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韓国では、悟りを開いた後、虎は白虎になり、人生でできる限りのことに耐えると信じられています。彼らはまた、虎は幸運をもたらし、悪霊を追い払う守護者であると信じています.この動物は彼らの文化の大きな部分を占めているため、1988 年のソウル夏季オリンピックでアスリートを表すために動物を使用しました。


トラはまた、さまざまな宗教において象徴性を持っています。たとえば、ヒンズー教では、戦争に行くたびにデイモンという名前のあばずれ女に乗る十本の腕を持つ女神がいます。そして仏教では、トラは 3 つの無感覚な生き物の 1 つであり、基本的な人間の感情を表す 3 つの動物です。

虎の象徴は中国文化において特に強い。 1 つには、中国の干支の 12 の動物の一部です。彫像や絵画などのトラの視覚的表現も無数の場所で見ることができます.古代の神話では、世界のバランスは 5 頭の虎によって保たれていると信じられていました。

  • 冬と水を司る黒虎
  • 秋と金属を統べる白虎
  • 春と大地を統べる青虎
  • 夏と火を司る赤虎
  • 太陽の象徴であり、他のトラを支配する黄虎


虎の夢を見る意味 ?

虎は権力の大きな象徴であるため、虎の夢を見る あなたの権威、あなたを支配する人々、または現在あなたの生活に蔓延している問題や問題を表している可能性があります (したがって、あなたも支配しています)。





虎の夢を見る人ばかりではない 彼らの頭の中で同じことが起こっているのを見ます。トラに乗ったり、トラと戦ったり、自分を見つめ返すトラを見たりすることを夢見る人もいます。




カブは子供を表すので、トラの夢を見る cubs は、あなたが子供のことを考えていることを意味します。何も持っていない場合は、親のように感じさせてくれる誰かのことを考えている可能性があります。





夢の中で死んだ動物を見るのは確かに不吉に感じます。 できる 悪い兆候になります。目に見えない危険な状況に遭遇しようとしているかもしれません。




赤い 夢の中でトラを見る 通常は悪い兆候です。死んだ虎の夢を見るのと同じように、これは脅威が迫っていることを警告している可能性があります。そのため、今後数日間は用心することをお勧めします。

ブラック タイガー

















Tiger Attack Dream

Being attacked by a tiger means you’re afraid of being attacked in real life. Or maybe you’re scared that a past mistake will come back to haunt you.

If you fought back and succeeded, it means your potential is through the roof and that you’ll get past the hardships that’ll come your way. It’s a sign that you’ll reach your dreams.

This kind of dream is a good omen, indicating you dare to overcome obstacles. It could also mean you’ll have help in achieving your goals.

The Tiger Runs Away Dream

If you dream about a tiger fleeing, it means you’ll eventually defeat your enemies. It could also mean that you’ll do something admirable, and people of power who initially doubted your skills will change their minds about you. This could result in you getting promoted.

A Tiger Is Walking/Running towards You or Someone Else

If a tiger is running towards you, you’ll encounter problems in the future. A tiger running towards another animal means you’re worried about someone.

If the tiger is slowly walking towards you, it’s a warning to be careful at work because a co-worker might be plotting something against you. And if you’re being chased by the tiger, it means you’re running away from a part of your personality that you refuse to acknowledge.

You’re Hunting a Tiger Dream

This is usually a good sign:It could mean you’ll get a job offer soon. If your hunt was a success, it means you’ll solve whatever problems you have currently. But if you didn’t manage to catch the tiger, you’ll still be successful—it’ll just be postponed to a later date.

On the other hand, the dream could be a warning that a friend will betray you.

A Tiger Is Staring at You Dream

If the tiger is standing still and just looking at you, it could mean an unforeseeable threat is coming to your life.

You’re Riding  a Tiger Dream

Were you riding a tiger in the dream? It means you’ll be lucky, causing you to gain wealth, and that whatever problems you have will be solved.

You Killed a Tiger Dream

If you killed a tiger in your dream, it means you’re feeling so powerful that there’s nothing you can’t do. It could also mean that you have a need to prove your worth. Or maybe the state of your life has drastically improved lately and that people are jealous of you.

The Tiger Was Your Pet Dream

This dream means you have the propensity to do things that are out of the ordinary. You’re always straying off from your comfort zone, doing things other people aren’t inclined to do, and maybe you even boast about it sometimes.

The Tiger Was You Dream

If you were the tiger in your dream, it might indicate that you’re not getting along with your bosses or colleagues at work. You might feel bitter towards them because of their unrealistic demands.

The Tiger Was Resting Dream

Observing a tiger resting in your dream could mean stability and peace would soon arrive at your home and workplace. It also highlights your calmness and rationality when dealing with difficulties.

If the tiger was sleeping, it symbolizes something in your life that’s hidden. It could be a skill, talent, or strength. Or it could be an unexpected event.

You Were Stroking a Tiger’s Fur Dream

This is a dream that shows who you are. It could mean that you’re caring and do all you can to please people.

A Tiger Caught Its Prey Dream

This dream means you’re respected by your superiors and colleagues because you’re hardworking and diligent. It could also mean you’ll be getting a promotion because of your commitment.

Three messages could be gained from dreaming about tigers :

Trust your instincts .

Tigers rely on their instincts a lot. If you currently have a hunch regarding a decision you have to make for your career or personal life, it might be a good idea to follow it. Especially if you’re dreaming about tigers .

Unleash your power.

As symbols of power, tigers appearing in your dream  might be telling you to be more confident and to unlock the power within you that already exists. Maybe you don’t feel as strong as you are, and the dream is a reminder that you’re full of potential and that you can achieve anything you set out to do.

Face your fears. Embrace your weaknesses.

Everyone’s afraid of something. A lot of the time, tigers appearing in dreams symbolize things you’re afraid of or your weaknesses blocking your path to success. So, tiger dreams could be a message to face your fears and embrace your weaknesses. That is, be courageous enough to defeat the things that scare you and self-aware enough to know that even if you have flaws, you’re still a wonderful human being.

Related sources:Amazing facts about tigers

  1. 髪の毛の夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  2. サメの夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  3. コウモリの夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  4. 真珠の夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  5. デートの夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  6. ハエの夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  7. サボテンの夢の正しい解釈と本当の意味

  8. 黒人の夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈

  9. シマウマの夢の本当の意味と正しい解釈