- 夢の中で泣く :これは、健康的で制御された方法で感情を解放する潜在意識の方法です。おそらく、この夢はあなたがストレスを感じているか、動揺しているために起こりました。
- 泣いている見知らぬ人 :新しいスタートはあなたが望むようにはなりません。将来、予期しないことが起こるでしょう。
- 愛する人が泣いている :あなたは他の人ともっと感情的につながる必要があります。または、あなたはこの人について心配しています。
- 泣いている敵 :あなたは復讐を望んでいるか、彼らがあなたをどのように傷つけたかを正確に理解することを望んでいるので、彼らは本当に謝罪することができます。
- 目覚めの問題の結果として自分が泣いているのを見る :あなたはまだこの感情的な状況に腹を立てているか、それがあなたを無力に感じさせた方法からまだ動揺しています。それはまたあなたがあなたの人生の負のエネルギーに集中するのをやめる必要があることを示唆することができます。
- 泣き止まない :自信がない、または現在の状況に対処できないと思う。これはあなたの感情の鏡であり、あなたの能力の鏡ではありません。あなたがユニークであることを忘れないでください、そしてそれには豊富な価値があります。あなたのような人は誰もいません。
- 少しの間泣く :将来、いくつかの小さな問題が発生する可能性がありますが、多くの幸せも享受できます。厄介な状況を前向きなものに変えることができます。
- 泣いていた人を慰めた :誰かが不誠実であるか、彼らがあなたに考えさせているように、あなたが成功するのを見たくないのです。あるいは、あなたはこの人の助けを必要とするか、彼らはあなたの助けを必要とします。あなたは一緒に強くなります。
- 損失を叫びました :あなたは決して起こる可能性がないかもしれないことについて心配しています。大切な人を失うことを心配していますが、それはあなたが彼らをどれだけ気にかけているかを示しています。
- とんでもないことを泣きました :すぐに非常に忙しい時間を経験します。息をする余地がないように感じますが、それでも地獄を楽しむことができます。
- なぜ泣いているのかわからなかった :あなたは自分の感情やその原因から切り離されています。魂を探す必要があるかもしれません。
- 泣いている動物 :周りの人やペットのことを心配しています。この夢はまた、あなたが自分の本能にもっとつながる必要があることを示唆しています。
- 泣いている無生物 :これは警告の夢です。物事は、見た目とは異なり、あなたが思っているものでもありません。
- 何人かの人(そして物事!)が泣いています :近い将来、大変な時期になりますが、大切なものと、それを自分の生活の中で維持する方法に集中できるようになります。
- 夢の中でワニの涙 :あなたはあまりにも心配しています。恐れを乗り越える時期を認識できる必要があります。
何かの場合 あなたの夢の中で泣いていた、ある種の無生物-それは実際にはそのように泣いているビジネスはまったくありません-これはあなた自身の感情への欲求不満を示しています。あなたは彼らが求められていないと感じていますが、とにかく彼らを感じています。

誰かがあなたを離れることについて泣くことを夢見ているということは、最近物事が順調に進んでいるので、何かがうまくいかないことを恐れていることを示しています。この夢は、何かが うまくいかない。

夢の中のあなたのベッドはあなたの快適ゾーンを表しています。 It’s the place you most let your guard down, the place you’re most vulnerable, and seeing yourself crying there indicates that you’re going through a difficult place in life. Something’s upsetting your feeling of stability, of security, which you carry around with you wherever you go.
Try not to take things personally. People don’t always mean things the way you think they do. The way you make people feel is what they will remember most about you, and try to cultivate a positive environment.
What does it Mean to Dream of Other People Crying Uncontrollably?
Dreaming of someone else being unable to stop crying can symbolize how much someone cares about you. It shows the strength in your relationship with them, and how valuable this is in both your lives.
While this dream might have been unsettling, and you may have been nervous even as you woke up, this dream is a positive sign. You’ll spend a lot of time with your loved ones, which will bring all a lot of happiness.
If you’ve been thinking about making a big commitment lately, this dream could be a sign that you’re ready for a new chapter in your life.それを試してみてください。
What does a Crying Baby Mean in a Dream?

The subconscious part of your mind will often steal things from waking life to fill your dreams with color and meaning, but they don’t always manifest in the way we expect, or ways we can make sense of.
A crying baby in a dream usually denotes that you are in need of unconditional love right now, without fear of being judged. There may be nothing going wrong in your life at all, but you need someone close.
Love is a vital part of life, and how much you have in life can tie to how well you grow as a person. It also determines how far you get along a spiritual journey without stumbling, or needing help. A baby crying in life is hard to ignore, and so is the message of this dream.
If you dream of both a baby and a mother crying, this suggests that your family will enjoy good luck in the future, and something you will gain will feel priceless. You’ll enjoy the best time in the future.
In spiritual terms, dreaming of a crying baby can indicate bad times ahead, where you’ll face problems in both your professional life and your family life. You’ll need to be careful after a dream like this. Choose your words wisely, and make your decisions carefully. Being the source of these problems will make you feel worse.
What does it Mean to Dream of Your Partner Crying?
A dream where your partner is crying indicates you’ll encounter some conflicts in the near future. They may affect your inner feeling of security. These issues will make you feel vulnerable, and could challenge you and your partner to your core, and test the strength of your relationship.
Dreaming of your partner crying indicates that you’ll have some control over these problems, so long as you believe it. Neither of you are powerless in any situation. You can still decide how to react.
If you comfort your partner in this dream, you’ll be able to stay collected and objective in these personal issues, and you’ll find a way to defeat them.
What does it Mean to Dream of a Child Crying?
A dream of a child crying can represent part of yourself, especially if you don’t recognize the child in your dream. As adults, we can often be more disconnected from our emotions, and this dream can be your subconscious mind telling you to reconnect to your feelings.
The crying itself may not represent a specific emotion, but the expression of emotion. Have you been bottling up your feelings lately? You may not even realize how something has affected you until now.
Dreaming of a crying girl traditionally signifies that you’ll soon experience a torrent of emotion, which will then force you to reconnect with ideas and feelings you’ve been ignoring.
It will feel like a negative experience at the time, but you’ll be stronger for it. Further problems will be easier to deal with.
A boy crying in your dream suggests you need to be more assertive. Someone may need your help.
You’ll spot a problem before it has the chance to become bigger. Acting on your instincts will solve it quicker and easier than if you take the time to think about what solution is best.
A child crying in your dream can point to someone new entering your life.
This person will be immensely helpful, and they’ll give you the tools to overcome a long-standing problem. They might become a big part of your life, where you can’t imagine living without them, or what life was like before them.
What does it Mean to Dream of a Deceased Baby Crying?
Needless to say, this isn’t a nice dream. A deceased baby crying in your dream indicates major health problems in the future, so you need to look after yourself now.
This dream also denotes an unexpected tragic situation which will be beyond your control.
Babies represent a spiritual transformation and great change coming into your life, which will rearrange everything.
You may be struggling between trying to keep things as they are, where they’re predictable and safe, and feeling caged and needing to do something new. You’re afraid of change. You know that not everything the future can bring you will be good, or kind.
Experiencing a traumatic event like this in a dream can give you some further resilience going forward, where things won’t seem as bad in the future.
You will fear the uncertainty the future holds a little less. This will allow you to go after bigger things, those that you’ve always wanted. You’ll feel much freer for it.
What does it Mean to Dream of Someone Crying Unexpectedly?
If you are in the middle of what seems like a normal dream, and someone starts crying out of the blue, this can indicate that you’ll be helping someone emotionally in the future.
You may have to drop whatever you’ll be working on in order to help them, but it might be vital that you do.
If the person in your dream was a stranger, you’ll be at the receiving end of some aggression in the future, and you’ll need to stand up for yourself to stop it going further.
While, through life, we get more and more resilient, it’s important to stay connected to your emotions. Unresolved feelings will resurface in the future, and you’ll need to confront them for good.
Something in the past will cause you to feel uncomfortable, or as if you never made any progress at all. This is usually a signifier of being near the final hurdle of solving something long-standing, so keep going.
This dream can indicate that you need to be careful around people, as they could mean you harm, or involve you in some sort of trouble. Keep close to your support network. Focus on your goals. How far away are you? What will bring you closer?
What does it Mean to Dream of a Crying Statue?

Statues in dreams usually indicate you’ve hardened your heart to someone’s problems in order to focus on your own, or you’re being arrogant, or you’re underestimating a situation.
A weeping statue in your dream can represent how you feel about the people in your life, or someone is being unsympathetic or even cold towards you. It’s possible that they’ve got a lot on their plate right now, and they are unable to drop anything to come to your aid.
Alternatively, your relationship with someone might have broken down, or you’ve both outgrown it because you’re different people than when you started.
The weeping of the statue can indicate your grief over this relationship, or how the other person has acted. Maybe you’ve been making excuses for them for too long. You need to let them go.
If you dream of standing below a famous statue, and you look up to see the statue crying, this indicates that you feel you’ve lost the power to control an aspect of your life.
You’re unhappy with the way your life is turning out, and you desperately want to break free from someone else’s influence, as they have a big say over your life. Life isn’t how you pictured it.
A dream like this can occur when you stop focusing on your life to look around at other people’s lives, and instead of just looking to see if they’re doing okay, you’re comparing yourself to them. This is a source of conflict for you.
If your dream focused on the tears of the statue, you’re feeling the effects of someone who is acting cold towards you, especially if they have given you no explanation. This is eating away at you, and you’re spending a lot of time wondering why. Is it time to ask? Would it be better just to move on without them?
What does Consoling a Crying Person in a Dream Mean?
Dreaming of comforting someone who is crying indicates that you need to be more emotionally connected to those in your life. Ask them what they need, if they do need something.
You need to be sympathetic towards their problems. Listen to what they have to say. Work out exactly what they want from you – not what you feel they need, and this will help strengthen your relationship with this person.
What does it Mean to Dream of Hugging Someone while They Cry?
Dreaming of hugging someone while you both cry is a good dream to have. It’s a positive sign for the future, where you’ll enjoy a celebration of some sort together.
No one will feel left out, and there will be no undercurrent of anxiety or old conflicts resurfacing, like family events are known for. You’ll all share a feeling of contentment or happiness.
What does it Mean to Dream of Someone Crying in a House?
Dreaming of someone crying within a house can suggest that you’ve been waiting for an outcome to a situation for some time. You’ll soon discover it.
Unfortunately, it’s not the result you’ve been hoping for, and you’ll experience a run of bad luck. It could threaten your sense of security within yourself, and affect your opinion of how well you can adapt to a changing, challenging situation.
This situation will most likely be one you’ll have no control over. The only thing you will be able to control is your reaction, and how you react to this will color your future for a while.
Make sure it’s the one you think will help you.
What does it Mean to Dream of Crying Over a Dead Body?
Dreaming of crying over a dead body symbolizes a great nostalgia for the past, but it is impossible to “revive” this situation, as the dead body implies. This dream points to how you should be focusing on your waking life in the present, and what you can do now.
Alternatively, a dream of crying over a dead body indicates that you feel helpless to change a part of your life that you’ve lost control over. This just means you may need to change your perspective of the problem, or that you need to seek some outside help in order to resolve it.
You’ve been overthinking this situation for so long, you’ve backed yourself into a corner you didn’t need to. Make a tiny decision. Act on it. Do it again.そしてまた。 Suddenly, everything will seem a little easier.
What does a Dream of an Animal Crying Mean?

An animal crying in your dream has a particularly spiritual meaning. It may suggest that you’re ignoring your instincts in a time when you need to be emotionally sensitive toward someone else.
Maybe you hope to spare them from your honest thoughts, which you know they won’t want to hear.
It could be that you think something they’ve taken on won’t work out, but you don’t want to shatter their hopes. You want it to work just as much as they do, but that doesn’t mean it will.
Dreaming of an animal crying can also suggest you’ll be up against some tough competition in your working life, working toward a project which will compete against others. You’ll need to guard your words, your actions. This will ensure the other teams can’t steal your ideas.
Or, your dream of an animal crying can denote you’ll be swept up in a conflict which will have a lot of repercussions going forward. There’s a lot of stumbling blocks ahead, but that doesn’t mean you can’t overcome them.
If you dreamed of a pet crying, this indicates that you will succeed, despite chance being stacked against you.
What does it Mean to Dream of Crying While Saying Goodbye to an Ex?
Dreaming of someone specific usually means one of two things. Either, you’ve been thinking about them a lot lately, or, they’ll feature heavily in your life in the near future.
Dreaming of crying while saying goodbye to an ex indicates you’ll soon meet them again in a situation you couldn’t have expected.
If you dream of them leaving you and this is why you were crying, this dream indicates a point in the near future where you’ll take a big risk, as the payoff would be even bigger. Only time will tell if it is the right decision to make.
It may lead to a new relationship, which could see you grow and better yourself along a spiritual journey.
What does it Mean to Dream of Crying with Someone?
Dreaming of crying with someone mirrors a shared emotional experience with them in the future. It’s a good sign, as you’ll have a reason to celebrate. Maybe more than one.
It may be a traditional celebration, or a milestone of some sort, like a baby shower, an engagement, or a wedding, and it will mean a lot of positivity going forward.
This dream is telling you that when you find yourself in the middle of this event, enjoy every second, as it will make looking back even better.
What does a Dream of Losing Your Partner and Crying Mean?
Dreaming of losing a partner suggests that a current relationship is experiencing some problems. This might not even be a romantic relationship, but one that’s just as important to you.
You are conflicted about it, or you’re experiencing several arguments which you could do without. You feel frustrated, or it isn’t going as well as it has done in the past.
You may have even been taking this connection for granted, in the midst of stress and life’s everyday issues. Take a small break. Come back refreshed, and you’ll find the energy to repair this relationship.
Dreaming of losing your partner can also mean that while you don’t have any problems in your relationship, you value what you have, and you’re scared of losing them.
This is your brain’s way of playing out your worst case scenario. It’s not a sign you will lose them. Instead, it’s your brain taking stock, and deciding what it would do in that situation.
What does it Mean to Dream of a Friend Crying?
Dreaming of a friend crying can signify future trouble, which will affect both of your lives and possibly even the connection you share.
This trouble may be caused by dishonesty, indifference, or being too trusting of someone. If you realize what could potentially cause this problem, you can also prevent it from happening.
What does Dreaming of a Daughter Crying Mean?
If you have a daughter in waking life, understanding dreams that concern her can bring great things into your relationship with her. Your dreams can provide you with a deeper insight, subconscious cues you’ve picked up on, allowing a better connection between the two of you.
Dreaming of your daughter crying can reflect the worry you have for her in waking life, and the love you share. You want her to have a good life.
Maybe you’re worried that she won’t tell you if she’s going through a rough time, and you want her to be able to come to you when she needs help.
In this case, it’s worth reaching out to her to make sure she remembers that you’re there for her.
Or, a dream where your daughter is crying can mirror your frustration with her. Maybe she’s ignoring your advice when it’s a problem you’ve had yourself. You know what the outcome will be.
If you don’t have a daughter in waking life, this dream indicates that part of your life is out of balance. Your conscious mind is at odds with your unconscious, and this will lead to judgment errors in the future.
Having a dream of a daughter crying when you have no children can also suggest disappointment and anger. Someone has not supported you through a difficult and emotional situation, when you needed them most.
What does a Dream of Crying with Family in a Hospital Mean?
Dreaming of being in a hospital and crying with family is a bad sign for the future, as it points to difficult news about someone you love, indicating a health problem. Someone close to you will come to you for support in this.
It might not be as bad as it sounds. Maybe they’ve sliced a finger, or sprained something. They might even blow it out of proportion, but you’ll be so relieved you’ll forget to be angry with them.
What does an Unknown Woman Crying in Your Dream Mean?

An unknown woman crying in your dream indicates a busy future. It won’t be all positive or negative, it will involve a bit of both.
If you’re in a relationship, you’ll have trouble with your partner, or they’ll go through something that will require you to put something on hold in order to support them. It will cause a lot of stress for both of you, and it will either cement your relationship or break it.
If you’re single, and you dream of a strange woman crying, this can indicate how you want to take care of people.
You don’t have anyone that needs anything from you right now, and there’s a lot of energy that has nowhere to go. Think a little bigger.
A stranger crying in your dream for no apparent reason can indicate that someone will want answers from you in the future, and it will be an uncomfortable experience. This encounter will exhaust you, and you may feel powerless in a social situation.
If you comfort this stranger in your dream, this is a good sign. As the stranger might represent part of you, this dream is you resolving an inner conflict with yourself, maybe even one you didn’t know you had.
What does a Grandmother Crying in Your Dream Mean?
Dreaming of your grandmother crying represents the love and the concern she has toward you. It can also suggest you’re feeling awkward in a family matter, or you’re keeping a secret for someone which concerns someone else.
A dream of your grandmother crying can point to a hidden conflict in your family, that someone is trying to spare you from. You’ll discover it anyway, for good or bad.
If you have never known your grandmother, this dream suggests that because you’re so focused on other people, a situation will take you by surprise. This situation will affect your family, and that might be positive or negative.
What does it Suggest to Dream of a Dead Person Crying?
Dreaming of a dead person can be traumatic by itself. Dreaming of a dead person crying is another level.
The first thing to consider is the relationship you had with this person. This dream may just reflect your grief for them, or any other feelings you have when you think of them.
If you don’t know the deceased person in your dream, this person represents your caring nature, and how it might be struggling in a situation you cannot influence. You are finding it hard to watch someone suffer, though it’s something you can’t help with.
This dream may be telling you that there is a way you can help. It’s small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it might help them push through their problem.
This person can also embody your inner knowledge. While you are going through a difficult period in life, you know you have the courage to be vulnerable where it matters, and you’re open to great possibilities that will mean great things in the future.
This dream can be a call to realize what your inner emotions are telling you, and this scenario is a way of them coming to the surface in a controlled environment. You need to confront what problems you can, in order to move forward as best you can.
Dreaming of a dead person crying also has a spiritual meaning. It indicates that you’re unfortunately going to be in the middle of conflicts, or arguments.
This will leave you with little or no time to work on yourself and your dreams, but it will be necessary to get to the path you need to be on.
What does it Mean to Dream of Your Twin Crying?
If you are a twin, and you dream of your twin crying, this signals they’re going through a negative period in their life. Their health isn’t great, or they’re worrying about something important.
It symbolizes the link between you – as if you could forget – and you might have been experiencing some problems lately where you’re unable to agree on something.
Dreaming of your twin crying can point to future disappointments or arguments, or you feel you have no say over your own life, and it’s causing resentment.
Your twin can also embody your inner drive, your guiding spirit, and how you need to focus on yourself. Think about your goals, what you want, and what the differences are between you.
This dream is also calling you to strike a tricky balance. Keep this relationship strong, but also stay independent. You both have your own lives to lead, and one of you preventing the other from achieving their goals will only lead to hatred.
What does a Dream of a Sister Crying in the Dark Mean?
What a horrible dream. A dream where you hear or see your sister crying in the dark can represent your own sadness. While you may be refusing to acknowledge how sad you are (and you can be happy and sad at the same time), the feeling has made it into your dream.
Though you like to appear strong to those you love, so you won’t cause them unnecessary worry, you’re filled with worry. Insecurity colors every choice you make.
Or, a dream of your sister crying can reflect how you’ve recognized someone in your life is struggling, and that might not be your sister, but it was the first person your subconscious picked to fill this dream.
Your subconscious is urging you to help them, if it’s in your power to do so.
What does it Mean to Dream of Crying Because You’re Lonely?
This dream is a good sign.いいえ、本当に。 Dreaming of crying because you’re lonely indicates you’ll enjoy a lot of time with others in the future, and you won’t feel bored or conflicted.
While you have been feeling alone, or you currently feel isolated from people, this dream is a message that it won’t last forever. In the same way that dreams are transient, so is your current state.
Your dream might be indicating that you need to act. Waiting around for what you want doesn’t always happen. Reach out to someone.
What does a Dream of Crying to Your Mother Mean?
If you dream of going to your mother (or a mother figure) for comfort, this indicates you feel a lack of support in waking life. Maybe they’re also working through problems of their own, and you don’t want to trouble them.
This dream can suggest you have some issues of insecurity which you need to work through in order to grow, as they are hindering your relationships, and you feel you aren’t good enough to enjoy what you have in life.
Maybe you seek out validation from your loved ones to compensate for this.
Or, a dream of crying to your mother can suggest you’re frustrated with those you feel you’re close to. They’ve rejected you, or you feel insignificant when you’re with them, and your expression of sadness in the dream is calling you to change your life into what you want.
Feelings You May Have Experienced During Your Crying Dream:
Listless. Depressed. Lonely. Alone. Empathy. Misunderstood. Wanting to comfort others.感情の。無力。 Uncertain about the future.
Positive Changes Are Coming, If:
- You only cried for a short while.
- You realized why you were crying, or you knew already.
- You were able to stop crying.
- Someone else was able to stop crying.
- You comforted someone who was crying.