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私は鳥が大好きで、賢明な夢を見て、鳥の意味を探求します。夢の伝承では、鳥は私たちが人生で向かっている方向と、空高く飛ぶという事実に関連する精神的な力を表しています。鳥は偉大な出来事の前兆かもしれませんし、想像力、幸福、精神、自然、そして物質を連想させます。鳥の夢にはさまざまなバリエーションがありますが、ここでは、夢を簡単に定義できるようにしました。鳥の歴史を見ると、古代において特定の鳥を見ることは、異なる象徴やメッセージを意味していたことがわかります。否定的な結果で鳥を夢見ることは、物事が人生で困難になることを象徴しています。下にスクロールして、あなたの夢の意味を見つけてください。私たちが知っているように、ほとんどの鳥は空を飛んでおり、メッセージや高い野心にも関連付けることができます.あなたは鮮やかな夢を見たので、この夢の解釈に来ているかもしれません.あなたの夢がカバーされていない場合は、Facebookのコメントを介して私の記事の最後に私に連絡することを忘れないでください.これらはあなたの夢の中の鳥のリストで、前向きな時代を象徴しています:クロウタドリ、ワタリガラス、フクロウ、スズメ、(茶色の鳥) アオサギ、ニワトリ、アヒル、ハチドリ。


  • 夢の中の青い鳥 =愛と​​誠実さはあなたのものです。あなたは目の前の仕事に専念するでしょう。また、平和と優しさを表すこともあります。
  • 夢の中の紫 / 紫の鳥 =これは、瞑想や人生における想像力にもつながります。他の人に示す必要がある資質があります。
  • 夢の中の赤い鳥 =エネルギーとグラウンディングにより、情熱と安定に出会うことができます。
  • ここに色のリストがあります。夢の中でこれらの色の鳥を見たら、その意味に注意してください:
  • 夢の中の黄色い鳥 =これからの楽しい時間、力と知性に出会うでしょう。
  • 夢の中の緑の鳥 =バランスとコミュニケーションはあなた次第です。自然と瞑想に目を向けてください。緑の鳥はまた、落ち着きと人生への愛を暗示しています。
  • 夢の中のオレンジ色の鳥 =創造的な流れと、人生で幸せになる
  • 夢の中の色とりどりの鳥たち =屈託のない、幸福と喜びはあなたのものです。
  • 夢の中の黒い鳥 =自分自身と他者の成長に深く集中する
  • 夢の中のピンクの鳥 =ピンクは瞑想と愛に関連するハート チャクラに接続されています。
  • 夢の中の白い鳥 =人生の平和と瞑想。また、特に夢の中で白い鳥が飛んでいた場合は、明晰な思考を表します。
  • 夢の中の金の鳥 =物質的な富はあなたのものです。
  • 夢の中の茶色の鳥 =豊饒と人生の基礎
  • 灰色の鳥の夢の意味 =これは、自分自身とつながっていることを表しています。
  • 夢の中の黒と白の鳥 =この種の夢によく登場する鳥はカササギであり、未知の世界を表しています。


まず、鳥についての一般的な意味を説明し、最後に夢の中で経験した各鳥や状況に基づいた特定の意味に移ることが重要です。夢の状態で鳥が何を意味するのかを確認するには、鳥のさまざまなライフサイクルを調べる必要があります。鳥は人生への全体論的アプローチを象徴的に表しており、私たちが人生に何らかの方向性を持っていることを象徴しています.さまざまな種類の鳥の夢をまとめました。長いので、下にスクロールして、どの夢の意味が最も適切かを確認してください.これらの夢のほとんどは、古代の夢の伝承から来ていると言えます。鳥を見るのはポジティブな夢です。鳥は、達成された専門的または社会的野心を表すことがよくあります。あなたが女性で鳥の夢を見る場合は、あなたが幸せで満足のいく関係にあるか、またはあなたの愛をすぐに見つける可能性が高いことを示しています。 羽のない鳥 歌えない より裕福な人に支配されることを警告します。 飛ぶ鳥 繁栄を予測します。 鳥を捕まえることを夢見る あなたが幸運になることを意味します。 鳥を狩る場合 あなたのビジネスの損失または不作の兆候です(農家として)。 大きなくちばしのある鳥の夢を見る スキャンダルの対象になる可能性があることを示します。

鳥の群れ 夢の状態で見られるのは、力があなたのものになることを示しています。一般的に、これは達成の夢です。鳥の群れの実際のチームワークも考慮する必要があり、他の人のためにあなたが人生で機知に富んでいることを示している可能性があります。 鳥に食べられたら 夢の中で、これは将来の失望の期間を示している可能性があります。鳥の群れに食べられている場合は、小さな成長が示されています。 鳥にパンを食べさせる は前向きな前兆であり、これを克服できる誰かからの攻撃に遭遇することを意味します。 鳥の種をまき散らすために 地面にあるのは、あなたが物質的な富の種を蒔いているという示唆です。あなたがビジネスを始めるなら、それは素晴らしい夢です。 弱っている鳥や怪我をしている鳥を見るには 表現の自由に関して問題が発生する可能性があることを示唆している可能性があります。空に超大型の鳥を見た場合、これは精神的な意識が高いことを示すポジティブな夢です。鳥もコミュニケーションがすべてです。 死んだ鳥を見るには 困難な状況が終焉を迎えることを示している可能性があります。あなたは自分の人生を前に進める理由を探していましたが、今がその時です。

とても大きな鳥 また、人生で何かが難しいと感じるかもしれないことを示している可能性があります。大きな鳥は、他の人があなたに危害を加える可能性があることを示唆している可能性もあります。 ひな鳥を見かけたら または、飛ぼうとして床に横たわっている小鳥が死んでいるということは、人生で起こりうる危険について心配していることを示唆しています。ひな鳥は、特に空高く飛んでいる場合は、新しいスタートや始まりを象徴することもあります。 鳥の上昇を見るには 夢は、あなたの人生にたくさんのチャンスが訪れることを暗示しています。物事があなたを妨げないようにしてください。鳥が舞い降りる夢は、これからの創作活動を暗示しています。 あなたを襲う鳥 夢の中で、目覚めている人生であなたを攻撃する可能性が高い人々に遭遇することを示唆しています。さまざまな人の視点から物事を見るようにしてください。そうすれば、このような事態を回避できるかもしれません。感情をコントロールするのは非常に難しく、鳥があなたをつついている場合は、より深い洞察が必要です.

あなたが「鳥」なら 夢の中で、あなたには実際に翼があり、これは人生の困難から離れようとすることに関連しています.あなたは飛び立とうとしている。困難を克服し、人生で抱えている問題に立ち向かう唯一の方法。夢の中で鳥に引き裂かれるというのは、かなり不安なことです。他の人が人生であなたに嫉妬していることを示唆している可能性があります. 「鳥」ということわざを考えてみてください。それ自体が女性を指すことがよくあります。女性は「鳥」と呼ぶことを意味します。夢の実際の詳細は非常に重要です。 鳥が高く飛んでいる場合 これは、人生においてより大きな意味を探していることを示しています。夢の中で多くの鳥が雪や寒い地形の上を飛んでいる場合、これは将来起こりそうなさまざまなことを示唆している可能性があります。ゲーム オブ スローンズ (シーズン 7) でレイヴンズがウィンターフェルを飛んでいたシーンを思い出してください。私たちはカラスがスピリチュアルな発達に関連していることを知っています。それは、人生における進歩と統合の可能性に関連しています.鳥が美しく静かな空を高く飛んでいる場合、これは夢の実際の解釈に直接的な意味を持ちます。鳥はしばしば上空からのメッセージに関連しており、鳥が怪我をした夢を見ることもあります。


この解釈を読んでいるときに、おそらくあなたが自問している質問があります。それは、鳥はあなたのスピリットガイドからのつながりですか、それともサインですか?この質問に答えるためには、鳥の実際の種を見る必要があります。あなたのスピリットガイドがあなたの夢の中で鳥を使ってあなたとコミュニケーションを取っている可能性があるのは事実です.これは前向きで爽快な夢であり、素晴らしい経験です。夢に見られるエキゾチックな鳥は、旅行の可能性を示唆している可能性があります。 Taking pictures or photographs of birds in your dream suggests a new beginning is on the cards. From a spiritual context birds can be associated with “freedom of thinking” and also can hide our possible “hopes or fears.” The birds can also represent a situation in life. If we look at the literal meaning of the bird it is very much associated with a feminine context.

To see yourself as a bird is an indication of spiritual protection. If you have a desire in your dream of flying (like a bird) then this can represent joy. To fly with birds in your dream is a suggestion of freedom and the fact that you are going to gain materially in the future. To see yourself trying to fly like a bird but you are struggling in your dream indicates that other people are going to bring you down. Stop trying to remain positive in life. To see bird poop in your dream, or to have bird poop cover you indicate your emotions. For bird poop to go in your hair in the dream suggests good luck. Bird poo that is not white indicates that you feel that other people are not taking you seriously life. We all know, in ancient superstitions that bird poop indicates good luck. It is no different to the dream state. To have bird flu in the dream indicates that you are worried about your life. To be cured of bird flu indicates worry but you will overcome anything.

What does a bluebird and rooster mean in a dream?

A bluebird in a dream indicates that you will have emotional sustainability going forward. To see a bird eating a dead animal on a road in ancient dream dictionaries denotes the end of something important. If the bird wounded you in any way then we can link this between our spiritual world in our real world. It can suggest that you feel wounded in life or the life is not giving you what you want. To hear a rooster in the dream is symbolic of love and peace. The color of the bird can also be very significant if you go to the end of the article I have outlined various colors and what these mean.

What do the 1930s dream books say about bird dreams?

I have just quickly listed some of the older 1930s dream meanings. You may wish to review these, in case your dream is covered. In addition, the specific breed of bird is equally important. From a spiritual context bird are associated with our emotional connections in life and can, depending upon the species offer enlightenment or a specific meaning. How the bird looks and the condition of the bird are equally important. If the bird was hurt or have blurred on the bird it can symbolize that times are going to be difficult.

If you see a wounded bird , it is likely that you are going to face some opposition in the near future. If you see birds flying, then it is a common characteristic of lucid dreaming. If in your dream there is a flying flock of birds, it often means that you have unlimited possibilities and freedom of choice, which will help you in the waking life. To catch a bird is also associated with prosperity, and it can be a sign of prosperity to the dreamer. To hear a bird's beak can often indicate the inability to perform at daily tasks that require clear thinking and also high perception.

If you are a poor person and have problems in your life, a dream with birds indicates an improvement of your situation. If you are rich , you might have some trouble and possible losses, but the dream is a good omen if the birds have beautiful feathers. If you dream of singing birds it is always a sign of good luck. Birds in your dream are the sign of news. Seeing birds fighting in your dream foretells a light quarrel between lovers. If the birds are singing , you will receive good news. Birds brooding are the sign of happiness in marriage. Seeing birds pecking on your windowsill means your house is full of luck. Birds eating bread crumbs in your dream indicate good health. Birds pecking in your yard predict a loved and awaited guest is coming your way.

If you dream of any water birds , you will receive news about a gain. If you could see water birds or birds near water (flying over water) this implies your emotions will be stable. Seeing fat yard birds means difficulties. Night birds are the sign of wisdom. Migrating birds mean new acquaintances or a radical change in your life. Departing birds indicate light melancholy, and arriving birds suggest love and friendship proposals. Flying birds suggest unfulfilled wishes, while a flock of birds means good and pleasant news. If the birds are flying in a closed area, this means spiritual turmoil. Blackbirds are the sign of bad news. A bird with a broken wing means broken love, while a shivering bird is the sign of troubles in love. To dream of a birds nest full of eggs is a sign of successful meetings with people. An empty nest suggests worry and pessimism in business. If in the nest you see abandoned chicks crying, you will worry about someone in your family.

White birds in a dream symbolize freedom and peace in life. To see two birds fighting with each other represents a conflict in waking life. If the birds kill each other in a dream it suggests that some crazy situation will happen. Singing birds are positive they denote good times ahead. For the birds to be pecking at the windowsill suggests setbacks. To see many birds (like in the film birds) represents freedom but if attacking you denotes difficult relationships. To see yard birds or feeding on nuts in the garden is focused on your inner feelings. It shows that you are feeling calm in life. To catch a bird is a positive omen. To see a flock of birds flying represents you need to rest, especially if they are migrating. Blackbirds are associated with good times ahead. Ravens indicate the spiritual insight. To see birds flying in a room or enclosed area indicates that you wish for freedom in life. To see many birds are gathering in ancient dream dictionaries signified a legal matter or lawsuits. To dream that the birds fly on your body is a sign that you need freedom from trouble. To see birds flying over your head generally means that you are going to overcome enemies in life. If the birds are entering your home at all then this is open for possible losses especially connected to friends. If you see more than one bird in the cage it can suggest happiness at home.

If you see a bird unable to fly indicates difficult times ahead. If you see birds in a tree it can suggest that you need to think about how you come across in life. To see birds that are brown indicate turning back to nature. If the birds were flying in weird directions in your dream (left or right or right to left) it is associated with your inner energy - maybe misbalanced. If the birds are black in your dream it can suggest that you are feeling worried about something in life. To see an empty nest in your dream denotes difficult times financially - but you can overcome them. To see a bird fly in a circle means goals will be achieved. To see birds crash into something (an object) represents healing and you need to take time to heal. Birds eggs in a dream indicates good social events. To kill a bird or shoot birds represents that you will have problems with someone close. Birds that are pecking at you can also represent negative energy. If the birds are chirping this is positive and denotes harmony in life. It can represent that you will have the freedom to follow your goals.

A Blue Jay featured in a dream suggests that you have been controlling of late. It means that you need to focus your attention on something and solve problems. A canary in a dream is a symbol of happiness and contentment. Especially if the canary is yellow. A buzzard in a dream is not a great omen and can suggest a minor illness. In ancient dream dictionaries, a buzzard was connected to fear. A cockatiel is a great symbol that denotes luck but you need to be careful. A crane in one's dream is connected to feeling happy in life and that you will find love going forward. If the crane is flying it represents new dreams and hopes.

A cuckoo is a symbol of dishonesty, especially if kept in a cage. it can represent that someone is becoming more annoying in life. The advice here is to move forward with confidence. A red bird as I detailed at the start of this dream meaning represents hidden dangers in life, a bluebird suggests relaxation and happy times. To see a woodpecker flying indicates that there is a hidden opportunity you have not yet realized. A vulture is a symbol of spiritual development. Maybe you need to look at the past and try to learn some lessons. If the vulture is on a rock or mountain it means that someone may wish to use you. To see a Toucan in a dream represents happy times and contentment. The Toucan can also indicate possible partnerships with others. A swan in a dream is a wonderful omen it is associated with hidden peace, happiness, purity and material attainment. Generally, the “swan ” dream is connected to new beginnings. To see yourself feeding swans on a pond indicates a new start.

If you are flying on the back of a bird in a dream it can indicate that you will have emotional stability. To dream of Dove’s represents great fortune to come. If you are married it means that children will make you feel safe in your life. If you have run your own business does a symbolism of material wealth and gaining trade. If the doves are feeding out of your hand all there is to doves in the dream it can signify travel to another country. A purple bird is the symbolism of prosperity and self-esteem. The purple can indicate that you will soon receive a visit from a close friend. To see a bird’s nest is a positive omen. If the nest does not have eggs it can signify difficult times ahead.

If you see two birds pair of birds then this is a suggestion that a child will be born. To see a swallow indicates joy and also the secrets and health of the dreamer will be positive. To see a swallow flying up and down can suggest a happy marriage with many children. In ancient dream dictionaries, a swallow is also a sign that you may uncover difficult circumstances or take a long journey in life. If you see more than one swallow it can suggest that you are going to become richer in life.

The turkey is generally a warning that there may be some adverse issues in life. This could be a sign of possible illness or minor sickness. The key element of this dream is to take good care of yourself and your health. If you see a turkey on the table cooked, so for example “Thanksgiving or Christmas” then this indicates your family is going to be important in the future. If you see the Turkey is dead or you see Turkeys dying then this fortells trouble. This can be associated with a relationship or quarrels in the future.

If you see a goose it can suggest that joy and happiness will soon be yours. To hear the geese cry indicates material gain and the possibility of a successful business. If you are a man any dream that you listen to a goose cry, especially on a farm then this indicates that you will have joy in life. If the young woman dreams of a goose it can suggest a great fortune will be yours. However this is also dream of a warning in that the geese can also indicate that a marriage may not go to plan to see the ghost taken. For the goose to lay a golden egg in a dream is a suggestion that a wish will soon be yours. A rooster in a dream is associated with anxiety and troubles. The rooster is also the symbolism of arrogance. Do not take people for granted. If you dream that you hear a rooster in one dream can be a warning that you must not trust other people. If you see a rooster fighting with another rooster in your dream this can indicate that your confidence will soon be betrayed. A dead rooster is a positive omen it can suggest overcoming difficulties in life.

A quail in a dream symbolizes a good friend who will attempt to ruin you. If the quail is working on grass and this is a favorable omen. To see quail eggs suggests that you will shortly encounter a new friend. Eating quail eggs is also a positive omen in a dream. Consequently, the quail can also represent that you will encounter a new phase of life. To see a penguin in your dream is a reminder that you need to keep your opinions to yourself. The Penguin is connected to coldness and being somewhat aloof in order to progress in life. Beware of the friend who embraces you. A pigeon in your dream indicates that someone may talk about you behind your back. If the pigeon is killed in your dream signifies an unexpected loss. The pigeon also is connected to gossip and difficulty in securing relationships with others. To see a pelican in your dream is a suggestion that you need to sacrifice something important in life. To dream that the Pelican is walking indicates that you will receive money in the future.

A cardinal flying in ones dream is a symbol of contentment. It is connected to rising above problems in life. If the cardinal is hurt in a dream it suggests worrying times ahead. The cardinal is also all about communication. It is associated with “lifting ourselves up” in life. The cardinal is also connected to spiritual development. If the cardinal is red in color it indicates a romance in life. To see magpies in a dream is a great omen if more than one. It can be associated with new beginnings and also being fearless in life. If the magpie is dead it is associated with change which will not yield a great result. To see a falcon in the sky in a dream is connected to our subconscious mind. It is associated with study and working towards something in life. Additionally, it represents freedom of expression. A falcon on one’s hand in a dream indicates that you must think about your own environment in life. Owls are connected to wisdom in life and indicates that there are many things that are “hidden in life” owls are also connected to a sign of connecting with others. A sparrow is focused on asking for advice and help. Sparrows also indicate overspending money and joys of life itself. To see birds “spreading their wings” is associated with working on new tasks at work. To see a bird nesting is connected to making your ideas real.

To dream of eating a bird in your dream reflects your own hidden desires. To see someone keep birds suggests possible jealousy. To see a bird sanctuary in ones dream represents change. There is boredom in life if ones see a bird without legs in the dream. A hummingbird indicates that you will have happiness and luck in the future. The hummingbird also suggests that you will achieve your own goals in life. Bird wings are associated with messages in life. If we look back to Greek mythology bird wings indicate a love in life. Wings are associated with training in life and also reaching a point where you can accomplish your goals.

A Chickadee in your dream indicates that you need to be aware of the people. A chickadee walking in a dream can indicate that you will encounter a social event that will enable you to progress in life. This could possibly be connected to work or retraining in some profession. Chickens featured in the dream are generally good luck - however, the chicken can also signify possible deception among a group of friends. Relationships will be difficult if you eat a roast chicken in the dream. A dream of chicken generally appears when there is significant problems in a relationship. If the chicken is rubber in material then this suggests that you need to lighten your mood in life. A chicken walking in a dream suggests positive times are forecast. To collect or eat chicken eggs indicates new possibilities.

A crow featured in the dream is connected to the darker side of our life. A crow can also suggest that you have difficulty in resisting addictive substances. This could be alcohol or tobacco or stronger drugs. It indicates you need to focus on yourself in order to give up anything that would do your body harm. To see crows flying in your dream indicates that new possibilities are on the horizon. If the crows are attacking you in the dream and this can indicate that a habit must be given up quickly. Moving on to a cockatoo featured in your dreams - this is suggesting that somebody is going to be dishonest with you in the future. Maybe you have been indulging in a relationship that is not going anywhere. The cockatoo is also representative of somebody that does not wish to give a commitment to their love life. Try to give up bad habits is the key message of the dream.

Ducks in dreams can be featured on water, a lake or even flying in the sky. Generally, ducks are representative of our spiritual growth in life. They are associated with a spiritual context. On the positive side, ducks can not only swim but they can also fly in the sky. The duck is different to every other bird in that it has multiset of skills. Therefore if we relate this to your dream it can suggest that you are going to have many different skills in life that can move you forward. Consequently, if you see more than one duck in the dream indicates that you are not going to give up easily.;The duck can represent avoiding the situation and as the term ducking out can be applied to such a dream. If you see a black duck that this indicates negative consequences go forward. If the duck is white in color and this suggests that and you started on the horizon. A traditionally colored duck, such as a brown duck for a female indicates that you need to look to mother nature in order to progress in life. A male duck seen in the dream is associated with flexibility and your ability to adapt to difficult situations in life. If the duck is injured or is unusual, such as has more than one head can suggest that emotional times are coming. To feed ducks and the dream is a positive omen meaning that you are going to have the freedom that you wish in order to progress in life. An egret In a dream is an uncommon omen. The egret indicates that there is a relationship that is not healthy. You must focus on your own inner abilities if you see an egret flying in your dream.

To see a pink flamingo represents difficult situations or the consequences of others. If you see many pink flamingos in the dream and this can be associated with the greater possibility in life. To see flamingos and water suggest that you will reach your goals and aspirations but it will take some time. A white flamingo represents peace. To see a foul a dream is representative to worries and problems in a relationship. The found in ancient dream dictionaries also indicate issues and difficulties in companionship going forward.

Geese featured in a dream is a representation of your home life. It indicates you need to spend more time at home and understand yourself better. To see seagulls in your dream is a suggestion that you need to look at your emotions. If a seagull attack’s you in the dream then you need a brighter outlook on life. If the seagulls are dead then this indicates that a relationship will break down. To see seagulls in the sky flying suggests freedom of emotions. A hawk is a symbolism of distrust between two people. Hawks often appear when there is a situation that is difficult. It can be connected to the family. Have you been in a family rift recently? The hawk indicates that somebody is going to speak about you behind your back and also gossip is likely. Are you the one that will gossip? A hen dream is very much focused on the chicken interpretation in that it indicates that other people will talk about you behind your back but the overarching meaning of the dream is positive.

To collect eggs from a hen in your dream suggests some minor prosperity. It can also indicate material wealth:but it will take some time and possible delay. An ibis in one’s dream represents perseverance in life. An Ibis is also connected to the greater good in life. Maybe you will encounter somebody you know and you need to do some charity work and you feel that you should give back in life also.

A jaybird in one dream indicates that someone is going to be offering you some help going forward. Perhaps you were feeling very confident about something in life and the bird generally arises in dreams when you need to review how you approach life. If you see Kingfisher then this can represent emotional stability. If the Kingfisher is on water and this indicates peace and emotional tranquillity going forward. The Kingfisher dream also denotes a fresh start and new beginnings are on the horizon. To see a dead kingfisher denotes a relationship going wrong. Larks seen flying in the sky in one dream suggests that you are going to set your goals extremely high going forward. If the larks are chirping in your dream and this represents contentment. Larks also symbolize a change of residence and you may wish to look at moving abroad.

To see a Loon in one’s dream is an indication that you are going to encounter somebody who will provide you with wisdom. It is quite possible that this person will guide you in life so that you can find the answers to all the questions that you have. The loon is also representative of mental health issues and it can suggest that somebody is going to drive you round the bend. Remember that everybody has an inner quality you just need to understand others better in order to use them to your best advantage.

Not surprisingly, the lovebird seen in a dream indicates that partner yours very shortly the lovebird is probably one of the best “love” omens to see in the dream state and indicates that you will marry or have a partnership in the future. It can also indicate sexual compatibility. The mockingbird seen in the dream is a suggestion that things are going to work out the best. Don’t try to listen to others, it can also suggest a work context that you will encounter a job or project and take the credit. Reading the book “the Mockingbird” indicates progression. Remember to always be appreciative of others when the mockingbird appears in dreams.

A nightingale is a beautiful bird to see in the dream state. Nightingale’s generally mean somebody loves you very much you are not feeling the same way. You need to look within in order to find out why you do not feel emotionally connected to others. An ostrich can generally mean going to be attacked by somebody in life. There is a situation that will give you enlightenment. The ostrich can also indicate justice, especially around other people. To eat or see an ostrich egg dream indicates beginnings. To be chased by an ostrich in a dream denotes difficult situations in life.

A parrot in one's dream is connected to people talking about you. A parrot in a cage can suggest a dishonest person will try to connect with you in the future. If the parrot is out of the cage then this can imply someone will try to make up with you. Have you been wronged in your life? A parrot indicates backstabbing and is focused on “communication in life” to make sure you avoid this try to focus on your own growth in life. A parrot can also suggest that someone is making you cross - are they winding you up? A parrot flying in your dream represents new approaches to old problems. A multi-colored parrot indicates trust between you and someone else.

A parakeet in a dream brings along an important message. Spiritually, a parakeet indicates luck and communication in life. It can also suggest love in life. It is a great omen to have. To dream of the parakeet showing you affection is a great omen. A partridge indicates that you will look after yourself in life - be self-sufficient. To sing the song “partridge in the pear tree” in your dream denotes happiness. The partridge also suggests being rather independent in life. The peacock in one's dream indicates a new start in life. The peacock also represents that love will come into your life. A peacock is representative of a new phase of life and happiness at home. The peacock is associated with giving others pride and happiness. The peacock also represents one's goals in life. The peacock making a noise in the dream indicates that a new beginning is on the cards.

A pelican in one's dream suggests not only devotion but also sacrifice in life. If this visits you then wisdom will be yours. Generally, the pelican can also suggest you will give something to others. If the pelican attacks you then you need to look after yourself. Don’t let others control you. The roadrunner can come into dreams in two forms either on the road itself or just standing there. Also, it is not uncommon to have the dream of “roadrunner ” the cartoon character. This dream indicates that things are moving fast in life it can also hate you need to plan better in order to release your goals and ambitions you. If the roadrunner is chasing you suggest that you are not what others perceived to be it indicates your emotions are hidden. If you see a robin in your dream then this suggests a new phase of life. The Robin is a symbolism of fresh starts a new beginning. The robin also brings with it many different possibilities in life. Maybe you’ve been thinking about retraining for a different career? The Robin can also indicate that you need to sacrifice something in order to progress in life. To see a stork in life indicates “baby is on the way” it can suggest that you need to be faithful. The stork represents birth and new starts. The stork is associated with cleaning and making the path better for others in life.

Your dream:

  • White birds.
  • Birds fighting with each other.
  • Singing birds.
  • Birds brooding.
  • Birds pecking on your windowsill.
  • Making a bird cage.
  • Water birds.
  • Yard birds.
  • Catching a bird.
  • Birds in a bird cage.
  • Migrating birds.
  • Flying birds.
  • Birds eating bread crumbs.
  • Black birds.
  • Departing birds.
  • A bird with a broken wing.
  • A flock of birds.
  • Birds shivering of cold.
  • Birds arriving.
  • You see birds pecking in your yard.
  • Birds flying in a closed area.


Enjoy your freedom of choice. Be ready for a radical change in your life.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of birds

驚いた。 Impressed.心配した。 Anxious.混乱している。幸せ。 Stressed. Adoring. Joyful.

  1. 鳥の群れの夢を見る

  2. 複数の鳥について夢を見る

  3. 鳥を追いかける夢

  4. 鳥が火事になる夢を見る

  5. 空腹の鳥の夢を見る

  6. 鳥の孔雀の夢を見る

  7. かごに入れられた鳥の夢を見る

  8. 鳥がうんちをする夢を見る

  9. 飢えた鳥の夢を見る