your prosperity will not be as abundant as it might be if certain women did not fill your heart.

To carry a horse foretells that your business interests will not be neglected for frivolous pleasures. To dream of trimming a horse's mane or tail denotes that you will be a good financier or farmer. Literary people will be painstaking in their work, and others will look after their interest with solicitude. To see horses pulling vehicles denotes wealth with some encumbrance, and love will find obstacles. If you are riding up a hill and the horse falls but you gain the top, you will win a fortune, though you will have to struggle against enemies and jealousy. If both the horse and you get to the top, your rise will be phenomenal and substantial.

For a young girl to dream that she rides a black horse indicates that she should be dealt with by wise authority. Some wishes will be gratified at an unexpected time. Black horses signify postponements in anticipations. To see a horse with a tender foot foretells some unexpected unpleasantness will come into your otherwise happy state. If you attempt to fit a broken shoe too small for the horse's foot, you will be charged with making fraudulent deals with unsuspecting parties. To ride a horse downhill means your affairs will undoubtedly disappoint you.

What does a strange colored horse in a dream mean?

To see a strange colored horse such as a rainbow color, or yellow, green, blue, orange or any other strange color indicates that you are feeling happiness and enlightenment. The colors signify the reflection that you are going to have to your own actions in the future. A rainbow colored horse In a dream illustrates that you should not hold back in life.

What does it mean to dream of an equestrian establishment?

In most books on symbology and dreams of horses seen in an equestrian facility relate to your own power. The horse in many ancient books have been connected to feminine knowledge and also given the link between the living world and the realms of the spirit world. To teach in an equestrian facility indicates a wisdom in it’s the darkest form. After all, if we look at the stallion of the Greeks, this horse emerged from womanly wisdom. What I am trying to say here is that seeing an equestrian establishment may indicate your own care and nurturing qualities, especially as you were teaching others. Jung discusses horses in detail in one of three of his books. He believed that this dream is connected to the anima - female areas of the soul. Consequently, the equestrian aspects in the dream can indicate the social etiquette that we need in order to rise up against any conformity.

How I can help you?

I have for a long time been a vivid dreamer of horses, and all shapes and sizes and it was not until I actually researched the individual elements of the dream that I could bring this all into one meaning. The dream of horses is common and can be triggered by our subconscious mind. We have decoded over 3,000 dreams of horses sent in by our users. Don't forget to contact me after you have read this meaning so I can help you with your dream. I will post my contact details at the bottom of this article. Anyway, let's get down to business. These meanings above have all been segmented down in this interpretation. This article is packed full of all the information you need to decode the dream of horses, it is the result of reading over fifty dream interpretation books from 1930’s (yes...50!) to the modern day, and a few weeks of writing!


Seen a running horse. Seen a white horse. Been riding a horse. Ridden a brown horse. Seen a mare. Encountered a winged horse. Ridden a black horse. Been injured by a horse. Seen or ridden a racehorse.

Color of the horse:dream interpretation

The horse is connected with your energy. The color of the horse is important, as it can provide you with an indication as to the dream interpretation. White - spiritual enlightenment. Brown - down to earth. Black - danger awaits. Winged horse - the soul's ability to heal. Coffee color - times are going to be happy over the next few weeks.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a horse

無料。 Liberated. Oppressed. Astonished.自信満々。幸せ。 Bewildered. Proud.動揺。 Playful.びっくり。

Helping you further

Well I hope you liked this dream meaning and please leave a comment below detailing your horse dream. I look forward to hearing from you! Flo x

  1. 火の馬の夢を見る

  2. 馬を買う夢を見る

  3. 幸せな馬の夢を見る

  4. 車に乗った馬の夢

  5. 馬を殴る夢

  6. 馬がしゃべる夢

  7. 鉄の馬の夢

  8. ダイヤモンドの馬の夢を見る

  9. 馬糞の夢を見る