あなたが夢の中で淫乱を見るなら、それは恋愛の小さな葛藤があなたを期待していることを意味します。 There is a chance that you or your partner are too demanding, which is why you often have arguments that last even for a few days. You believe that you are not on the same page, but you don’t have the courage to talk about your future together.
When your partner is a nymphomaniac in a dream, it means that you are not sure if they love you. You are possessive by nature and like to be the center of attention of the person you are in a relationship with. As soon as you notice that you are not getting enough attention, you analyze every word that person says and look for proof that would confirm or deny your doubts.
この夢は、あなたがまだ古い愛を乗り越えていないことの明らかな兆候です。 Indeed, you don’t like them as before, but there are some feelings that you can’t ignore. You probably don’t think about that person all the time, but you remember the moments you shared from time to time.あなたはおそらく彼らに戻ることは決してないでしょうが、あなたは特定の人生であなたにとって大きな意味のある人を忘れることはできません。
If you dream of your family member or a friend admitting to you that they are a nymphomaniac, it means that you will accidentally reveal someone’s big secret.あなたは間違った場所に間違った時間にいて、あなたがすべきではない何かを聞くでしょう。 You will make sure to forget what you heard and not talk about it until the person in question is ready to share it with others.
If you dream of your partner accusing you of being a nymphomaniac, it means that you often wonder what other people think of you. You are not someone who fantasizes about everyone liking you, but you want to know what opinions others have of you. You probably haven’t heard anything negative about yourself so far, or such stories haven’t reached you yet.とにかく、あなたは自分の評判を心配する必要はありません。
Dreaming of lying that you are a nymphomaniac means that you are prone to looking for excuses for your bad decisions and actions in the wrong places.あなたは最初に誰かを怒らせ、それから謝罪します。 Your loved ones forgive you because they know that you don’t have bad intentions, but people who are yet to get to know you better will not like such behavior.それに加えて、あなたは自分の過ちを他の人のせいにすることができます。 When you decide to take responsibility for what you are doing and start learning from your mistakes, your life will be better, and history will not repeat itself.
夢の中で淫乱な人と話すことは、あなたがオープンマインドであることを意味します。あなたは常にみんなの態度、意見、決定を理解しようとします。 You might not agree with some things people do, and you believe that you would act differently, but it doesn’t even cross your mind to impose your attitude on them regarding such things. You avoid giving in to stereotypes, which is why you had a chance to meet a many interesting people and experience unforgettable things in life.
Arguing with a nymphomaniac in a dream means that you are trying to impose your opinions, decisions, or attitudes on other people in vain.あなたは最善の意図からそれをします、しかしあなたのアプローチは完全に間違っています。あなたはそのような行動であなたからすべての人を追い払うだけです。他のすべてが他の人の生活に直接干渉していると解釈するかもしれないので、誰かがそれを求めたときにのみアドバイスをするべきです。
When you dream of a nymphomaniac attacking you and you not being able to defend yourself, it means that the consequences of poor past decisions will backfire on you.止めることはできませんが、被害を最小限に抑える方法を見つけることができます。それをあなたにとって将来の重要な教訓にしましょう。
If you dream of a nymphomaniac attacking you, but you manage to defend yourself, it means that you will resist one temptation. You might have a chance to cheat on your partner with an attractive person because your loved one would never know about it, but you will give up on that idea after realizing that your actions would hurt them a lot.
Another possibility is that you will want to ruin your diet or fast with tasty food, but you will change your mind at the last moment.
Running away from a nymphomaniac in a dream means that you will not fall for provocations or someone’s manipulation.非常に狡猾な人はあなたを怒らせたり、何かをするようにあなたを説得しようとします。 However, you will see through their intentions on time and manage to avoid falling into a trap. You have a well-developed intuition, so it is a pity that you don’t listen to your gut more often.
Hiding from a nymphomaniac in a dream means that you are prone to exaggerating both the good and bad things that happen in your life. You are probably too egocentric to listen to people who have much bigger problems than you.人生で何かについて不平を言う理由があるかどうか、もう一度自問してみてください。
A dream in which you are chasing a nymphomaniac means that you will misinterpret someone’s words or intentions. There is a chance that someone will compliment you, but you will think that that person is flirting with you. Another possibility is that someone will give you a suggestion, but you will believe that they criticize you. Instead of reacting impulsively and saying something bad in the heat of the moment, think well about what that person has said.時々話されるよりも、話されていないことを後悔する方が良いです。
あなたが淫乱マニアと戦うことを夢見るとき、それはあなたが強い性欲を持っていることを意味します。 You radiate sexual energy lately, so there is a chance that people come to you and compliment you more than before. If you are looking for a short adventure, this period is suitable for something like that.しかし、あなたがあなたの人生の人に会うとは思わないでください。
Kissing a nymphomaniac in a dream means that you will create a big problem out of a small one. You will choose the wrong way to achieve one of your goals, which will bring you more harm than good.あなたが何をしようとしているのかよく考えれば、それをやめることができます。自分の決定について確信が持てない場合は、信頼できる人にアドバイスを求めてください。
If you dream of making love to a nymphomaniac, it means that someone’s ingratitude will hurt you. You will decide to help someone in trouble and will dedicate your time, effort, and money to them. However, they will not even thank you because that person believes that it was your duty to help them.そうすれば、次に誰に手を差し伸べるかについてよく考えることができます。
When a young woman dreams of marrying a nymphomaniac, it means that she has stopped believing in love.あなたは、人々はもはや愛から結婚するのではなく、個人的な興味から結婚すると思います。 However, you don’t have the stomach for something like that and believe that it would be better to be single for the rest of your life than to put yourself through such humiliation.
If an already married woman dreams of marrying a nymphomaniac, it means that your marriage is in a crisis.あなたとあなたのパートナーの間の情熱はなくなっているかもしれません、そして、あなたはそれを更新するというすべての希望を失っています。ただし、両方が努力すると、そのようなことが起こる可能性があります。
If a young man dreams of marrying a nymphomaniac, it means that he will make a wrong choice in life.後で後悔することを決定します。 You will believe that you are doing the right thing, but you will realize with time that it has only brought you more harm than good.
When an already married man dreams of marrying a nymphomaniac, it implies that he is not satisfied with his sex life. There is a chance that you don’t make love to your partner anymore because you are bored. You have to have a conversation about it with your loved one before they decide to leave you because that person believes that you are cheating on them. You can’t solve such problems overnight because both of you have to invest a lot of effort into being happy.一方、あなたがそれについて何もしないなら、あなたはあなたのパートナーを追い払うでしょう。