幽霊についての夢があった場合 、あなたは彼らが不気味で血まみれであることをよく知っています。しかし、それらがあなたが知っているすべてであるならば、幽霊の夢は現実であり、あなたが想像できるよりももっと目的があります、まあ、常にではありませんが、時々です。
10年前に亡くなった曽祖父があなたに手を差し伸べていると想像してみてください–はい、あなた! –あなたの夢の状態を通して。

「幽霊を夢見ることは、あなたが「幽霊」であるために対処する必要のある未完成のビジネスを指す傾向があります。 テレサチャン、夢の専門家であり、 Night Vision:A Field Guide toYourDreamsの著者。
最後になりましたが、あなたの夢の世界に現れる幽霊は、訪問の夢である可能性があります 。しかし、それは何ですか?
この主張は、ボストン大学医学部の准教授であるPatrick McNamaraによって支持されており、「訪問の夢は通常明確です。 鮮やかな 、強烈で、夢想家が目覚めたときの本当の訪問として経験されます。夢想家は常に経験によって変化します」 。
- それは非常に鮮やかで強烈でした。
- 夢は現実に感じました。
- 夢の中のシナリオや出来事を忘れることはできません。
- 夢は重要で明確なメッセージを伝えました。
- あなたは強烈な感情で目覚めます。それはポジティブにもネガティブにもなり得ます。
- 直接的または間接的に、夢はあなたが閉鎖を経験し、先に進むのを助けます。
イベントがあなたを精神的および感情的に消耗させたようです。 And you seem to be struggling to face even the slightest obstacles.
Consequently, you are not yourself, and you expect others to take care of your problems for you, which is fine, to some extent.
But the dream encourages you to stand up for yourself and fight your own battles because that will eventually help you to face the troubles and move on from them earlier than you should.
50. Dreams about being possessed by a ghost
Chances are, you are not being yourself and you don’t direct your life. Instead, someone else has control over you and your actions.
That person could be a partner or even a parent.
Whoever that person is and whatever their goodwill, the mere fact that you had this dream shows you are old and mature enough to be in control of your own decisions and actions.
Your partner or parents might have done it with the best interest in mind, but the dream suggests you be responsible for your life as that will help you immensely in the long run.
Another interpretation of this dream is that a person who has recently entered your life will be some sort of a lucky charm.
51. Dreaming of seeing yourself as a ghost in the mirror
If you ever dream of seeing yourself as a ghost in the mirror, it is a good dream.
Problems that have been disturbing you for a long time have finally come to a close.
Be it hatred for someone, heartache, or a painful memory that has nagged you for years- the dream indicates you have come to terms with it finally.
You have made peace and are ready to move ahead with your life without that particular load of problems.
52. A dream of turning into a ghost
A dream vision of turning into a ghost reflects your desire to run away from your existing problems.
You could also dream of the same if you have pushed your issues to the back seat, providing you momentary relaxation and peace of mind.
However, the dream suggests you quit the habit of ignoring problems and piling them up. Otherwise, there is a probability of them getting out of control soon.
53. Dreaming of loved ones turning into ghosts
The dream is a warning. Troubles are in the vicinity, and the dream signals you to stay away from anything suspicious.
54. A dream about being a ghost
Have you ever come across a scene in a movie where a character dies and comes back as a ghost?
Most of the time, such ghosts get desperate as their loved ones couldn’t feel their presence. Despite being with their people, they are ignored and overlooked because their loved ones cannot see them.
Against this background, a dream of being a ghost means you are being ignored by others and you failed to accomplish the things you desire to do.
Dreaming of yourself as a ghost is also associated with health issues and also for the need for spiritual evolution.
55. Dreaming that your spirit left your body
If you dream of your spirit leaving your body, take that as a warning. There’s something wrong with your way of thinking or your attitude towards others.
You might say, ‘My life, my rules, and I choose the way I live’.
まあ、あなたは正しいです。 You are indeed the best director and dictator of your life and actions. However, dreams also matter.
A lot more than we imagine them to, in fact.
So, if your dream warns you of something, you could try following it, especially if it won’t incur much harm to yourself.
As for the dream spectacle of a spirit leaving your body, if your attitude goes unchecked, prepare to lose a person or a thing extremely dear to you.
56. A dream of seeing yourself as a disembodied spirit
According to the dream, something within you will die and take a newer form.
Perhaps you have finally let go of the memories of your first love after you got into a serious relationship with your present partner.
Maybe you have successfully given up on consuming unhealthy junk and have replaced them with fresh fruits and veggies.
57. Dreaming of a ghost knocking at your door
If you get dream visions of ghosts knocking at your door, trying to get inside your house, it means problems are lurking around, looking for ways to take shape.
58. Ghosts flying around inside a house in a dream
According to the dream, some unpleasant circumstances will create disappointments and frustrations.
59. Dreaming of ghosts in the toilet
Ghost in toilet dreams indicates you give too much thought and time to unpleasant happenings of the past.
Because of this, your subconscious wants you to ask yourself what would be the benefit of dwelling on those.
Just as a push of the button flushes away all the dirt and waste, ensure you take the initial step of getting rid of those unpleasant feelings.
60. Dreaming of a ghost in the hospital
Unquestionably, the dream represents sorrow.
61. Dreaming of a ghost town
If you dream of living in a ghost town, it denotes your isolation.
Do you feel left out, ignored, and invisible?
Do you believe no one cares about you and your feelings?
If your answer to the above questions is yes, it’s time you find out the cause of people’s behavior towards you.
Have you done something against the wishes of your loved ones?
Do you think you have betrayed their trust?
Since you know better than anyone, your subconscious urges you to find the problem and fix it asap before they abandon you for good.
62. A dream of ghosts at a cemetery
According to the dream plot, you are likely to hit a bad phase of life.
In due time, you may be compelled to live in absolute poverty.
63. Dreaming of seeing ghosts in the sky
You will encounter a series of misfortunes in the foreseeable future.
On the other hand, you may even get information about someone near passing away.
64. Dreaming of a female ghost on your left and a male ghost on your right in the sky
According to the dream books of Miller, you will suddenly rise to fame, which will eventually be short-lived as it is likely to be shadowed by misfortunes.
Ghosts and Other People In Dreams
Some experts claimed that seeing the ghost of a living person you know in real life hints at the malicious acts of that particular person.
But other dream experts have different interpretations.
If you get confused as to which to follow, you should study your life and present circumstances. Only after a thorough analysis will you be able to tell which interpretation to follow and which to ignore.
65. Dreaming of seeing the ghost of a person you know well in real life
In a dream, if you see the ghost of a close one, it symbolizes unresolved issues in your life or between the two of you.
The dream advises you to take care of the matter asap because the pending issues will start stacking up, one above the other, and will pose threats to your journey ahead.
66. Dreaming of a living person who is sick at the time you have the dream
According to the plot, that person will recover soon.
67. The ghost of your grandmother in a dream
The dream indicates you are deeply bothered by an ongoing situation in your current life.
68. Dreaming of a ghost of your father
Dreaming of your father’s ghost means you are being haunted by a decision you need to make.
It could be that you have been pushing it for later times despite being aware of its urgency.
On the other hand, the dream symbolizes your guilt over an extremely bad decision you made.
69. The ghost of your partner in your dream
In your real life, you will face unfairness and injustice.
Most probably, it isn’t limited to problems in your relationship, despite the dream showing you just the image of your partner.
70. A dream of the ghost of a living friend
The dream warns you of malicious activities that an individual may put you through.
71. A dream of a ghost that has the face of an acquaintance
Sometimes dreams let you be aware of situations that your conscious mind fails to notice or even imagine.
When you dream of a ghost taking the shape and looks of an acquaintance, it reflects what and how that person perceives you in reality.
The dream indicates a strong likelihood of jealousy and hateful feelings towards you. Whatever you have – success, happiness, contentment, prosperity, that person wants for himself or herself.
But those are not all he or she has towards you. Because that individual desires to own everything you have while depriving you of even the most basic necessity.
72. The ghost of a dog in a dream
The dream reflects your embarrassment for something you have done to defend yourself.
Maybe you got into a nasty argument with your flatmate while defending yourself, only to realize you are the one at fault.
73. Ghosts of deceased or departed loved ones in a dream
Although dreams of deceased loved ones normally fall under visitation dreams, not every such dream is paranormal. Because it could also be your subconscious trying to make peace with the lingering emotions.
“If you dream of the ghost of a departed loved one, and it feels realistic and vivid, this is highly therapeutic,” Cheung says.
“A lot of people are not able to say a final goodbye to loved ones who’ve died, [so] the dreaming mind is helping to establish a healing spiritual connection.”
74. A dream of the ghost of a person who has just died
The dream symbolizes something you need to do, the sooner the better.
75. Dreaming of seeing the ghost of a dead person
The dream indicates you are stable in your life. It could be because of your money, status, or a supporting family.
Regardless of that, the dream advises you to be vigilant at all times. Though you believe you have enough people and power to keep you safe, always keep an eye on any potential danger.
In some cases, the dream may also denote how you are processing the passing away of that person, especially if it was someone close to you.
Maybe you are filled with regret and guilt. Perhaps you didn’t spend much time together because of your work.
As indicated in the dream, you could be repenting how you ignored that person’s wishes for you to go and see him or her in his or her last days.
This dream could be a lesson for you as well:always value human relationships, especially with those who wish the best for you. Do not let work responsibilities or anything else get in between.
76. Dreaming of the ghosts of dead parents
A dream scenario of the ghosts of dead parents is clearly a warning sign. You better keep an eye on anyone who stealthily tries to get close to you, especially new acquaintances because there’s a strong probability of them being the trouble itself.
Different Types of Ghosts in Dreams
77. A dream of a skeleton ghost
The skeleton ghost in the dream stands for death. You are likely to have this dream if you have an abnormal fear of death and the other world.
78. An immobile ghost in a dream
If you dream of a ghost incapable of moving around, it implies that some people in your circle are green with envy of your life and status.
Moreover, these people will, out of envy, probably try to harm or tarnish your reputation.
79. An unknown ghost in a dream
The scenario featuring an unknown ghost is associated with pleasant surprises, which will be beneficial to you in more ways than one.
On the other hand, the dreamscape also portends the presence of a spirit in your space.
“Dreaming about a ghost that you’ve never met in real life could be an indication that there is a spirit in your home,” says Renee Watt, professional psychic.
Negatively, an unknown ghost in a dream stands for troubles befalling you, your people, or even upcoming events.
The best way to tackle the potential problem would be to keep an eye on yourself and others around you.
80. A headless ghost in a dream
While the head represents logic and reasoning, the heart stands for feelings and emotions.
If you dream of a headless apparition, it means your rationality and your emotions are not in sync.
Are you letting go of logical reasoning for the sake of love or are you being too heartless to someone to abide by your reasoning?
81. A dream of a faceless ghost
If you dream of a faceless ghost, it means you are deeply agitated by something in your life. Since it was faceless, you have no clue as to what caused your unrest state.
82. A hazy image of a ghost in a dream
The indiscernible image of a ghost in a dream means someone makes you feel uncomfortable, fearful, and inferior.
83. Dreaming of a see-through ghost
Dreaming of a see-through ghost indicates you feel the influence of a certain something in your life, which could be either positive or negative without the slightest idea of where it stems from.
84. Dreaming of a ghost hanging
The image of a ghost hanging with its tongue sticking out implies you want to say or express something, but have not enough guts to.
But then again, you also lack the strength to face the consequence of your cowardice, which is why you dreamt of the ghost hanging.
85. Dreaming of a pretty ghost
If you dream of a beautiful ghost or even talk to one, the dream signifies a smooth functioning of the ventures you have recently got into.
86. A hungry ghost in a dream
Hungry ghosts are common dream themes for drug addicts. People who are into intoxicants care less about food and more about drugs and such. Their cravings for pleasure through the drugs surpass their craving for real food.
If you have ever noted, a drug addict can stay away from food but he or she cannot from drugs.
Apparently, the intoxicant becomes the vehicle through which the struggles and hunger of the real world vanish (for that person).
87. Dreaming of a mischievous ghost
Mischievous ghost in dreamscapes stands for positivity and foretells harmonious relationships between you and others around you.
88. A dream of a kind ghost
The dream indicates something good happening to you soon.
89. A dream of a furious ghost
A dream scenario of a furious ghost is usually associated with upcoming changes which might happen either in your personal or professional domain.
90. Dreaming of an evil ghost
If you dream of an evil ghost, chances are, some people perceive you to be a bad person.
Logically speaking, there should be a reason why they see you in that light. And you might have intentionally or unintentionally committed the wrongs they charge you of.
This is your opportunity to correct the misdeeds if you have done any.
Look for ways to mend the damage. And if you believe you haven’t done anything to hurt anyone intentionally, it becomes more necessary to prove yourself to them.
Further, the dream advises you to be fair and just to everyone.
Another interpretation is that the evil ghost in your dream symbolizes those with malicious intent around you. Maybe some of your so-called well-wishers wish you nothing but ill.
In that case, the dream warns you against people who have the potential to stab you in the back.
A scary ghost in a dream may also signify a person trying to manipulate you.
Dream scenarios that have two or more interpretations can be confusing. To get the meaning right, analyze your real-life circumstances first and see which fits best.
91. The ghost of a man in your dream
The dream implies you strive for stability as that is what you lack the most in your life.
92. A female ghost in a dream
The dream indicates you have your life sorted out.
On the other hand, if you see a ghostly female in a dream vision, the dream signifies prosperity soon. But just as worthy things do not come easy, the dream foretells a series of difficult experiences and anxiety you will undergo along the way.
If the ghost was that of a young woman, the dream may hint at an underlying health issue.
93. Dreaming of a female ghost in flowing robes flying in the air
The dream portends wealth and sorrow together.
For instance, you may receive information about your grandfather’s death who has left you a fortune making you a millionaire overnight.
94. Dreaming of a ghost boy
The dream vision portends success in your ventures and endeavors.
95. Dreaming of the ghost of a child
If you had this dream vision, you possibly have some phobias or complications that prevent you from having a normal life.
The root of all those problems could be within your mind, which are irrational and unfounded.
If you believe yours to be this case, your subconscious urges you to make small steps to get rid of those fears before they begin directing how you should live your life.
96. Ghost of a small girl in a dream
The dream reflects your naive nature and personality, which is too trusting of people – good and bad.
Through the dream, your subconscious advises you not to be too unsuspecting because many times that side of yours will land you in trouble and shady affairs.
Dreams About Ghosts:Different Colors
97. A dream about a white ghost
A white ghost in a dream scene is a good sign. Any minute, you will hear a piece of good news that will lighten up your moods and spirit.
98. A black ghost in a dream
You will fall victim to deceit in the foreseeable future.
99. Dreaming of a dark ghost
Contrary to the dream spectacle of a white ghost, a dream concerning a dark ghost prophesies unpleasant events.
Around that time you dream of a dark ghost, anything may happen to darken your once happy life – sickness, financial loss, difficulties in domestic or professional life, etc.
If you are questioning why the dream happened, it is to prepare you mentally and emotionally for what may surface shortly.
100. Dreaming of a ghost wearing white or light-colored robes
The dream plot indicates one of your close friends will fall seriously ill.
101. A ghost in a black or dark robe in a dream
Here, your subconscious advises you to look out for deceit and treachery.
Ghost Dream Interpretation:Different Dreamers
102. Ghosts in the dreams of a woman
Some analysts believe that evil spirits in the dreams of a woman symbolize a separation, which could be a breakup, divorce, or even death. But then, interpretations vary from person to person.
Even so, take all the necessary precautions and be careful in what you say in rage and ensure your real-life circumstances align with the interpretation before you let it impact you negatively.
103. A pregnant woman dreaming of ghosts
According to sleep experts, if a pregnant woman dreams of ghostly figures it means she will give birth to a son.
104. A young adult dreaming of being haunted by a ghost
In this case, the ghost symbolizes an admirer who would get on the dreamer’s nerves.
105. A widow or a widower dreaming of the ghosts of departed partners
For this dream spectacle, the dreamer needs to consider his or her age as well as physical condition.
In case he or she is young and fit, the dream indicates the love he or she has for the departed soul will not fade easily.
On the other hand, if an elderly or a seriously ill person has repeated dreams of either his or her partner, the dream plot implies death is around the corner for the dreamer.
Why Do I Keep Dreaming About Ghosts?
If you have recurring dreams of a ghost or ghosts, you are in all probability, weighed down and haunted by unresolved matters.
To get to the bottom of it, you have to be attentive to the visions, especially if the narrative of the previous dream continues in the following visions.
Is anything troubling you? Perhaps an event causes you great dismay in your waking life.
If you have recurring dreams of apparitions, there’s a strong likelihood that your subconscious is looking for ways to help you overcome problems that caused you immense pain.
How To Stop The Ghost From Coming Back?
If you ever dream of a ghost that frightens or makes you uncomfortable, try to calm yourself down within the dream plot. Instead of fleeing and showing your fear, summon love.
Let the spirit know that it is not welcomed in your space.
“Simply ask the entity to leave and never visit again once you’ve woken up,” Watt says. That will ultimately break off the attachments between you and the apparition.
9 Ways To Prevent Ghost Dreams
Creepy dreams featuring demons and ghosts are indeed not welcoming, even though they mean well. If you are looking for some simple yet effective ways to keep such dreams at bay, try the methods listed below.
Of course, dreams are mystical, and it would be next to impossible to eliminate a dream vision completely. But practicing them will prevent you and your activities from triggering ghost dreams.
1. Follow good sleep hygiene!
This is one of the most important yet overlooked habits. Before you go off to bed, make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark.
You can leave an overnight lamp but switch off the TV, music system, bright lights as they might trigger disturbing dreams.
If you reside in the middle of the city with 24X7 traffic and endless honking, try using earpods to shut off all the distracting sounds and noises.
And not to forget, follow a healthy sleep routine, which means sleep around the same time every day instead of going to bed at odd hours.
2. No drinks and spices before sleep
This might sound trivial but alcohol is believed to boost ghost dreams. Also stay away from caffeine, nicotine, and spices as they are likely to cause discomfort disturbing the quality of your sleep.
If you need to, take light snacks that are low in spices.
3. Think pleasant thoughts
Instead of dwelling on how your ex-lover cheated on you ruthlessly, think about where you would like to travel and what you would eat and buy when you go there.
4. Stay away from anything that disturbs you mentally
Before you sleep, you must, at all cost let no disturbing affair cross your mind however crucial it is.
5. Maintain a dream journal
Dream experts recommend keeping a dream journal by your bedside table to jot down your dreams each morning.
More often than not, we tend to forget our dream events without us even trying to. So, if you keep a track of your dreams, you may have enough resources to connect the dots someday.
6. Share your dreams with someone you trust
If you find it really hard to cope with your dream events, try sharing them with someone you trust and who knows you well.
Listen to what he or she has to say. That will help you look at the matter from a different perspective.
7. Seek professional help
If sharing doesn’t lessen your worries and anxieties over the dreams, seek professional help.
8. Remind yourself that dreams are not real
Dreams convey messages and are often the medium for improvement but let us remind you here and also make it a point to remind yourself that they are NOT REAL.
9. Pray before going to sleep
Before you drift off to sleep, make sure you give thanks to the Lord for having protected you throughout the day and also seek blessings for the next day.
Psychological Interpretation of Ghost Dreams
From the psychological perspective, ghosts in dreams are often your own thoughts and conscience, especially of past unpleasant, and unresolved events weighing you down and preventing you from performing your best.
Biblical Meaning of Dreams About Ghosts
According to the Bible, ghosts, just like demons, are the embodiment of evil.
From that perspective, the dream could be warning you to watch out for evil-minded individuals and their malicious deeds.
Dream Interpretation of Ghosts in Hinduism
In the beliefs of Hinduism, if you see the image of a ghostly figure in a dream, it is a bad omen.
Likely your problems will overwhelm you, and those would place you at a disadvantage. Eventually, your enemies will take the chance, work on your weakness and overpower you.
Ghost Dream Interpretation in Islam
According to Islamic beliefs, ghost dreams mean someone is super jealous of you.
Ghost Dreams:5 Dream Examples
1. A woman dreamed of the ghost of her mother getting furious at her.
In waking life, she felt guilty as she couldn’t be present with her mother at the time of her passing away. It turns out, the mother left for the other world with no one besides her and the daughter, the woman in question, lives in utter regret and guilt.
2. A woman dreamed of being in a room with several ghosts.
In reality, she had several issues from the past that still bothered her.
3. A boy had recurring dreams of a ghost attacking him.
Here, the recurring dreams are associated with the boy’s relation with his father. The father was in the military, and they never spent time together. Even when he came back home, the only thing the father did to the boy was yell.
Unquestionably, in this case, the dream symbolizes the desire of the boy to bond with his father, only to be abused and shouted at.
4. A woman dreamed of being a ghost.
In waking life, she got into an argument with her partner and was deeply humiliated concerning the issue. Turns out, even after days passed by she couldn’t get over it and felt small when around her guy.
5. A man constantly dreamed of his father insulting him.
In real life, the man was a professional writer, and he was troubled because he believes his father does not consider his profession to be worthwhile.
Why Do You Dream Of Ghosts?
Though common, nobody longs to dream of spirits and apparitions and when you dream of one, you would be curious of the reason why it came to your dream, of all the dream themes in the world.
We have listed some of the probable reasons why you dream of them. But do not limit the possibilities to the lists because as mentioned earlier, dreams are unique and so could be your reason.
- If you have phasmophobia, which is the fear of ghosts, there’s a strong possibility of you having ghost or demon dreams.
- You are under a lot of stress in your waking life.
- You watched or read about ghosts before you went to bed.
- A ghost can torment you in your dream if you are sleeping in an unfamiliar place.
- If you had a heavy meal right before bed, the discomfort it causes you can take the shape of a ghost in your dream.
- You have a deep interest in paranormal activities.
- A recent event has stirred memories you thought you have moved on from.
- You repent of some of your past actions.
- You have lost someone recently, and you can’t get over the sadness.
- Ghost dreams are also likely if you had a couple of drinks and went straight to bed, dead drunk.
- You encountered a traumatic incident in the past and have painful memories.
- Ensure you sleep in the proper position as it could also cause nightmares and ghost dreams.
- If you have greatly wronged someone in the past or in recent times, you may have dreams of ghosts.
- People who experience disconnection or estrangement from someone or something in the waking state are also likely to dream often of ghosts.
A Few Questions To Ask Yourself If You Dream Of Ghosts
It would help to ask yourself these few questions before you begin interpreting your ghost dreams.
- How did you feel within the dream?
- Were you gripped with fear or were you not at all bothered, however disturbing the image was?
- Can you recall the ghost? Was it unknown or do you have a vague idea of its identity?
- Was it someone dead or living?
- Did it talk to you? Did the ghost leave any message?
And It’s A Wrap:
We have come to the end of the article. Regardless of how you started out, by now, you probably have some idea of what could be behind your dreams about ghosts.
Such dreams are disturbing, we get you. If you wake up in the middle of the night after dreaming of a ghost, you might be scared to go back to sleep, lest you dream of the same ghost again. But as stated, they are not as scary as the general perception.
So, the next time you have ghost dreams, instead of tagging your place as haunted, ask yourself what might have caused those dreams. Chances are, the reasons are right before your eyes!
If you get dreams about Witch then check its meaning here.