持っているオオカミについての夢 または森の奥深くにあなたを追いかけているそれらのパック?もしそうなら、あなたは汗をかき、慈悲を求めて泣き言を言って目を覚ましたに違いない!

私たちの文化団体は、オオカミを悪として認識し、魔術と関連付けるようになりました。 しかし、彼らはいつも悪いですか?
「オオカミは雄大で美しく、神聖な知恵の源として見られています」 シンシアリッチモンド、ドリームパワーの作者 。「彼らはまた、ずる賢く、飽くなき、そして邪悪であると見なされています」 彼女はさらに付け加えた。オオカミやオオカミについての夢は、文脈に応じて良いメッセージや悪いメッセージを持っているかもしれません。
Do you have a fear for a person or a thing? Should that be the case, the dream urges you to ask yourself why you fear that particular person/ thing.
You likely know neither why and how you dread that person or thing! Possibly, it exists just within your mind, without logical reasoning. As per the dream, your fear for that particular person or thing is groundless.
Should anyone find out this weakness of yours, they will use it to their advantage. So, try to snap out of your irrationality. The sooner, the better!
54. A ferocious wolf in a dream
A ferocious wolf in a dreamscape might stand for a rival. Try not to let him/her get you because if you do, the dream indicates this person will not spare you.
55. A dream of a sleeping wolf
A sleeping wolf stands for a hidden enemy. On the other hand, it could also imply you seek love and affection.
56. A dog that looks like a wolf
It symbolizes a severe illness.
57. A dream about a wolf in a sheep’s clothing
Unquestionably, it symbolizes treachery.
58. A wolf tearing down your house
If you have done something wrong in the past worth punishing, karma is hitting back on you. According to the dream, you would soon get frequent visits from the authorities questioning you of the ill deeds you committed earlier.
59. Eating with wolves around you
If you were comfortable eating with wolves in the vicinity, now is an auspicious time for you to start new ventures.
Alternatively, if you were insecure in your dream event, it means not everyone in your circle is affectionate towards you. There are some people constantly watching you and anticipating your deterioration.
60. Dreaming about eating wolf meat
You find it relatively easy to adjust to any situation that crops up suddenly. It could also mean someone in your circle is planning something vicious against you.
61. Dreaming of a wolf eating meat off a bone
It stands for hardships and complications making their way towards you.
62. A wolf feeding on your real-life enemies in a dreamscape
The interpretation of this dream vision is different from how it seems at face value. Though it looks promising on the surface, it is a bad dream. The wolf devouring on your enemies is nothing but your subconscious mind seeking revenge on those who did you wrong.
63. Dreaming of wolf milk
If you dream of wolf milk or even drink it, you are heading towards some of your worst days.
64. Wolf tattoo in a dream
It represents how you would like to present yourself to the world.
65. Turning into a wolf in a dream
Are you showing your genuine side to others, or have you put on a mask to impress people?
66. Dreaming of yourself as a wolf
Dreaming of yourself as a wolf could mean you seek to possess the powerful traits of a wolf.
Perhaps you are in real trouble, but instead of giving up, you try to be resilient and persistent. The dream is also a manifestation of your wishes to break down the social norms and contractions that stop you from being who you are.
67. A dream where you were a dead wolf
Though this dream vision looks horrendous on the surface, it has a positive message for you. You would have several opportunities to prove your worth. Stay vigilant and grab every opportunity you can.
68. A dream about a friend turning into a werewolf
Negativity hovers around you! The least you can do is watch out for trouble.
The dreamscape could also imply your suspicion for a particular person. You doubt his/her sincerity, but at the same time, you wouldn’t get yourself to forsake the relationship.
However, Miller has something different to say about this vision. According to him, the friend in your dream would have a long life.
Dreams about Wolves and Their Prey
69. Dream of a wolf hunting you in a snowy terrain
It symbolizes a cold-hearted person.
70. Dreaming about getting attacked by a wolf when you were alone
The dream foretells danger.
71. Dream about a wolf killing one of your foals
The dream scenario of a wolf slaughtering a foal stands for losses.
72. Dream of a wolf preying on a kid (baby goat)
There is an indication of self-reliance in this dream plot. Often you will be the only one capable of resolving your problems. Instead of wasting time seeking help from others, see if you have given your best to resolve your issues.
73. A dream of a wolf attacking a shepherd
It is an omen. Most probably, your family will undergo hard times.
74. Dream of a wolf preying on a dead body of a human
It is a warning! Are you going through any difficulties? The dream suggests your present situation has placed you at a disadvantage, not letting you explore your full potential.
However, the dream plot also indicates that there still is time. Look for ways to fix your problems for your path to be obstacle-free.
75. Dream of a wolf failing to catch its potential prey
However tempting an offer seems to be, let it not sway you from your present pursuits. Stick to your mission, and do not be fickle-minded because the dream indicates you might lose the moon while counting the stars.
76. Dream of a wolf in hiding and waiting to pounce on prey
“Man proposes, God Disposes ” – sometimes the universe prevents us from having what we pine for. And that is your situation around this time of your life’s journey.
However hard you try to keep yourself away from negativities and ill happenings, you will not be successful in your attempt.
77. Dreaming of a wolf stealing something from you
Either it’s going to be an engagement or exchanging wedding vows. Look forward to the good times ahead!
78. Feeding a wolf in a dream
Words once said cannot be taken back. This should be your mantra around this time. Watch what you say, and don’t just spill out whatever you feel like. You might end up making a fool of yourself.
Are you sure you are trusting the right person? You might have been giving away too much information about someone unintentionally.
Look at the dream vision from this way! You are feeding endless information about someone to another person. That person will, in good time, get to the person you have been throwing valuable information about. Later, when you realize what you have done, it might be too late to go back.
It could also mean you are emotionally prepared to get into a relationship or become a parent.
It could also mean you should either nurture or let go of emotions, depending upon your present circumstances.
79. A wolf feeding you in a dreamscape
We have mentioned earlier that wolves could also symbolize a person. In this situation, the wolf stands for a savior or a mentor who has been supporting you.
80. Dream of a wolf drinking water from your pet’s bowl
Someone in your circle is probably trying to sabotage you in one way or the other. A false step may crumble whatever you have been working on for years. At the least, be cautious of your speeches and deeds!
81. Dream of killing a wolf or a pack of wolves
The dreamscape of killing a wolf or wolves generally represents good luck. But for an accurate meaning, recall how you killed it or them and the situations that led to it.
The plot has several meanings. Firstly, killing a wolf means you will get rid of an enemy.
It could also stand for an ill-wisher masked as a friend. It could also stand for betrayal because someone who was once dear to you is now an enemy.
On the other hand, the plot may also mean you have finally mustered up the courage to face something you dread.
Have you done anything disgraceful of late? As per the narrative, a sense of shame or guilt is eating parts of you.
82. Killing a pack of wolves in a dream
This dream is one to celebrate because it foretells imminent victory.
83. Dream of killing a wolf with bare hands
With careful planning, you will be able to get rid of a dangerous enemy.
84. To dream of killing a wolf and see it lying on the ground
The dream vision wherein you killed a wolf and saw it lie lifeless on the ground could stand for growth. It may be concerning your skills, knowledge, or your overall lifestyle.
A Dead Wolf or Wolves In a Dream
85. Dreaming of a dying wolf
Have you been acting clumsily? Sometimes you might have asked yourself if you are in your right mind. If you’ve been facing these troubles lately, the dying wolf is a reflection of your carelessness and confusion.
In some way, a dying wolf could point to your academics. You might see a drop in your performance due to someone else’s mistake.
86. A dead wolf in a dream
Warnings! Financial crises ahead!
Alternatively, a dead wolf in a dream calls for a celebration. You would be able to overcome the hurdles in your path.
87. A wolf, dead and alone in a dream
Your hard days are finally coming to a close.
88. A pack of dead wolves in a dream
The dreamscape stands for a fresh new beginning in some aspects of your life.
Dreams About Wolves at Different Environments
89. Dreaming of a wolf at your door
The dream is warning you against suspicious people waiting for an opportunity to pounce on you.
90. Dreaming about a wolf entering your house
You are likely to get into trouble with authorities. It may be concerning your school, workplace, or anything else.
91. Dreaming of a wolf on your bed
If you dream of a wolf, particularly a she-wolf lying on your bed, your blissful days will end soon. Mark this! It is the doing of some influential people.
92. Dream of a wolf inside a cage
You are likely struggling with complications. To add to that, you are keeping them bottled up. And that seems to be causing you more stress making you constantly be on edge. Try sharing your problems with those you trust because that will be good for your mental peace.
Positively, a wolf inside a cage could stand for health and wealth. If you already have a family of your own, you might undertake a family trip.
93. Dream of a wolf lying on a lawn
It is an indication that your rivals are going above and beyond to overthrow you. But stress not because the universe is on your side. The harder they try, the stronger your counterattack will be.
94. Dreaming of a wolf in snow
The dream is reflective of your personality. You adapt and fit into any situation with ease.
95. Dreaming of a wolf on a football field
Are you aware of a few unlawful activities around you? But have you, by any chance, turned a blind eye to them despite knowing the harm they are incurring on others? At the moment, you may be laidback and indifferent towards those happenings. But you might soon be charged for not stopping them.
In the end, your conscience might haunt you for overlooking the matter.
96. Dream of a wolf looking straight at you from inside a zoo
Try to figure out if someone is plotting something against you.
97. Dreaming of a wolf atop a mountain
You might get involved in a terrible situation. Nonetheless, it won’t be as bad as you perceive it at first. Moreover, you will be able to slip through quite easily. And when the time is ripe, you could use that situation to your advantage.
98. Dreaming of wolves in a forest
Seeing wolves in a forest in your dream vision means it has become necessary to explore your feelings to go forward.
If you dream of a wolf in the woods, it could also mean you are surrounded by enemies on all sides.
Different Wolves in a Dream
99. Dreaming of a gigantic wolf
You are perhaps getting overwhelmed and bogged down by trivial matters.
100. A mother wolf in a dream
You are well-protected against adversities. Many people love and support you for who you are.
101. A wolf cub in a dream
At the time of birth, wolf cubs are blind and deaf. And that means they are vulnerable to all sorts of danger owing to their unawareness. From this perspective, a wolf cub in a dream could mean you are not aware of a person’s true colors.
Possibly, they are playing an angel in front of you, when in reality, they are planning for your devastation. Take this dream as a cue and put your guards up against suspicious people. However, remember that you must not be too hasty or careless about it.
From the Western perspective, that person could be one you have been supporting.
102. A pet wolf in your dreams
The dream predicts happy times.
103. Dreaming about a 3-eyed wolf
Undoubtedly, the three-eyed creature is urging you to look at things realistically.
104. A 3-headed wolf
If you have some innate talent and skills, you must use them to help those in need.
105. Dreaming of a rabid wolf
The dream hints at the sneaky behavior of a person who is on your team/side but works against you for, possibly, your rivals.
106. Wolf dog in your dreams
It stands for people who would do anything for your welfare.
Dreaming of the Different Body Parts of a Wolf
107. Dreaming about the head of a wolf
To dream of the head of a wolf symbolizes your domineering nature and personality.
108. Wolf eyes in a dream
Unquestionably, you are under vigilance. But don’t just settle on this interpretation because seeing the eyes of a wolf in a dream could point to crucial life matters.
If the eyes are red, it means you would need to delve deeper and seek insights regarding people and things that interest you.
Blue stands for the relationships and dealings with your family.
Black eyes mean you are genuine to yourself.
If you find yourself looking at the eyes of a wolf in a dream, it has messages for you concerning your confidence and peace.
109. Dreaming of wolf teeth
If you see the teeth of a wolf in a dream, you might face a challenging situation or a person shortly.
There is another interpretation of this plot. You might have been under the impression that you have moved on from a traumatic situation. But according to the plot, it still occupies a large part of your mind.
If you dream of a wolf showing you its teeth, you must be cautious in your upcoming dealings. The dream narrative hints at trouble. Fight them with courage and get over it!
110. Dreaming of the paw of a wolf
It reflects the stress and anxiety you are likely to undergo because of an encounter with a person you dislike.
111. Dreaming about wolfskin
If you see wolf skin in your dream, you may get visits from people, and fortunately or unfortunately, they would crash at your place for quite a long time.
112. Dreaming of a wolf skin spread on the ground
In all likelihood, you will attend some events, and those will allow you to form valuable connections with some influential people.
Different Colors of Wolves In a Dream
113. Dreaming about a red wolf
Since red generally symbolizes danger, the red wolf in your dream may be reminding you of your nerve-racking situations. Possibly, you are in grave danger with regards to finance, and the dream event indicates you are deep in debt.
If the wolves behave aggressively, it could also mean you will get into disagreements with relatives. A red wolf may also mean meeting and catching up with people you haven’t seen in a while.
114. Gray wolf in a dream
Spiritually, gray color stands for detachment, and dreaming of a gray wolf could mean you feel distanced in your waking life. Since gray is an amalgamation of white and black, it could also stand for balance. Perhaps you need to find balance in your life.
Are you looking forward to starting a new relationship? If yes, the gray wolf is good news.
115. Befriending a gray wolf in a dream
The scenario foreshadows a misfortune that would befall you and your near ones soon. But here’s a piece of good news.
That misfortune will not last long. However, during difficult times, your near ones will suffer and be more affected than you. Stay close to them because your optimism and emotional strength will help them stay afloat during the dark days.
116. A blue wolf in a dream
The blue wolf reflects your optimism. You often analyze things thoroughly and do not take them at face value. For instance, you don’t hate someone just because they are rude to you. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, you extract the good sides of a person.
117. Silver wolf in a dream
You will encounter pleasant events shortly.
118. An arctic wolf or white wolf in dream
A white wolf in a dream may be an indication that you feel isolated in life. You seek to be protected against a complex situation/ enemies yet are unable to approach people.
Native Americans perceive white wolves as a symbol of wisdom and heroism. Therefore, dreaming of it may also mean you strive for guidance and words of wisdom to start a new journey.
While some cultures associate it with courage and triumph, some relate these wolves with deceit. Therefore it is imperative to get to the bottom of each dream. Do not interpret dreams at face value but consider each element while interpreting.
Last but not least, it could be a reflection of victory concerning something personal.
119. Chased by a white wolf in a dream
You will get in trouble with an influential person.
120. Black wolf dream meaning
Black wolves are often called Elite hunters. In this light, it may stand for your success, provided you work hard and stay determined. Do you have a mission in life? Are you unsure of how it will turn out? Well, the black wolves are here to clear your doubts, and you now know what to do.
Some dream experts connect the black wolf with primal urges. Recurring dreams of a black wolf could mean you are repressing animalistic desires, afraid of how it would taint your image. Possibly, you harbor fearful feelings of getting ostracized.
On the other hand, a black wolf may symbolize the power of others. Since the creature is strictly territorial, you must be wary of people crossing their boundaries.
Speaking of their territorial behavior, dreaming of them could also mean you are protective of yourself and your loved ones. These creatures could do anything to protect their pack against potential danger.
Do you wish to get away from your circle? Or are you trying to ditch some responsibilities? It could mean either of these.
Most of the cultures around the world believed black wolves to be ill omen. For them, it may symbolize losses, depression, or even death.
There’s also a belief that they stand for the spirits of your forefathers with crucial life messages.
121. Dreaming of yourself as a black wolf
In an attempt to appear flawless, you might have been repressing some traits of yourself. But know that they are innate and deep-rooted within you. However hard you try, you will not be able to get rid of them.
122. A brown wolf in a dream
Brown wolves in dreams stand for loyalty. You have one or more people who are faithful to you. It could also be the other way around. You could be the devoted one.
123. Dream of a golden or yellow wolf
A yellow or golden wolf in a dream narrative symbolizes domestic harmony, health, and wealth.
Werewolves In a Dream
124. Encountering a werewolf in a dream
The dream plot indicates you will, in all likelihood, run into a hypocrite. Though fate made you meet that person, your job is to stay away from him/her.
125. Trying to flee from a werewolf in a dream
The dream is reflective of your true feelings towards your partner. According to the plot, you do not have an ounce of trust in him/her.
Wolves with other Animals/ Birds
126. Dreaming of a wolf with a lion
Be very careful concerning your financial dealings. You might get duped.
127. A dream of a wolf together with a fawn
There is a sign that you will commit immoral deeds around this time. Instead of acting recklessly, reflect on each of your plans before taking action.
128. Dream of a wolf with an owl or an eagle
If there’s something you want to share with your close friend, now is the time.
129. Wolves, jackals, and wild dogs in a dream
They symbolize thieves lurking around you, vandalizing your mental peace.
Spiritual Meaning of Wolves in Dreams
Wolves are associated with various spiritual texts and beliefs across the planet. In ancient Roman culture, a Goddess was called the Great-she-wolf, not to forget the two wolves, Geri and Freki- the constant companions of Odin, the Norse God.
From a spiritual perspective, the wolf symbolizes leading others on and maintaining a balance. It may also stand for striking up an instant connection or a relation with someone.
Biblical Meaning of Wolves in Dreams
“Her princes in the middle thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain” – Ezekiel 22:27
In the Holy Bible, the wolf symbolizes evil. While Christ, the child of God, is called ‘The Lamb of God’, the wolf is a creature that preys on meek lambs and sheep. You can find excerpts pointing to the predatory traits of the wolf in the Old Testament.
In the New Testament, wolves represent multifaceted, corrupt leaders who practice the opposite of what they preach. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves” – Matthew 7:15.
Hence, from the Bible’s perspective, a wolf may symbolize a devil in disguise. Watch out who you befriend! You might end up in the devil’s den!
Early Christians take wolves as an embodiment of someone that does not deserve anyone’s trust.
Native American Interpretation of Wolf Dreams
Native Americans consider the dream symbol of a wolf as lucky and sacred. In the spiritual realm, wolves occupy a significant place as wise and powerful animals.
According to their beliefs, you should muster up the courage and overcome your fears if you dream of a wolf. Following this, Native Americans take it as a cue to explore their genuine self after dreaming of a wolf.
To this day, some Native American tribes like the Shoshone regard the wolf as a creator. Another tribe, the Quileutes, believed their ancestors transformed from wolves. For many cultures, it is no less than the majestic eagle.
Dream about Wolves in Persian Culture
In the Persian belief, dreaming of wolves implies someone, probably a person in your circle, who hates you though that isn’t what they show.
A Few Questions To Ask Yourself
- Do you have a close connection with nature and its affiliate creatures? Or are you someone who dislikes anything that overpowers you?
- Does the mere mention of a wolf make you shiver with fear? In this case, dreaming of a wolf could mean you have some fear in your waking life.
- Have you recently come across a wolf? If so, were you scared, or did you chase it down?
- Do you reside in an urban environment or amidst nature and wild animals?
- Have you recently encountered a wolf or wolves, or have you heard a wolf howling lately?
- Is there something you fear facing in your life? If yes, how do you think you will tackle the problem?
- Where exactly did you see the wolf in your dream? Was it in a thick forest, or did you see it in an urban environment?
- Are you or were you in a sexually abusive relationship? Wolves are frequent visitors to the dreams of people who have fallen victim to such relationships.
- In your dream, did you face the animal courageously, or did it scare the wits out of you? It’s a good sign if you win against the animal. But should the case be the latter, you must keep a sharp lookout for troubles brewing.
- Are you overprotective of yourself or a loved one?
Wolves are often associated with evil and beastly behavior. And according to their cultural associations, wolf dreams are instantly linked to negativity. But before you get carried away by public opinion, delve deep into your wolf dream.
Interpret only after studying and analyzing the settings, elements, and behavior of the animal carefully. Only then will you be able to map an in-depth meaning of your wolf dream.