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乗り物に乗り出して、エキサイティングな冒険に出かけましょう。あなたには、数人しか匹敵しない勇気とスタミナがあります。 1 つの活動、タスク、または経験にあまり時間をかけません。人生はあなたにとって短すぎます。世界が提供する最高のものを体験しようと努力していると、時間がどんどん過ぎていきます。時を刻む時計の音が脳内で何度も再生されます。蝶のように、ある地域から次の地域へと飛び回り、新しい光景や音を取り入れます。 You have a quick wit and can entertain people with monologues and one-liners.


You are incredibly intelligent and can converse about any topic under the sun. Even at the classroom of hard rock, you are glad to obtain knowledge and strive for perfection. Your mighty brain and knowledge will be always in motion, moving from one topic to the next. No one will be able to keep up with you since your thoughts will be racing. You'll have moved on to something completely else before anyone can understand what's on your mind. When you grow bored, your strong brain will move one step ahead and jump to the next item. You'll recall even the slightest details and obscure trivia.

Lack of consistency

You will not be able to keep your mind in one place for an extended amount of time. Your mind is always roaming. Commitment is rarely a constraint. You'll never be able to stay consistent with anything because of your flexibility and sharpness. You'll have a lot of half-finished tasks and will constantly switch topics or projects. It's not because you're lazy; it's because you're easily sidetracked.

Lack of decision-making ability

You will easily and rapidly alter your opinion about the positive aspects of your life that you desire. You are erratic, and taking on responsibilities will be difficult for you. You're a visionary who doesn't mind delegating tasks that takes too much attention. You're not a good planner since you look at everything from several perspectives and keep assessing things without making a choice. Your mind will be filled with questions that will prevent you from making a final decision. Because you become bored easily, you are impetuous and changeable. As a result, you may miss out on key life chances.

How is Gemini woman in love and relationships?

In love and relationships, the Gemini lady is adorable, vivacious, feminine, and appealing. You're always on the go, busy, noisy, chatty, and erupts at the first opportunity. Once you become bored, you are unable to be in love or relationships. In love and relationships, you can't stand monotony and mediocrity. Your quick wit, intellect, diverse hobbies, and sociability will entice your spouse. You will aggressively seek for your soulmate, but you will never be desperate or allow your emotions to control you.

  1. ふたご座マンスリースター2014年4月

  2. ジェミニマンスリーホロスコープ2015年9月

  3. ジェミニマンスリースター2015年6月

  4. ジェミニ2016年11月

  5. ジェミニ2016年9月

  6. ジェミニマンスリーホロスコープ2016年3月

  7. ジェミニマンスリーホロスコープ2016年2月

  8. ジェミニ2017年3月

  9. ジェミニ2018年3月