ネズミの夢 一般的に悪意と悪意に関連しています。

It could also be that you said something irresponsible to someone, and now, it is coming back to you, compelling you to face the consequences for what you said in that careless moment.
66. A broken rat trap in a dream
The attempts of the person who tried to sabotage you will fall flat, as suggested by the broken trap. And another good news is that you would come to know his/her true intentions and get rid of him/her without guilt.
67. A caged rat in a dream
Dreaming of a caged rat is not a positive sign. Your health is likely to suffer complications. It could also imply a cunning person trying to harm you.
68. A rat exiting a cage in a dream
Finally, you would be able to drop all your problems. The dream predicts improvement in various spheres of life.
69. Laying a rat trap in your dream
The plot is bad, yet good. You have enemies around, and they seem to be plotting something against you to bring you down. But whatever they are planning behind your back would be known to you before they begin taking the unpleasant action.
70. Falling into a rat trap
A few misfortunes are probably making their way towards you. Be very careful, especially with your belongings, because the dream suggests you would be the victim of a theft or scam.
Be on your guard and keep a close eye on your belongings and people too, especially new acquaintances. You never know what they can do.
71. Dream of rat poison
Someone is taking pains to sabotage you and looks forward to your life crumbling. Probably, this person anticipates you in a pathetic state. The rat poison possibly symbolizes the attempts and strategies he/she is resorting to.
72. A dream plot of a rat escaping
As the dream plot indicates, you may be having trouble with someone or something in some areas of life. It may have gotten intense, and probably you are all prepared to strike if the need arises. But the dream narrative indicates otherwise.
It wants you to reconsider your actions and strategies. Is there any other way you could solve the issue without resorting to violence?
73. Scared of an army of violent rats in dreams
Be on your toes and keep your head straight! The plot signifies enemies marching towards you in the real world.
74. Dream of rats by a housewife
The dream plot could be a reflection of the difficulties you are facing in your family life. But before you jump to a conclusion, take each of the dream variants into consideration as they could lead to some other interpretation.
75. Dream of rats by a doctor
The dream plot may be indicating a contagious disease you are exposed to.
76. Rat dream during pregnancy
Rats during pregnancy are auspicious. Regardless of the number of rats present in the dream, the plot indicates a safe delivery. Also, it foretells new beginnings ahead.
77. Dream of people who look like rats
You are surrounded in all directions by fake people. They pretend to be well-wishers when in truth, they wish to see you crumble.
78. Dream of people with rat tails on their bodies
Dreaming of people with rat tails symbolizes illness. The dream suggests you take proper care of your health while you can.
79. Dream of rat poop
Rat poop holds several meanings in dreams. It may symbolize your failure to complete tasks and responsibilities in time.
It may also be an indication that you have finally come to terms and are now working on matters that you have been ignoring or suppressing for long.
Also, dreaming of a rat poop could mean hating what you currently cling to. Perhaps you left a job you love for another that promises higher pay. But maybe you have realized that it’s not as exciting as it looked. You may now be wishing to go back again to the previous job.
80. Dream of rats with cats
The dream plot suggests your friends and circle offering to help you anytime soon.
81. Dream of a rat in friendship with a cat
In reality, it is a rare thing, though not impossible, to see a rat in close company with a cat. However, anything can happen in a dream vision.
When you see this spectacle in your dream, you have a few interesting events or functions to look up to in real life.
82. Rats and cats sleeping peacefully in a dream
Likely, you would come up with brilliant ideas concerning your business. You would be able to expand and grow your business exponentially, thanks to those strategies and ideas.
83. Dream of a rat and a cat on a hunt for prey
The two going together on a hunt is an indication of your colleagues cooking up gossip.
84. Dream of a cat running after a rat
Have you lent money to someone in your waking life? Are you having difficulties getting back the money from that person? If you find this interpretation relatable, you may forget that whole amount. According to the plot, that money will never come back to you again.
A cat running after a rat may also point to a low-paying job.
85. Dream of several rats fighting with a cat
A dream vision of many rats fighting with a cat hints at a slight health issue you will likely face in the coming days.
86. Dream of a cat and a rat attacking each other
This dream scenario points to problems concerning love and relationships. Are you perhaps cheating on your partner? Or do you think your partner is messing around with someone else? Because this dream scenario stands for deceit and insincerity between partners.
The problem isn’t limited to cheating in relationships and could also be regarding other matters.
87. Dream of a cat and a rat attacking a person unknown to you
The dream scenario warns you against troubles between people, especially neighbors. The issue, whatever it may be, has the potential to blow up into a massive fight. You are therefore warned not to say or act rashly as it would land you in a difficult spot.
88. A rat playing with many cats in a dream
The dream plot implies a work-related problem because of a blunder you committed earlier.
89. Dream of a cat gnawing a rat
In the foreseeable future, you might get into an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar person.
90. Dream of a rat between a cat’s teeth
Here, the cat symbolizes you, and the rat stands for the goal or goals you are after. Following this, the dream scenario stands for achieving your life goals.
91. A living rat inside a cat’s mouth
Have you been doing well at work? As per the dream, you would likely get a bonus on account of your work performance.
92. Dream of a cat catching or killing a rat
This dream is pretty symbolic. The cat and the rat in your dream plot could be a representation of two different enemies of yours. As per the happenings, your two enemies will likely kill each other. Or it could also stand for them destroying one another. This dream event happened as a reminder to keep boundaries and not trespass in other’s dealings.
It could also mean a fire breaking out in your home or workplace. If this happens, you will lose much of your belongings and valuables.
A dream event of a cat catching a rat also indicates financial growth.
93. Dream of a rat getting strangled by a cat
Do you owe money to many people? Then, the dream spectacle stands for the debts you have.
94. Dream of a cat tearing a rat into two
Do you have more than one person wooing you at present? The dream event says you must choose one from these people because eventually, you can’t have all.
95. Dream of a cat eating a rat
This is an omen. There is a high possibility of you losing a close relative. It could be to death, but it could also mean ending your relationship with that person due to some issues.
96. Rats and cockroaches in a dream
When you see these creatures in your dreamscape, it is a clear sign that you should fix some aspects of your life. And the plot suggests you do that without harming others.
97. Rats and worms in a dream
You are likely to receive good news regarding work. It could be anything such as a new job that promises better pay, a promotion in your present workplace, a salary hike, or words of appreciation.
To have dreams that feature both rats and worms also stands for success. The dream narrative indicates you are on the right track to achieve your life goals. And surprisingly, the process would be smoother than you had expected as no rivals and potential threats are on your path.
98. Rats and spiders in a dream
Someone from your circle is likely to blame you for one of their atrocious actions. But your misfortune will not end here.
Everyone would be convinced that you are responsible for the evil deed. Clearly, life is going to get difficult around this time. Therefore, the dream event wants you to buckle up for the ride.
No secret can remain hidden forever. Sooner or later, it is bound to come out. And your efforts to prove yourself innocent will come to fruition at the right time.
People who trust the other person over you would realize their mistakes. And this will further help you to appear more responsible and trustworthy, as the dream suggests.
99. Dream of a rat and a mice
This dream scenario is one of the worst as the creatures stand for the evil people around you. To make things worse, they are close both to you and your family.
They plan to destroy you not by other means but by turning you against your own family. Through lies and unfounded gossip, they will constantly try to create a gap between you and your family.
100. Dream of a rat and a snake
The dream foretells betrayal and abandonment. Someone close to you will put you in a difficult place, and it could be concerning your relationship. However, take note that the trouble is not limited to relationships alone.
Theft and scam are also on the cards. Therefore, ask yourself tens of questions before you give your approval to deals and contracts.
101. Dream meaning of rats and dogs
Dreaming of rats and dogs reflects your feelings. You might have been feeling unloved, unappreciated, and worthless.
Nevertheless, the dream says otherwise. On the surface, your assumptions may seem true. But there are still people in your circle who feel grateful to you for every small deed you did for them.
They may not have put their thoughts into words, but undoubtedly, these are how they feel. Take note of people’s behavior and how they react to your emotions. The dream says this is your cue to sift through the good people from the whole lot.
102. Baby rats in a dream
Baby rats point to a few minor problems in your life. However insignificant they may seem, you cannot afford to ignore them. If not attended on time, they may get out of hand. Baby rats also signify traps and betrayals.
103. Dream of a giant rat
A giant rat in your dream foretells fortunate events taking place in your life.
104. Dream of a dirty rat
A dirty rat in dreams appears when you need to self-examine and evaluate your behavior towards others. According to the dream narrative, you may have been on your worst behavior.
Sometimes, a dirty rat also means you have been overexerting yourself at work. On the other hand, it could also stand for new opportunities regarding work that you must keep a keen eye on.
A rat covered with filth could also symbolize hard work. In the coming days, you may receive a job opportunity that is quite different from blue-collar jobs. The dream vision says the work responsibilities would sound exciting. However, don’t jump into the offer hastily without knowing well about your expected roles and responsibilities.
105. Pregnant rats in a dream
If you see a pregnant rat in dreams, the dream reflects the fears of how your future will take shape. However, take note of the particular rat that visited you in your dreams because interpretations of pregnant rats could vary depending upon the color of the rat.
106. Dream of a rat without hair on it
A hairless rat in dreams is an indication that you would get past threats and criticisms easily.
On a negative note, the dream of a hairless rat reflects your unhealthy lifestyle. Either you have been neglecting diet and fitness altogether. Or it could also mean you have been taking fitness too seriously. Are you spending most parts of your day working out, overexerting yourself?
Both of these will impact your health negatively. You should neither neglect diet and fitness nor should you devote a great amount of time to them. Try to strike a balance between the two and observe your body and lifestyle get better.
Different Colors Rat Dream Meaning
Various cultures look at rat dreams as evil when in truth, it isn’t so. These rodents, though reputed for causing damage, may also bring you good news.
If not pleasant news, they may turn up in dreams to hint at something you can improve to lead a much better life.
107. Dream of colored rats
Colored rats usually symbolize changes. Whether those are for better or for worse and which domain they hint at depends on the respective color.
108. A blue rat in a dream
It could stand for a partner who ditched you in the past. The dream plot indicates that he/she regrets what he/she has done and wishes to get back together with you.
It could also point to situations in the past that hurt your feelings in some way.
109. Dream of a grey rat
A grey rat in dreams symbolizes a woman in your circle and apparently, she is up to some mischief to damage your life.
110. Dream of a grey rat on a tree
It foretells potential threats and danger lurking around.
111. Buying a grey rat in a dream
Perhaps most parts of your day revolve around household chores because the dream reflects how monotonous you feel and your desires to get away from housework.
112. Dream of your parents buying you a grey rat
It points out problems with your partner. Some of their actions may have caused you disappointment.
113. Dream of a trapped grey rat
A close person will likely be in trouble due to an underlying sickness.
114. Killing a grey rat in your room
In the coming days, you will have a shift of residence.
115. Dream of a brown rat
A brown rat signifies both positive and negative signs. As per the dream, you have a balanced life due to a secure job. However, you are far from feeling happy and content. Perhaps, the job you are in is something you are not passionate about.
Take time to study your thoughts and try to map out the reasons that make you feel miserable. Maybe what you want to achieve is not a high-paying secure job.
Perhaps you wish to do something that excites your soul and not your wallet. Whatever it is, study yourself, do self-retrospection, and the answers would be clear to you.
116. Dream of green-eyed rats
It is generally considered good to see green-eyed rats in dreams. Because according to dream analysis, they stand for good luck, success in all aspects, growth, and contentment.
117. Dream of a rat with bright-red eyes
If you see a rat with bright-red eyes in your dreams, you might face some problems at home. Though not limited to, there is a high probability of the dream event relating to finance. In general, red-eyed rats symbolize evil and ill luck.
118. White rat in dream
White rat dreams are usually considered auspicious. It means you are on the right path. It could also represent the courage to chase after your goals and the ability to adapt to necessary changes that could happen anytime.
White rats in dreams could also be a warning. Do you have suspicions about a particular person? You want to trust them, but your gut feeling tells you that you must study this person a little more.
Well, your hunch is right. The dream plot says that person is not showing you his/her real side. They might do everything they can to come in between you and your goals.
If you are a rat lover in real life, the dream interpretation would be different for you. Those fluffy white creatures in your dream may symbolize security, success, and healthy relationships.
White rats in dreams also symbolize untrustworthy women in the real world.
119. Dreams of a massive white rat
You would get lucky soon as massive white rats in dreams symbolize your possibility of hitting the jackpot. The size of the creature plays a huge role here. The greater it is, the larger your wins would be.
120. Guided by a white rat in a dream
Dreams of a white rat guiding you stand for collaboration with others on new ventures and ideas. The dream event also gives you the message that you feel content financially.
However, there are issues that you must reconsider because the dream plot says your huge income comes at the cost of your mental peace.
121. A beautiful white rat riding a carriage
You might be drawn to someone because of his/her attractiveness. Sometimes, it could even be an object that has captivated you. But remember that looks can be deceiving, and beauty is skin deep. If it is a person, do not have blind faith in him/her just because you have fallen for him/her.
According to the dreamscape, that person may be showing you just the fake flashy sides while keeping the genuine hidden. Likewise, before you invest your money in something, think of how much that particular thing would be useful to you.
122. White rats and black cats in a dream
Whether you seem content or not with your life on the surface, the dream indicates some aspects of your life you feel uncomfortable in.
123. Dream of dead white rats
The dream scenario warns you of nasty stunts your enemies may pull in the foreseeable future to ruin your life.
They are likely to cook up spicy gossip about you, so you should be vigilant and have a presence of mind if you wish to get past those traps smoothly.
124. Dream of a white rat by a young woman
If you are a married young woman, this could hint at unwelcomed plans by friends to separate you from your partner. However, the dream implies that you would get hooked up with a man if you are young and unmarried.
125. Dream of black rat
Black is usually associated with evil entities since time immemorial, and as such, a black rat in dreams brings no pleasant message. These rodents could symbolize your bad feelings.
Sometimes, it may also mean you have a lack of feeling or going through depression. In this case, you must talk to friends or seek professional help because that is what your dream wishes to tell you.
Black rats signify sexual aggression, according to Sigmund Freud.
126. Dream of two fat black rats
You will likely receive insulting remarks from a person you love.
127. Dream of a black rat with red eyes.
If you have plans to travel, the dream warns you to be careful because you may encounter trouble.
128. A pregnant black rat in a dream
Usually, they symbolize danger and misfortunes you may encounter soon.
129. Black rat having whiteheads
Your personal life would change for the better.
130. Black rats without tails in a dream
This dream plot foreshadows complications concerning your domestic environment.
131. A black rat playing in a dream
You would possibly get into an argument with a close friend. The dreamscape indicates it is a result of failing to stick to promises.
132. Dream of black and white rats fighting
A dispute and fight may break out between you and your relatives concerning inheritance.
133. Dream of black rats scattered in different directions
If you have been facing financial problems, the dream implies you’ll soon be relieved because a solution is going to pop up, unexpected and never thought of.
134. Dream of a sleeping black rat
You would finally be able to catch up with an old friend. According to the plot, you had looked forward to this meeting for a long time.
135. Kissing a black rat in a dream
It symbolizes sexual satisfaction.
136. Feeding a black rat in a dream
You would soon get visitors, and the dream says they would be awfully annoying.
137. Poisoning a black rat in a dream
It marks the beginning of a pleasant life phase.
138. Dream of someone else killing a black rat that tried to attack you
The person who killed the rat in your dream will get into a feud, probably with neighbors. Warn him/her against doing anything foolish. It might evolve into a huge fight, and as per the dream, you will also get entangled in the scandal.
139. A bloody black rat in a dream
It indicates an illness of one of your people.
140. Dream of dead black rats
Since black rats symbolize evil, dead black rats stand for your victory over evil people or energy around you.
141. Newborn baby rats in dreams
It is an implication that your current way of living is monotonous and bores you. Perhaps you can pick up a few hobbies or take time off to travel to bring back the excitement.
142. White baby rats in dreams
If you are in conflict with anybody or a group of people, the dream indicates your victory over them.
143. Dream of black baby rats
You may go into mourning as the dream indicates the death of a person close to you.
144. Rats with baby rats
It means your circle has a good number of hypocrites. Before you let them onto your secrets and plans for the future, ensure you know them well. The dream vision warns you that these hypocrites put on several masks and pretend to like you.
145. Bald baby rats
They symbolize embarrassing and shameful situations.
146. Pet baby rats
They symbolized arguments and conflicts within your family.
147. Dead baby rats
Avoid gambling around this time lest you want to suffer losses.
148. Dreaming of dead rats
According to this dream plot, you are overwhelmed by your current real-life situations. You feel anxious about some events that you have to deal with sooner or later. The rats appeared to remind you to step up and take action as soon as possible. Otherwise, they may get intense and difficult to fix.
A dead rat in dreams could also stand for conflicts with your partner or family. In some cases, it could also mean a situation has come to a close. This could be your dream interpretation if you are ending a relationship. Or if you have been having thoughts to end one. According to the dream narrative, this particular relationship ended after you have been treated unfairly by the other person.
Interpretations vary according to the variants present in the dream scenario. Another meaning of this dream is that the dilemma you have been in for the longest time will finally come to a close.
After this, a period of good luck and fortune will put you in great spirits.
149. Dream of dead rats on a road
It stands for the obstacles that you need to uproot to reach your life goals. If you succeed in getting rid of those dead creatures, it is a sure indication that you would overcome the obstacles.
However, if you dream of the opposite, it could indicate the chances of getting bogged down by those difficulties.
150. Dream of a dead rat in the water
A dead rat in the water points to problems at work. Before you jump to conclusions, take careful note of how the water was in your dream. Was it muddy? If so, you will most probably fail to avoid problems that crop up at your workplace.
But if the water was clear, you will save your workplace’s reputation to some degree by taking care of mistakes correctly and appropriately. And this would lead you to get appraisals and appreciation from people around you.
Dreams of rats in water are also related to domestic issues. Chances are, you are in conflict with a member of your family or your whole family, and it may be having a massive impact on your mental state, harming your health ultimately.
The dream plot suggests talking the issue out with the other party for your health and your family’s welfare.
151. Dream of dead rats on your bed
A dead rat on your bed is an omen regarding your marriage life. Is there a third party in your relationship? Does your relationship with your partner feel threatened? Probably someone is trying to squeeze in to destroy your family life.
152. Dream of stepping on dead rats in your dream
This dream plot mirrors how unjustly you have been treating someone close to you. Now is ideally the right time to undo improper behaviors.
Even though you have been inconsiderate of his/her feelings in the past, you could still ask for forgiveness. Because even the Holy Bible says, “Ask, and it shall be given to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
153. Several dead rats on your dinner table in your dreams
You have been ruthless with your spending, and according to the plot, your wallet is going to bear the brunt of your recklessness. Several dead rats stand for financial difficulties. Before it gets too late, snap out of your extravagant spending habits.
Spiritual Meaning of Rats in Dreams
Spiritually, rats symbolize a pain or trauma you experienced in the past. Due to what happened, you may be harboring fears of people, things, and events. The rodents appeared in your dream to let you know that those fears are unfounded and within your mind.
This is generally the case, but it would be wise to study the other variants for a detailed interpretation.
Biblical Meaning of Rat Dreams
“And these are unclean to you among the swarming things that swarm on the ground:the mole rat, the mouse, the great lizard of any kind”. (Leviticus 11:29)
The Holy Bible depicts the rat as filthy creatures you must avoid at all costs. Accordingly, from a biblical perspective, a dream associated with rats represents unanticipated issues that will cause you damage.
Psychological Meaning of Rat Dreams
Rats symbolize the emotions and psychic forces that creep in once in a while, such as fear and anxiety. On the flip side, they could also be indicating the need to conquer the unseen psychic forces.
Rat Dream Meaning in Chinese Culture
According to the Chinese dream book, a massive rat running around predicts a happy event happening soon.
The rat is the first animal in the Chinese zodiac, and these creatures are prolific in this part of the world. Unlike others, they do not associate the rodents with disease, theft, and greed. Instead, rats to them mean wealth and fortune.
It is also a custom to pray to these creatures if a couple wishes to have a child. When looked at, from the perspective of Yin and Yang, the rat’s energy is Yang. It stands for masculine, light, and new beginnings.
Therefore, according to their beliefs, dreaming of rats could indicate new ideas, new ways to resolve a long-existing problem, a new home environment, new people in your circle, etc.
Rat Dream Meaning in Hinduism
In the myths of Hinduism, rats are associated with Goddess Kali. Goddess Kali, an incarnation of Durga, gave eternal life to her clan but in a mystical way.
Also, Ganesh, the elephant god and the remover of obstacles, has a rat vehicle or companion called Musakavahana, and it is believed to possess the same attributes as the elephant God.
“The rat is no less marvelous than the elephant as a finder and maker of the way. It has a peculiar talent for entering buildings- homes, larders, and granaries- and is wonderfully successful in overcoming whatever defenses men can put in its path ”.
-The Art of Indian Asia, Heinrich Zimmer
Following this, a rat in dreams could also mean the potential to break through multiple barriers if you put your mind to it.
A Few Questions To Ask Yourself Before Determining Your Rat Dream
- How do you feel about these rodents in real life? Do you dread them, or you don’t care if a rat plays hide and seek near you? If they do scare you, why is it so? Is it because you fear some diseases on them, or do you think they look awful?
Dreams bridge the gap between the conscious and the subconscious during sleep. So, it is vital to take note of this.
Moreover, what you feel towards these rodents will differ from what another person feels, and therefore, the interpretation will never be the same for two people with contrasting personalities.
- What do you associate rats with?
- Where were you when you dreamt of them, and what were the actions happening then?
- Did you think about these rodents before you went to bed?
- Do you think you are persistent enough while chasing your dreams and goals? Or do you give up a little too easily?
Closing Thoughts
Often, dreams seem irrational and disconnected to us. And we tend to forget about them the day after. But those fragments of images carry powerful messages that may help us map out difficulties and troubles in the real world.
According to dream interpreters, no dream is insignificant because they are just the parts of a whole picture. And this makes it all the more important to probe into for an in-depth meaning of your rat dream.
If you get dreams about Raccoon then check their meanings here.