DreamsAstrology >> 占星術と夢 >  >> 占星術 >> おひつじ座


第 1 室の金星 :


第 2 室の金星 :


3室に金星 :

双子座の第3ハウスにある金星は、その人が美しい声や外交的な言葉の使い方で優雅なコミュニケーション能力を持っていることを示しています。彼らは、特に金融と投資の分野でビジネスを行うことに成功しています。金星が 2 室と 7 室を支配しているため、人は歌、演技、芸術などの創造的なスキルを継承することで、大きな富を得ることができることを示しています。



5ハウスに金星 :


6ハウスに金星 :

金星が乙女座の6ハウスにある場合。金星は2ハウスと7ハウスの支配星です。一般的に、金星が6度に位置することは良いとは考えられていません。 6ハウスの金星の場所は、その人が良い富と家族との関係を得られない可能性があることを示しています.彼の配偶者との関係は満足できないままであり、離婚に至る可能性さえあります。ただし、この人は日常業務を楽しむことができます。

7室に金星 :

If Venus is in 7th house in Libra sign. As Venus rules 2nd &7th house and sits in 7th house which is considered as its natural house. It indicates that persons having Venus in 7th house is generally very good looking and have a balanced relationship with spouse. For a person having Venus in 7th place, it is an extremely favorable environment for creative business. The spouse will be good looking and they will enjoy a romantic relationship.

Venus in 8th house :

If Venus sits in the 8th house in Scorpio sign indicates an energy exchange. As Venus is the 7th house lord, this position can create some trouble in married life due to non-transparency. This position can encourage an effort to keep emotions of love and relationships under control. When a person commits to someone, then they give themselves wholeheartedly and desire much the same in return. When it comes to money, Venus in the 8th house bestows favorable prospects in business and the acquisition of wealth. This position of Venus shows good inheritance gain.

Venus in 9th house :

Venus is in the 9th house in Sagittarius sign. The native who has such beneficial position would love traveling and enjoy their journey. Such a person loves to spend a lot of time reading about different traditions across the world, spirituality and being connected with different philosophies through the books. These persons also enjoy learning foreign languages to connect with foreigners. Due to this, Native of this position mostly has higher education in their academia.

Venus in 10th house :

Venus in the 10th house in Capricorn sign. The native of this position are loving, frugal and have great abilities for public relation, which produces a positive effect in front of the audience. Venus in10th house brings pleasant working surroundings and helpful co-workers. They also maintain a harmonic relation with people of authority. The people in this position will never be tired or bored while working as their occupation is a way to externalize their love.

Venus in 11th house :

Venus in the 11th house in Aquarius sign. The native may enjoy the luxurious wealth in the context of friendship and community association. The native will enjoy earning profits in the marketplace, through business development in areas of interest to woman. Many female friends both in family and friends would much profit through them.

Venus in 12th house :

Venus in the 12th house in Pisces sign. In Pisces sign, Venus gets exalted. Venus in this position gives luxuries and comfort. They make a career or investment in foreign countries. They can earn from the movie, theater, and dancing.

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