Dreams about heights are pretty standard. Most people have anxiety over being on a height, or at least feel uncomfortable about it.
Some people have a severe phobia about heights, which is labeled as acrophobia. These people have an irrational fear of heights, which usually rises when they find themselves in heights like tall stairs, buildings, mountains, and even hills, etc.
Mostly those who fear heights are not the only ones to dream about it, almost anyone can dream about heights. These dreams are very symbolic.
When dreaming about heights, we usually dream about being in a high place or falling from a height.
Sometimes we dream about seeing something placed somewhere high or dream of being afraid of heights.
Some people consider heights as something that they can conquer and manage to experience a sense of thrill while doing it.他の人は、高さを、彼らが直接的な見解を持っていないものと考えています。
Dreams about heights could be a sign of new and consuming events and thrills you could soon experience. In some cases, dreams of heights could symbolize hurdles and challenges that you might soon encounter. The bigger the height, the more significant the hurdle that you might come across to achieve your goals.
Such dreams often symbolize issues that are related to your career and work. After a dream about heights, you could come across problems with your business too.
Often dreams about heights expose you to achieve some great success in some field or get something that you want.
If you dreamed about being at a colossal height, or even if you dreamed that you were very tall, that dream is a sign of respect, power, and strength you possess along with the height. If you dreamed of being at low elevations , that usually symbolizes you being weak and feeling powerless or insignificant.
In some cases, dreams about heights could reveal that you feel scared by someone or something in your life.
You could feel that you are taking way too many liabilities to accomplish something if you wonder if it is worth the effort and the time you invest.
For determining the meaning of the dream, you need to determine if the dream is afraid of heights or not.
If a person who is not afraid of heights dreams about something like this, you are optimistic about accomplishing your goals and desires.
Dreams about heights and their interpretation
Dreaming about a fear of heights
If you dream about heights and are afraid of heights, it could indicate that you are scared of things you cannot control and cannot seem to make peace with.
A dream of fear of heights could sometimes indicate circumstances or events that will help you become a better person.
If you dreamed about height, but you aren’t afraid of heights, that dream is supposed to be a bad sign and usually indicates that the person you dreamed of has some personal problems.これらの問題は、あなたが知らないかもしれない、または知らないかもしれない問題です。 The person probably needs our assistance in dealing with the situation.
Dreaming of being at a great height
If you dreamed about being at a great height, it usually indicates good things. This dream often signifies significant accomplishments, reaching personal milestones, and being at a place that you constantly desired to be in life.あなたは人生でこれまでに達成したことに満足しています。 You have a feeling of being successful and knowing what it’s like to be at the top.
In some cases, this dream could also indicate you are triumphant, a significant obstacle that you have been facing, and you are feeling a lot of joy because of that.
時々、これらの夢はあなたが他の人よりも感じていることを明らかにします。つまり、あなたは自分自身を他の人よりもよく考えています。 On the other hand, this dream indicates that you watch out for some people who can cause you problems and embarrassment.
Dreams about someone falling from a height
あなたがこれを夢見ていたなら、それは良い兆候かもしれません。 It could indicate being successful and jumping over obstacles successfully while doing that. This dream could mean problems you might encounter soon, like an illness in the family or even yours.
A dream of falling could also signify you are falling from a current project and highlights your current problems in life and your inability to deal with them. It could also be a sign of confusion.
If the height you feel from was small, it indicates obstacles and problems, which luckily won’t last that long and will not cause as much damage.
If you feel from a higher altitude, you will soon infer a loss that will have a lot of repercussions and a negative effect.
If you dream that your baby fell from a high altitude, this dream is good. It means that you will come across some unexpected yet fortunate news.
Dreaming of climbing a great height
このようなことを夢見ていた場合、それはあなたの努力と現在の努力の成功を示しています。 If you were putting a lot of effort into the dream to climb the building, the plan shows success. But for that to happen, you will have to clear a lot of obstacles, and the ride to success won’t be easy but giving up is not an option.
Dreaming of being at a great height
This dream is considered a good sign. This dream is usually a sign of the success of any situation or business deal that you are involved in. This dream could confirm some goals and ideas you have because they are likely to be a success.
それは長年の欲求の履行であり、あなたが持っていることを望んでいる可能性があります。 Often this dream is a sign of success and financial gains that you might come across soon.
If someone else was next to you when you were at such a great height, it means you have nothing but love and respect for that person.
Dreaming of flying at great heights
If you dreamed about flying at great heights, it means having ambitions to go higher in life.あなたはおそらくそれを達成する方法を知っています。あなたはあなたの周りの人々に自信を持っていると考えることができます。 Others might view your goals and dreams as naive and unreal.
Try not to let others negatively influence you and lower your confidence.あなたはおそらく機会を見逃さない人々の一人です。
Dreaming of flying high and falling down
If you dreamed about this, it symbolizes you are facing fears about failing in the future, and all your decisions are being affected by it, and you can’t seem to gather any skills to finish the project you are working on.
Dreaming of a high tower
これは良い兆候です。 It means that you will infer a piece of good news very soon. This dream often indicates a promotion or an advancement in your career.