失明することを夢見た ?夢のせいで視力が気になりませんか?まあ、あなたの失明の夢はあなたの実際の視力とはまったく異なる何かを暗示しているかもしれません。

それはまた、あなたがあなたの職場の状況に責任を感じ、あなたの能力の限りを尽くしてそれを修正したいと思っていることを意味するかもしれません。 You are confident in stopping an ominous occurrence with your efforts. Stay optimistic to cope up with life struggles.
The dream might also resemble your queries about your spirituality, so seek a spiritual guru to clear all confusions.
32. Dream about blind old man
Dreaming about a blind old man resembles your hopes from life against all your duties. You are very careful about your thoughts and emotions to avoid getting hurt.
You want to find true love, settle down, and be a responsible person for your partner. This dream implies the realization of your wishes.
Soon something new and important will occur in your life and your imaginative side will be helpful in that situation. Your creativity is your strength so nurture it well because you will find more chances of using it.
However, these dreams might also bring negative news. If you trust others blindly, you might attract deep trouble, so stay careful and try removing all negativity from your life.
33. Dream about helping blind man
If you were helping a blind man in your dream, it signifies your lively outlook on life. You are experiencing an optimistic change in your life but might rarely lose to negative feelings. You identified the one deceiving you and want to find remedies to their attacks.
These dreams can resemble many lost opportunities in your waking life and you’re regretting it. You need to look at the positive side of every loss. You realized your faults so you won’t repeat such mistakes again. Believe in yourself because the difficult times won’t last long.
You might have such dreams when you feel grateful to someone in your waking life. This person is inspiring you to fight your current woes.
34. Dream about a blind baby girl
Dreams about a blind baby girl symbolize your sincere attempts at dealing with hardships. You are leading a new life brimming with faith in your religion.
Because of this newly-found change in your life, you will find happiness despite the negative occurrences. You’re happy with even a minimalist lifestyle.
Everything seems different because of this change in perception. Soon, you will set out on a new journey of life that will help you develop yourself.
However, if you’re yet to confess your feelings to your crush, you might have these dreams because of your nervousness. Past hurtful memories might affect your present so let them go and step into the new world. Make peace with the past and stop tormenting yourself so much.
35. Dream about blind and deaf
The dreams of blind and deaf might symbolize that a past incident made an intense negative impact on you. You are still uncomfortable expressing your true feelings because of it.
Your subconscious mind is indicating that you must move on from those hurt feelings and start over. A loved one wants to help you recover from the issue.
This dream might also indicate that you will help another person heal their past wounds and help them move on in their life. Meanwhile, you are emotionally much more stable which helps you observe life from a different perspective.
Sometimes these dreams indicate you are not reciprocating the feelings and emotions of a close person. Someone is supporting you during your worst hours but you don’t feel the same towards them. You need to be more sensitive and value them more.
36. Dream about family member blind
If you saw a blind family member in your dream, it implies that you’ve had some hard realization in your waking life. You realized you hurt your loved ones in the past and want to fix it. Although you want to treat everyone well, you’re unsure about respecting your own wishes.
It is a very complicated period in your life but you will soon find all the answers. Your blindness dream indicates that you are on the right path despite the conflicting thoughts you have right now.
Such dreams also indicate great fortune knocking on your doors because of your hard work and dedication. But you might find difficulties maintaining the fortune because of the fierce competition.
It can also be a reflection of your regrets about not prioritizing your life goals. You lost many opportunities in your life because of your circumstances and you’re dissatisfied with current situations.
37. Dream about having a blind baby
Having a blind baby in your dream is indicative of support and love from close ones. You might feel insecure about your actions towards someone. Don’t worry, this person is very lenient and will welcome your curiosity with open hands. You will understand them better when viewed from up close.
These dreams might also mean that you will achieve great influence in your expertise. But you might feel uncomfortable about challenging situations because of your negligence.
Also, the dream can imply that you don’t have much time to solve a problem in your waking life. You have taken enough time to decode it but you must hurry now. You may want to get rid of anything negative surrounding you to tend to this situation.
38. Dream about kissing a blind man
Dreams of kissing a blind man imply your wholesome development in the current phase of your professional life. You feel confident about proceeding to the next step of your life. It also implies that you crave your loved ones’ appreciation to feel more secure.
These dreams might also express your high capabilities in your expertise. You will have a revolutionary idea in your professional field. Amidst your success, something is pulling you back into your dark past but you must forget it for the sake of your growth.
It can also signify your negative emotions towards others or vice versa. You feel insecure about your life because of suppressed emotions so your subconscious is signaling you to release the hurt feelings.
39. Dream of someone pretending to be a blind
A dream about someone pretending to be a blind person signifies betrayal in the future. Someone close to you will deceive you and steal your money, property, or other possessions. You will find it hard to accept such fate and lose faith in everyone around you.
You must identify this person sooner if you want to minimize your losses. If you don’t prevent this prediction now, you will have a hard time coping with your financial and emotional situation.
For now, do not trust anyone easily and don’t give in to others’ requests. If anyone compels you for something, stay away from them. Create new boundaries to protect yourself.
40. Dream of blind people around
According to the dream dictionary, the sight of many blind people around signifies a close person will seek your help. This person is in trouble and your help can save them from this situation. Check if the situation can negatively impact you before you promise them assistance.
Also, this dream symbolizes disharmony in your private life. If you easily lose your temper, you must be careful during serious conversations. Avoid scarring someone close with our harsh words as the other person isn’t forgiving.
Instead of making a huge incident, work on your anger issues to prevent any uncomfortable situation.
41. Dream of blinding someone
A dream about blinding someone else resembles a new opportunity in your life. But you will lose something to gain this opportunity. You might need to learn something or shift to a faraway place to seize this opportunity.
Train your heart to take up new challenges because this decision can make or break your future. If you saw the face of the other person in this dream, he/she will offer you this opportunity.
Perhaps you feel confused about this decision, talk with your loved ones. Find the benefits and downsides of accepting this challenge to understand it better. Possibly you will take up the challenge to secure a brighter future.
42. Dream of someone suffering from blindness
The dream of someone else suffering from blindness depicts a mistake in your waking life. Recently you overreacted to a situation and hurt others. Your conscience is reflecting your guilt with such dreams. It is time to make amends, so give up on your pride and apologize.
You might become absent-minded because of this incident so fix it soon. Nobody wants to harbor these ill feelings into long-term grudges or regrets, so reach out to that person. If you are sincere enough, he/she will forgive you.
Also, your sudden outburst resembles trouble in your life. You must learn to draw lines between your private and professional affairs.
43. Dream of a blind date
A dream about a blind date represents the overpowering challenges in your waking life. You are physically and emotionally drained because of these responsibilities and desire relief.
Since you can’t rest at the moment, you must tend to your duties sooner to make time for yourself. You worked hard and soon you will get the opportunity to reward yourself so avoid all kinds of distractions. Your abundant creativity can help you in this journey.
If you made a mistake in your life, your subconscious allowed you to try again with this dream because nobody is perfect from the start. This dream is a symbol of an important change in your spirituality. Look forward to a serene and peaceful life once you develop spiritually.
44. Dream about blind school
The image of a blind school in your dreams resembles your concealed talents. Your current situation demotivates you and you doubt yourself for that. This dream reminds you of your endless skills to overcome the situation. Look at your life from a different angle to resolve your issues.
Your tremendous creativity will help you overcome the situation at hand. Share all the ideas even if you’re unsure because you can’t afford to lose any opportunity now. You must dedicate yourself consistently every day to hasten your pace.
Sometimes you may experience these dreams when you’re unsure of your feelings. Your emotions are overflowing and mystifying reality. Calm down and think with a clear head to understand better.
45. Dream about blind animal
A dream about a blind animal depicts your dilemma about something in your waking life. You are a creative person but are unable to use it properly. Your subconscious is asking you to get rid of all the negative thoughts that hinder your progress in life.
It can also symbolize your frustration because your loved ones cannot understand your feelings. Try to express your feelings more clearly if nobody understands your twisted words. Don’t feel upset, your loved ones will support you through this ordeal.
These dreams also resemble blocks in your emotions and creativity. Take it easy for a while and let your mind rest. Don’t stress too much on your subject and the content will eventually come to you.
46. Dream of a bling dog
Sometimes blind dog dreams resemble others’ jealousy towards you. Although you’re trying to achieve the best in your life, yet a situation or a person is dragging you down.
Don’t pay much attention to the negativity around you and instead, focus on your duties to receive recognition for your dedication. Something good will happen if you stay resolute about your goals.
Blind dog dreams also imply uncertainty about probable opportunities in your waking life. Your subconscious asks you to put more effort into achieving your goals. You must show your strength once again because this is just another test of life.
The dream can also symbolize that your courageous side will help you achieve something in your life. Or, you desire to revive an old relationship. You will emerge victorious with sheer hard work and dedication.
47. Dream about death of an old blind dog
If a blind dog dies from aging in your dream, it brings news about the end of some life phase and the beginning of another. It is unknown whether this phase was good or bad. Your subconscious asks you to accept a change in your future.
Even if the future brings bad news, you must prepare yourself likewise. Review your expenses and prepare yourself to deal with any financial blow. Spend only on the absolute necessities.
Also, be careful to avoid any kind of investments and thoroughly read any agreements before signing. It will be best if you train yourself for a negative change, and even if that doesn’t occur, you won’t regret anything.
48. Dream of a blind cat
Dreams about a blind cat are reassurance from your subconscious about your life decisions. You’re on the right path and soon you will reach your goals with determination and effort. But you don’t have much time so pick your pace to reach your goals on time.
These dreams also represent your thoughts about settling down in life. Your career is stable but you’re not happy. You want something new in your life so get married or plan a family with your partner.
You will get happiness from the warmth of a family. If you’re hesitant because of bad past experiences, let go and dare to love again. Get over traitors and live once more to find peace in your life.
49. Dream about a blind white cat
A blind white cat in your dreams symbolizes your contentment with your life. You are clear about your goals and satisfied with current circumstances. Despite the challenges, you are determined to reach your destination. New lessons are awaiting you beyond these life hurdles.
This dream also signifies that you will emerge successfully. Do not underestimate your strengths because hard work doesn’t disappoint anyone. Hang on a little longer and you will soon receive recognition for your efforts.
If you are feeling underconfident, then your subconscious is sending you signals to get over these emotions. Try taking smaller steps to reach your destination sooner. Instead of giving up so quickly, you must try multiple times with different ideas.
50. Dream about a blind kitten
A blind kitten dream might symbolize budding romance in your life. You experienced bad relationships in the past that have taught you multiple lessons. Someone caught your attention and you want to further your relationship with him/her. You feel ready to take on a new responsibility in life.
Blind kitten dreams also symbolize a spiritual quest with your mentor’s aid. Your mentor/guru can always clarify your doubts so don’t hesitate to ask anything. This can also resemble motherly love or will to break free from society’s norms.
You are confident and brave despite others’ mean remarks. Nobody values your determination, but you will reach the top of your life after this struggle. These experiences and difficulties will come in handy later on.
51. Dream of a blind mice
Blind mice ‘dreams symbolize your love for someone becoming your weakness. Your intense emotions for that person don’t let you progress in life. You value this person far more than your career or progress.
A dream about blind mice also depicts spiritual growth. You care about everyone’s welfare but you must take care of yourself too. New challenges excite you and await your future. Your optimism is contagious so you motivate many people unknowingly.
Sometimes blind mice ‘dreams indicate a negative emotional circumstance in your real life. You don’t want to bother others with your problems and suppress your feelings. Everyone else seems happy so you isolated yourself for a change.
52. Dream about blind bird
A blind bird dream implies success. Your subconscious reassures you about your capabilities but your suppressed emotions are pulling you back. Once you let go of the past, you will notice the endless opportunities waiting in your life.
Blind bird in your dreams also symbolizes your desire for more knowledge. Possibly you plan to progress in your profession and are searching for the correct route for your goals. It can also signify a romantic quest.
You are overflowing with positivity and look forward to every day. The next stage of your life awaits you.
53. Dream about blind snake
Your dreams about a blind snake are symbolic of the path to your goals. You have new goals in your life but are unsure about your path.
You need someone to validate these plans about life before making any moves. Your subconscious reassures you about the plans so proceed without any hesitation.
Soon, you will get the rewards for your efforts in your professional life. You are brimming with determination about your goals and this will help you grab that promotion. But there are challenges along with it so don’t take it easy once you reach the next level.
If there’s anything bothering you, then a man might help you overcome the ordeal. Avoiding the situation will only magnify it, so seek help if you can’t handle the situation. After this phase, you will get a moment of relief for rejuvenation.
54. Dream about blind horse
A dream about a blind horse is indicative of growth in a varied aspect of your life. Parents are the first teacher in one’s life and this is your chance at learning something valuable from them. Spend more time with your elders to find the hint of a problem’s solution – it will definitely help you grow.
Your dreams also reflect your compromising nature to life situations. No matter how simple or stressful life seems, enjoy it well because you won’t get an opportunity later. If you fear opening up to people, look around and a friend might help you with it.
It might also symbolize that you must balance your life for motivation. If you burn yourself out now, you’ll lose out on future opportunities.
55. Dream about a blind elephant
A dream about a blind elephant brings news of a negative change in your waking life. You no longer want to communicate with others because of your inferiority complex. Everyone else is leading a smooth life whereas yours is all a mess.
Your negativity is delaying important changes, so concentrate more on the positives to escape from the remorseful situations. You are blind to the vast opportunities because of minor inconveniences.
However, it can also symbolize your sympathetic nature towards others. Perhaps, someone else is feeling low and you want to support them during hardships.
You want to be others’ emotional and financial backbone. There might be a desire to relieve past regrets and guilt with these good deeds.
Spiritual Meaning of Blindness in Dreams
Spiritually blindness in dreams symbolizes a wrong step in your life. It is a signal to reassess your life decisions and start over from the beginning.
Blindness in your dreams indicates a spiritual confusion about the absolute truth. Perhaps, you misinterpreted some sign in your life and went astray. It is possible to choose the wrong path in your life when someone or something wasn’t clear to you.
Through blindness dreams, your subconscious asks you to stop and return to the starting point. You must restart this journey in the opposite direction.
Sometimes these dreams imply you lack confidence in yourself. Self-doubts are prying on your talents and you must take corrective measures to stop this.
Your dream might be a warning against such tendencies because it is limiting your opportunities. Try to understand your capabilities better because you’re worth more than what you think.
Life is giving you a rare second chance to correct your mistakes and chase your goals once again.
You might also have blindness dreams simply when your eyesight deteriorates. Book an appointment with your physician to check on your eye health.
Biblical Meaning of Blind Dreams
Biblically, blindness in dreams might symbolize your incapability to differentiate good from bad, or it resembles your self-doubts impacting your future negatively.
As per the Bible, blindness in dreams implies you are completely blind to anyone approaching you with a smile. You cannot differentiate a good person from a bad one so there are more opportunists around you. It expresses how you are open to any attacks from evil people.
This is your cue to identify the fake “friends” and leave them behind. Someone is trying to hurt you from behind out of jealousy or past grudges. It might be a financial attack or a personal one so get rid of the negatives before that happens.
Moreover, you must work on yourself to identify evil people otherwise this cycle won’t stop. Your family might also suffer from your weak inner vision.
Your blind dreams might also denote your weak knowledge about yourself. If you feel there’s too much on your plate, the plate might be small. You must change your views to progress in life. Get rid of these negative thoughts because you are limiting yourself with them.
Your subconscious is conveying a message about your hidden talents. Have faith in your skills and move forward in the battle of life. Giving up so easily or slacking off won’t help you. Instead, dedicate yourself a little more towards a bright future.
Questions to ask yourself to interpret Blind dreams correctly
Dear reader, your dream interpretations can seem tricky so far, so let’s put the pieces of your blindness dream together…
- What were you doing in this blind dream?
- Who was blind in the dream? Was it you, someone else, or an animal?
- Did you notice the gender or age of the blind person?
- Did you know the blind person? Was it a relative?
- What was the blind person doing?
- Are you an expectant mother, or a male?
- Are you planning something new in your business?
- Are there any doubts about your current life situation?
- How did you feel about this dream? Were you happy or sad?
Surely you will be a little closer to your dream meaning after you answer these questions.
Over to you…
Dreams about blindness can be extremely complex and difficult to understand. So, you must note down each element of your dream before searching for its interpretation.
Of course, some blind dreams can bring good news while others do not so much. Take the negative dreams sportingly because you’re getting a second chance at life. You can prevent something awful from happening, so start working towards that beautiful future you’ve always dreamt of
Also, if anything bothers you mentally, you must share your thoughts with a reliable person for advice. Even if it gets hard initially, try to stick to your goals and soon you’ll be out of this emotional mess.