家についての夢 比較的一般的です。この夢は私たちの内部の働きの鍵です。それはあなた自身の様々な側面を表しています。

- バスルームの夢は、目覚めている生活の中で洗面所を使用する必要があることを示唆しています。
- 家のいたるところに水が流れていると、あなたの感情は無秩序であると言われます。
- 窓は家の目です。したがって、比喩的または物理的に言えば、窓の明確な夢は、見ることに問題があることを示しています。
- 同様に、未完成の、汚れた、または壊れた窓やドアのある家は、あなたの体が細菌の危険にさらされていることを意味します。
- 夢の中でゴミの山やバックドアの問題を見つけた場合、その問題は消化器系(便秘)に関連しています。
- 喫煙煙突は性的カタルシスを象徴しています。
- 崩壊する煙突は、不妊症とインポテンスを表しています。
- 煙突を掃除することは、感情的なカタルシスの必要性を示しています。
This is symbolic of your feelings. You feel emotionally and physically detached and distant. You need to take a close look at and remember the emotion on the face of the person.
70. Dream about Shut Windows
A dream of the windows being shut is a sign of absconding and betrayal. It is symbolic of abandonment.
71. Dream about the Shattered or Broken Windows
When you dream about shattered or broken windows, it is symbolic of your crooked perspective and your twisted standpoint regarding life. This dream also signifies your vulnerability.
72. Dream about Replacing the Broken Windows
You are acquiring new perspectives in your life. Therefore this dream of replacing or fixing the broken windows is a sign that you are shifting your perspective or standpoint regarding life. You are reevaluating it.
73. Dream about Tinted Windows
This dream signifies your need for appearing mysterious and ambiguous. You conceal some parts of yourself. Here, you demand privacy.
74. Dream about Washing Windows
You remain confused about a specific decision or some aspect of your life. A dream about washing the windows suggests that you require clarity.
75. Dream about Entering or Exiting Through the Windows
If you’re dreaming of entering or exiting through the windows specifically, it indicates that you are engaged in some covert or deceitful activity.
Instead of waiting for opportunities to fall into your lap, you are creating them actively.
76. Dream of being Pushed or Falling Through a Window
In your dream, if you are pushed or you fall through a window, you are reluctantly and involuntarily participating in something you have no interest in.
You feel pressed to engage in something like this despite your disinterest. Here, your perception is clashing with someone else’s
77. Dream about A Knock on the Window
Many appealing opportunities are heading your way if you hear a knock on the window in your dream. You have a bright future with many exciting things to anticipate.
Dream About a House based on Walls
78. Dream about A Wall
A dream about jumping the wall signifies certain barriers or boundaries which hinder your progress. You are too acclimated to your old habits and thoughts.
79. Dream of Jumping over A Wall
This dream indicates that you will triumph. You will be able to overcome obstacles and barriers.
80. Dream about Demolishing or Breaking Down A Wall
Dreaming of demolishing or breaking down a wall signifies that you are demolishing the obstacles obstructing your progress and are setting new limits.
81. Dream about A Crumbling Wall
If a wall crumbles in your dream, it is a sign that resolving your problems and setting new limits will be a relatively easy journey.
82. Dream about Building A Wall
Building a wall in your dream points towards a toxic relationship or some childhood trauma. You are distancing yourself to protect yourself from getting hurt.
This dream is a sign that you have reached acceptance regarding this limitation.
83. Dream about Hiding Behind A Wall
You are ashamed of your social circle and therefore feel so even acknowledging them.
84. Dream about Being Thrown or Shot Through A Wall
You are ready to venture out and start your journey. This dream suggests that you are slowly letting your walls down.
85. Dream about A House with No Walls
A house with no walls in your dream indicates that the concept of privacy is lost. Everybody is poking their nose in your business.
Dream About a House – Condition of the Room
86. Dream about A Room
This dream is symbolic of a specific aspect of yourself or a relationship of yours.
The various parts of your room are representative of various aspects of your personality and the concealed parts of your conscious mind.
87. Dream about Finding or Discovering A New Room
You are taking up new initiatives that challenge you and you are working towards building your positives and your assets. You are experiencing emotional growth.
What you discover in this new room in the dream has its implications as it can be repressed content or emotions and your fears.
Spotting a new room in your dream can also be an indication of the extent of your capabilities or ignored skillset.
88. Dream of an Appealing or Comfortable Room
A dream of an appealing and comfortable room is parallel to the prosperity, wealth, and comfort in your waking life.
89. Dream of an Empty White Room
This empty white room in your dream is synonymous with the new beginning in your life, a blank page has been presented to start over.
It also means that you’re distancing yourself from the outside world to avoid any influence.
90. Dream of Dark, Eerie, or Confining Room
If you dream of a dark, eerie, or confined room, it suggests that you feel captured or cornered. It is also symbolic of the situations that you have buried deep inside you.
91. Dream of A Yellow Room
Such a dream is a sign that you need to use your mind more often. It can also be a signal that you are being mentally aroused or stimulated.
92. Dream of A House With Many Rooms
A dream of a luxurious house with many rooms is symbolic of your perspective on affluence.
If the house has many rooms regardless of the nature of the house is a sign of the difficulties of your life.
93. Dreaming of Being Surprised by Spotting A Hidden Room
It is a good sign if the surprise was pleasant in the dream. It refers to the good things coming your way and it is concealed in your everyday life.
94. Dream that the Hidden Room is in your House
This house need not resemble your house in waking life. A dream like this denotes self-improvement. You are building on your hobbies and passion.
95. Dream of Hidden Rooms in Someone Else’s House
Such a dream is an indication that someone in your life has more than one face. They live a double life, therefore concealing something from you. This can be good or bad news.
96. Dream of Finding Creepy or Dirty Interior in the Hidden Room
When you have a dream like this, it means that someone in your waking life has a dark secret that they have not yet revealed to you.
House Dream Meaning – Condition of the House
97. Dream of A New House
To dream of a new house is symbolic of everything new. You are welcoming a new part of your life as well as emotional growth.
It specifically points towards some major changes that will occur around you.
These changes can be a new relationship, a new situation, or even a change to your body. Additionally, it also denotes a new perspective or mindset.
98. Dream of An Old Home
Having a dream of an old home indication of certain perspectives or mindsets that you currently hold.
This perspective or mindset primarily stems from experience and it has been tried and hence the trust has been developed.
Such a dream is also symbolic of nostalgia regarding your old lifestyle. However, this lifestyle no longer serves you.
A nice-looking old home in your dream suggests the old traditional perspective or way of living that you possess.
99. Dream about A Beautiful House
You are currently distracted if you dream of a beautiful house. It is symbolic of luck and you are being steered in the appropriate direction. You’re taking a stand for your beliefs.
It is also an indication that you need to pause and reassess your goals and your end game.
100. Dream of A Nice-Looking House
When you dream of a nice-looking house that is situated in a nice neighborhood, looking like it fits in, it reflects your inner feeling.
Currently, you are at peace concerning your position and journey in life. You seem to fit in well just like the house.
You do not have any problems with the society around you and in fact, have minimal conflicts.
101. Dream of A Messy House
This dream of a messy house is an indication of your disgruntled life. The messy house depicts the chaotic and disharmonious life that you lead.
102. Dream of A House (Clean and Functional but Painted and Built Oddly)
A dream about a house that is clean and functional but is painted and architecturally weird is said to represent your eccentricity. You do not fear to be the odd duck out and you embrace this aspect.
This dream also portends that you or someone around you is comfortable engaging in weird things in exchange for attention.
103. Dream of A House Being Destroyed
Such a dream represents your sense of acceptance. This acceptance is specifically about one specific area ceasing to exist.
Certain life situations that can cause such a dream are loss of a job, deteriorating health, stark changes in life, or permanent injuries due to an accident.
104. Dream of A Broken or Destroyed House
A dream where the house is broken or destroyed signifies that your life is currently crumbling and it denotes the threat to your identity.
This dream represents an itch or a troubling hunch regarding a situation.
Here, it also indicates a significant something has come to an end or has strayed. This dream indicates that your body is damaged and that you need to pay more attention to it.
105. Dream of A Neglected or Run-Down House
Dreaming about such a house is a reminder that you need to tend to your needs better. Just like how the house is ignored and maintained, you are overlooking something important.
If you attempt to fix such a house, it means you are trying to make amends.
However, despite this effort, if the house remains the same, you need to pay more attention to the current state of your life as well as your feelings.
106. Dream of A Broken House
This dream suggests that someone overstepped your boundary and has breached it regarding a situation or a relationship.
Another interpretation suggests that material from the unconscious is trying to reveal itself and you are not allowing this to happen.
107. Dream of A Haunted House
Dreaming of a haunted house is symbolic of some incomplete emotional work that is specifically related to your family, deceased relatives, or any stifled memories or emotions.
It also denotes your apprehension and worry related to the future.
108. Dream of an Abandoned House
Such a dream signifies that you have abandoned your past in waking life too. You are over the past and ready to take the next step forward.
It can be a sign to focus on your personal growth and that you are currently overlooking and ignoring your emotions.
109. Dream of an Unfinished House
A dream about an unfinished house is symbolic of procrastination as you want someone else to do your work. This is primarily due to exhaustion.
110. Dream of Rich House
This dream is symbolic of your take on problems and complications when you are prosperous, influential, and resourceful.
111. Dream of Poor House
Here, the priority is the way you view these obstacles in question when you are helpless, defenseless, and when you are feeling frail and feeble-minded.
112. Dream of A Dusty House
A dream of a dusty house denotes that you are concealing something prominent. You have a secret.
Dreaming of Houses – Types of Houses
113. Dream of A Mansion
Spotting a mansion in your dream suggests that you require improvement and that certain circumstances or relationships require a make-over.
This dream is also a reflection of your state of being when you feel powerful, when you have a sense of control and when you are achieving your goals.
114. Dream of Beach House
A dream about a beach house indicates that you are ready to settle down now that you have achieved all your goals and dreams. You are looking for the finer things in life.
Alternatively, this dream also suggests that you want to evade your current reality. The state of the ocean will reveal your feeling or your desire to feel a certain way.
115. Dream of Farm House
A dream of a farmhouse symbolizes your yearning to settle down and sow your seeds. You are finally ready for the responsibility of a family.
It can also represent your need to live a minimalist life and discard unwanted and unnecessary items. You reminisce about the simpler uncomplicated times.
116. Dreaming of Cottage in the Woods
A cottage in the wood dream is quite self-explanatory as it signifies your desire to spend some time outdoors, in nature. You are also actively trying to evade and dodge a disagreement.
117. Dream of A House in the City
This dream indicates your liking for the busy life that is filled with hustling day in and day out. The people that matter to you are your friends and co-workers.
This dream may be important as it can reflect your state of mind regarding your career.
118. Dream of the Gingerbread House
A dream about a gingerbread house suggests that you want to foster and cherish your inner child. This dream is related to your desire to have children.
It can also mean that you are reminiscing about your childhood.
119. Dream of A Wooden House
According to dream lore, this dream is a sign of a mix-up. Living in such a house indicates some trouble in paradise, specifically in your relationship.
Someone else’s wooden house suggests that you need an attitude check.
120. Dream of Red Brick House
A house composed of red bricks insists that you need to develop your individuality. You need to explore your objectives and desires.
Your anxiety about the future is represented by building a red brick house in the dream.
121. Dream of A Cabin
In the dream, if you see yourself in a cabin, it means you will be presented with chances to achieve your goals. It also means that you are feeling confined and cagey.
You can break free from this feeling by exercising your independence.
122. Dream of a Semi-Detached House
As per ancient dream lore, this dream denotes that a new friend will come forth. If you do not live in such a house in your waking life, it symbolizes dependency on a friend.
123. Dream of A Ranch
You know how to handle yourself in a crisis if you dream of living on a ranch. You are intrinsically motivated or draw inspiration from others.
124. Dream of A Terrace House
You have many trustworthy friends around you if you dream of this house. However, an unknown terrace house means you will socially make new connections.
125. Dream of An Apartment
A dream of this sort suggests that you should employ empathy and compassion to achieve your goals and to reach your full potential.
If you currently reside in an apartment when you had the dream, it is a sign that you need to be forthcoming about your emotions instead of concealing them.
126. Dream of A Mobile Home
Dreaming of a mobile home is symbolic of your bottomless loyalty and warmth. It is descriptive of your adaptability.
Simultaneously, old dream books suggest that it is representative of your dreams and aspirations.
127. Dream of A Tree House
When you dream of a treehouse, it means you require grounding. Fear is consuming you and you need to shift your focus to loving and trusting yourself.
You also need to research your ambition. You need to find a purpose.
128. Dream of An Empty House
This empty house in your dream is symbolic of the void inside you. It also denotes your incapability to form emotional connections.
This dream is a warning that the loneliness and the emotional turmoil will catch up to you. Therefore, you can try getting out of your comfort zone and interacting with others if possible.
House Dream Meaning – Color Of The House
129. Dreaming of Pink House
When you dream of a pink house, it means that you are masking your desires and wants. You are hiding your true personality and putting on a show for other people.
130. Dreaming of Yellow House
A yellow house in a dream is associated with feeling light, hope, intelligence, good instincts, and optimism.
In addition, your optimism is infectious and your faith in the good is unwavering.
131. Dreaming of Blue House
If you see a blue house in your dream, it suggests a positive mindset.
132. Dream about Red House
Dreaming of a red house signifies pessimism. In other words, you are predominantly negative and think the worst.
133. Dream about Green House
A green-colored house in your dream signifies economic and financial growth. This growth will be exponential.
134. Dream of Black House
This dream is a disguised warning. Therefore, there is a problem heading your way and you need to gear up to tackle it.
House Dream Meaning – Other Interpretation
135. Dream of A Big House
Something in your life is devastating and you are overwhelmed by it. Additionally, you are attempting to grow into something.
136. Dream of A Small House
A dream like this is a sign that you are running away from a problem and you feel feeble. Subsequently, you feel restricted which urges you to ask yourself if you need to grow or mature.
137. Dream of Your Home
Dreaming of your own house is symbolic of feeling safe, your basic needs being met, and is a reflection of your values. You are settling well in the new environment.
138. Dream of Your Childhood Home
This dream of childhood home indicates that you are ready to settle down and start a family. It also reflects your ideas about home and the parts of you that were significant or matured during this period.
It indicates your traditional archaic thinking.
139. Dream of Your Parent’s Home
A dream of your parent’s home suggests that you are channeling your father’s conscience or your mother’s instincts to address and confront a problem you are dealing with.
140. Dream of Your Grandparent’s House
This dream is a sign that you are emotionally and mentally bound to your past. Therefore, it is a reminder that you need to let go to lead a healthy and joyful life.
141. Dream of Someone Else’s Home
If you recognize the person in the dream and is someone close to you, it is reflective of the emotional and psychological bond you share with this person in waking life.
If the person is recognized as an ex-coworker or an ex-boss, then it means you will soon experience a shift in your career.
142. Dream of A Former Residence
Dreaming about a former residence is reflective of your mindset during that period when you resided in that house.
143. Dream of An Unfamiliar House
You will be welcoming new people into your life. Further, such a dream indicates your internal functioning. You will also encounter familiar conflicts.
Additionally, it is a sign that you will have to help those around you as they will turn to you for counsel and advice.
144. Dream of Building A House
You dream about building your own house or someone else’s. Therefore, this indicates that you need a mini-makeover related to your personality.
Additionally, you are required to improve some areas of your personality.
145. Dream of House Construction
Construction of a house in your dream is symbolic of a transition from being laid back to being responsible and grown-up. Furthermore, this indicates your awareness of emotions.
A dream about constructing your house denotes your loud, bustling mind. It is also representative of your personal growth and your effort to advance your education.
As a result, you are working on embracing a new ‘you’.
146. Dream of an Unfinished House
You are a pro-procrastinator. In your waking life, you are delaying something specific. You are expecting someone else to carry out the task when they cannot do it; only you can.
It is a sign that you’re repressing a lot of your emotions and feelings.
147. Dream of Not Finding Your Way Home
This can be quite scary. It indicates two things. One, you can expect a major change or transformation. Another one is that you are slowly losing faith in yourself and you are resigning which is alarming.
148. Dreaming of the Same House Recurrently
If the same house appears in your dreams consecutively, it is symbolic of your uneasiness and aimlessness in your everyday life.
Due to this, you are at a crux with identity and are ignoring this by keeping yourself busy.
It also represents your compassion. Lastly, this dream encourages you to move out of your comfort zone and grow.
149. Dream that the House Shifting
Such a dream signifies a shift in your mindset and convictions. In other words, you are experiencing a personal transformation.
150. Dream of the House Shaking or Moving
You can expect a major change if you have such a dream. The shaking specifically can indicate the transformation which will be followed by confusion.
Further, it shows that you are disappointed and nervous.
An alternative interpretation of this dream is that another person asserts their dominance.
151. Dream Of the House Shaking or Turning Over
If you see an unfamiliar house shake or turn, someone is leaning in on you and intimidating you.
In other words, the feeling that a shaking or turning house evokes is a reminder to take it easy and not get too absorbed by the minor details.
152. Dreaming of Cleaning the House
You are actively looking for growth when you have a dream like this by cleansing out your old habits and making room for new ones.
This dream is symbolic of joy, opulence, and peace. Therefore, it represents a better future heading your way.
153. Dream of Cleaning A Dirty House
If you dream of cleaning a specifically dirty house, it means that you will attempt to clear the dirt in your own life.
154. Dreaming of Living Alone While you have A Roommate in Your Waking Life
Dreaming of this specific scenario indicates an advance towards autonomy. This further says that you need to be more diligent and take on more responsibilities
155. Dreaming that the House Disappeared
A dream of a disappearing house is symbolic of the feelings that you have concealed from your friends and your partner too.
This dream is a sign that you need to stand up for yourself and not let people manipulate you.
156. Dream of Seeing only the Outside of the House
Here, it is symbolic of your concern for the appearance or the presentation of the person. You are focused on the surface level of a problem and are fearing to delve deeper to introspect.
157. Dream of Moving to A Better House
This dream indicates that currently, the things in your life have settled down. They are not as bad as they used to be. Finally, you are armed and ready for what’s to come next.
158. Dream of Moving to A House in Worse Condition
You had envisioned a certain direction for your life. A dream of moving into a house that is in a worse condition than your current residence suggests that you are no longer on this path and you are lost.
159. Dream about Moving into A New House
This dream is symbolic of your desire for gratification. Additionally, there is an obstacle that is obstructing your beginning of a new phase in life.
If you fixate on enlightenment and improvement, you will overcome this crisis.
160. Dream of Buying A House
Here, a specific scenario is at play. This dream is a good sign if you were not financially capable to buy your dream house.
In this case, your dream is a sign that you will be more equipped to deal with and manage your finances.
Another scenario is one where you and your current partner stay away from each other and your dream of purchasing your dream home with your partner.
This denotes you are ready to take the relationship to the next level.
161. Dream of Going Home
A home is supposedly a place of safety and a place that soothes you. A dream of going home is symbolic of your journey back to a place of convenience, pleasure, and comfort.
Currently, it has been quite turbulent and this dream indicates that things will settle down for now.
162. Dream of The House on Fire
A dream of a house on fire is a reflection of losing a major part of your life and that you cannot do anything to stop it from happening.
You want to channel your anger in a destructive manner or by intentionally hurting someone.
You feel like you do not have control over your emotions and the way your life is going negatively.
163. Dream of Getting Locked Out of Your House
Dreaming of getting locked out is a sign that you are feeling excluded and insecure. You are currently displaced and feel like drifting out of hand.
164. Dream of People Moving into Your Home
A dream like this reflects your disturbed aspect of self. It is also reflective of the areas of your life where you have a sense of authority and autonomy.
165. Dream of A Part of Your House Missing
Your ability to work has been diminished in some specific areas. This dream is a sign of this decline.
166. Dream of Your House with Long Front Steps
If you see such a house and it leads towards a big front door, it denotes a situation that requires your effort and it envelops your feelings towards such a circumstance.
167. A Dream that A House is Chasing You
This is a reflection of your repressed feelings. You are running away from your inner self and emotions.
168. Dream of A House Flying or Floating
A dream of this scenario indicates your current phase of introspection and your struggle with it. You expect a lot from yourself even if others do not share a similar opinion.
169. Dream of Water or Flood Inside your House
You are emotionally overwhelmed and worried about the problems that you will face in the future.
170. Dream of Bird in the House
This dream is synonymous with a bird in a cage feeling ambushed and bound to something.
171. Dream of A Snake in the House
A single snake denotes someone who is lying. Seeing snakes in a house indicates you will be allured by something or is a reflection of your emotional state.
A snake hiding in a house in your dream indicates that you can anticipate betrayal or deceit. You do not fear drafting your path if you see a slithering snake in your house.
Being trapped in a house of snakes is a sign that you have a newfound focus on life altogether.
172. Dream of A Tree Growing in the House
Such a dream is a reflection of the need for grounding. A green tree indicates joy and satisfaction as it approaches.
A dying tree is a sign that you need to relax and recover because you are mentally exhausted.
173. Dream of Many Houses
Dreaming of many houses is a sign that you know of the options heading your way and is reflective of your inner working. It also represents a chance to change your future.
174. Dream of A Dirty House
This dream represents a situation or relationship that retrieves painful memories. You feel like the hardships are permanent and perpetual. You can deal with this by being optimistic.
175. Dream of Your Own Dirty House
If your house is dirty in the dream, it symbolizes a life-altering change.
176. Dream of A Smelly and Dirty House
If the smell in the house is pungent or someone else’s house is dirty, it is a sign that people’s impression of you will be unfavorable and negative.
177. Dream of Moving in With Someone
This dream is a sign that you ache and crave to share a deeper bond with a significant other.
If the person in the dream is your partner, it means that you are ready for the next phase or stage indicating your seriousness and commitment.
178. Dream of Being Homeless
Such a dream is a hint that you will be saddened and dismayed. Additionally, it means that your authority will be compromised.
Your confidence is impacted due to an unexpected event and the support of your peers and family will help you reclaim your confidence.
179. Dream of A House Robbery
This is a sign that you will have money or financial issues in the present or the future. You are requested to abstain from any investments as it will result in a loss for you.
House Dream Meaning – Spiritual Meaning
Spiritually, dreaming of a house is symbolic of your craving for a change, buying a new house, taking on new projects to enhance your spiritual imagination, and finally a reflection of inner unconscious work.
The spiritual interpretation of dreaming of your own house is a reflection of your appetite to spiritually change your current location or purchase a new house.
Additionally, it is a sign that you desire to assume new responsibilities and projects. This will drive you to exploit your spiritual imagination to manifest your needs and wants.
A dream about a house is symbolic of your inner unconscious workings and profile.
Spiritually, the meaning of a house dream warrants asking some questions listed below:
- How did you feel during the dream?
- What impacted your feelings?
- About your emotional state during the dream
- What were your experiences at the time of the dream?
- The condition of the house and what part you explore.
Dream About A House – Biblical Meaning
In the bible, a house symbolizes protection, intelligence, sculpting the direction for your life, justice, and finally, spiritual expertise.
Biblically, the meaning of dreaming about a house is embedded heavily in the context.
1. Divine Protection
This dream is a sign that the divine is spiritually protecting and guiding you. Additionally, it is reflective of your prayers to be shielded by the Lord Almighty.
Biblically, this is a good omen that your prayers will be answered.
2. Discovering A New Room
If you have a positive feeling when you discover the room in the dream it means that a new part of your life or ministry of God will become available.
Additionally, if you have a bad feeling, it means that the Lord intends to disclose or heal your darkest secret.
3. Hole in the Roof or A House With A Torn or Dilapidated Shingles
A specific area of your life is devoid of the Lord’s protection. This lack of protection is due to a sin or a mistake. Therefore, you do not have spiritual shielding.
House Dream Meaning – Islamic Interpretation
Here, it is important to note that the Islamic interpretation is ingrained in the context and the condition of the house. Following are some such important interpretations:
1. Entering the House
Seeing yourself enter a house in the dream is symbolic of marriage or sexual intimacy.
2. Buying the House
Such a dream is symbolic of growth and opulence.
3. Building the House
The Islamic interpretation of building a house is that a person suffering from an illness will heal and recover.
4. Imprisoned in the House
This indicates you will receive guidance. It is also symbolic of health and wealth.
5. House-Made of Gold
A dream where the house is made of gold is a bad omen as it means that a fire will destroy the house.
6. House with No Roof
A dream of a house in this condition is symbolic of the woman in such an environment.
7. Tunnel Under the House
Dreaming of this scenario is a sign of betrayal or a deceitful person. This person has a way into your household.
8. Demolishing One’s Own House
This is symbolic of a conflict with your family members. You are warned.
Dreaming Of A House – Psychological Interpretation
Jungian therapy believes a house to be one of the most commonly dreamed items or scenarios.
Carl Jung personally maintained that everything that is in our unconscious seeks to be manifested in some way.
According to Jung, the Swiss Psychologist proposed that the dream of building a house is symbolic of one’s construction and development of self.
As Jungian Psychology does not emphasize just one dream, it is important to consider other factors when you dream of a house. It is considered to be a complex window to your soul and psyche.
Therefore, some factors to consider are:
- Give your dream some thought and consider it over some time, not in an isolated manner.
- Description of the house and developing a sense of connection to it.
- House size, shape, color, and condition.
Final Words
A dream about a house is common and it is representative of your internal state of being based on the house. It is considered to be a continuation of the identities and energies that are embraced by people.
Therefore, a dream about a house can provide a great deal of information about oneself and an in-depth analysis of your inner working.